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Sooo...if the list in TCG is real

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Monsters: 20

3: Wind Up Shark
3: Wind Up Rabbit
3: Wind Up Rat
2: Wind Up Magician
1: Wind Up Warrior

3: Tour Guide from the Underworld
2: Effect Veiler
1: Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
1: Sprite Reaper
1: Sangan

Spells: 11

3: Mystical Space Typhoon
2: Forbidden Lance
2: Book of Moon
1: Monster Reborn
1: Dark Hole
1: Mind Control
1: Pot of Avarice

Traps: 9

2: Bottomless Trap Hole
2: Torrential Tribute
2: Solemn Warning
1: Solemn Judgment
1: Mirror Force
1: Trap Stun

Extra: 15

2: Wind Up Zenmaines
1: Wind Up Zenmaity
1: Wind Up Zenmaioh
1: Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1: Andrus, Keeper of Armageddon
1: Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1: Number 39: Utopia
1: Number 30: Acid Golem
1: Number 20: Giga-Brillant
1: Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1: Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1: Leviair the Sea Dragon
1: Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Dragon
1: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon/Flame Ghost (if I add a Instant Fusion to the main)

Or I might just play X-Sabers lol

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I have not gotten a chance to test Trap Stun....but it usually works well in explosive decks like this.

Extra Posted

[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344665338' post='6003806']
Doesn't Wind-Up Factory become better because of all this?

It does....but I need room for other stuff and that seemed like the most logical thing to drop

Other ideas I had were to tech Genex Birdman and Kitten for trolling...but it does not fit with the deck at all....if only it was lvl3.

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344668504' post='6003829']
Either Factory or another Pot of Avarice.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Trap Stun and Mirror Force are still bad.

Mirror Force has never been bad for the simple fact people think its bad and don't expect...so they usually run into it (it is terrible against inzektors though)

Trap Stun is great is "set 4 pass" formats....I still have to test it though. I'm iffy on the 2nd Avarice....Since I won't be looping with Zenmaity I have a feeling I would not be loading up my grave fast enough for 2.

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