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Miracle Contact Sucks

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I wanted to make a deck that uses Miracle Contact and isn't Air Neos OTK. It hasn't been testing well, but I did manage to OTK against a Zenmaines.

[spoiler="Dolphin and Scarab"]
Monsters - 15
[2]Elemental HERO Neos
[3]Elemental HERO Prisma
[3]Neo Space Pathfinder
[2]Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
[2]Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab
[1]Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
[1]Elemental HERO Stratos
[1]Gorz, Emmisary of Darkness

Spells - 19
[3]E - Emergency Call
[3]Miracle Contact
[2]Miracle Fusion
[2]Convert Contact
[2]Pot of Duality
[1]Neo Space
[1]Mystical Space Typhoon
[1]Foolish Burial
[1]Reinforcement of the Army
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 6
[2]Solemn Warning
[2]Torrential Tribute
[1]Solemn Judgment
[1]Mirror Force

Extra Deck - 15
[1]Elemental HERO Magma Neos
[1]Elemental HERO Grand Neos
[2]Elemental HERO Flare Neos
[2]Elemental HERO Aqua Neos
[2]Elemental HERO Nova Master
[2]Elemental HERO The Shining
[2]Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
[1]Elemental HERO Neos Knight
[1]Blade Armor Ninja
[1]Heroic Champion Excalibur[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Storm Neos"]
Monsters - 14
[2]Elemental HERO Neos
[3]Elemental HERO Prisma
[2]Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
[2]Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
[1]Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
[1]Neos Alius
[1]Elemental HERO Stratos
[1]Gorz, Emmisary of Darkness

Spells - 18
[3]E - Emergency Call
[3]Convert Contact
[2]Miracle Contact
[2]Miracle Fusion
[2]Pot of Duality
[1]Mystical Space Typhoon
[1]Foolish Burial
[1]Reinforcement of the Army
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 8
[2]Solemn Warning
[2]Torrential Tribute
[1]Compulsory Evacuation Device
[1]Bottomless Trap Hole
[1]Solemn Judgment
[1]Mirror Force

Extra Deck - 15
[1]Elemental HERO Grand Neos
[2]Elemental HERO Air Neos
[2]Elemental HERO Aqua Neos
[2]Elemental HERO The Shining
[2]Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
[1]Elemental HERO Neos Knight
[1]Elemental HERO Great Tornado
[1]Blade Armor Ninja
[1]Heroic Champion Excalibur[/spoiler]

It's weird as heck that Aqua Dolphin is a Warrior, but Reinforcement can be used to search it, along with Path Finder if I really need to.

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Dolphin is a Warrior because early designs for Dadnylion would be a Warrior.
Its because at the time Dandylion, Dolphin, and Neos all appeared together in the same episode, as such, they made them all Warriors just for consistency with the rest of Jaden's deck.
At least, I think that's how it goes.

Either way, it also explains why Dandylion is a Warrior in Wc06.

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i guess that makes sense, even if the overall logic of it doesn't.

Alius is kind of useless in this deck except as a beatstick and a LIGHT Hero, and Pathfinder could probably do better at 3, but the deck just wants so many cards that it makes it hard to make any changes =[

I guess Honest could be used in the deck, too, but that's kinda lame and gimmicky.

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I think replacing Bottomless Trap Hole with a "Dimension" trap card would be a good idea.Maybe add in a least 1 glow moss for the deck,a necroshade, and a Rainbow veil.Card Trooper would also help to shorten your deck and give more strategies in the graveyard.I think there needs to be some different fusion monsters for the extra deck to be used in a good way.

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Myself is not fond with contact fusions, because it always returned to deck at the end phase. If you have tested your deck, I'm eager to learn how did it works at the battle.
And I think you're not put a lot of effort to prevent the fusion to return, perhaps there's your intention.
If running a fusion deck or any other trigger happy deck which depletes my hands fast, I'm sure to put the Morphing Jar despite it also replenish my opponent hands. With a catch that I can overwhelm my opponent faster and squeeze his/her LP faster than he/she could.
Do you ever heard about GB Hunter ? Some people said it is good for Neos fusions, but I doubted it. It is the only monster that could prevent Neos fusions to return though. And being a monster, it is easily searchable, and revivable.

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