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What would your town be like if Pokemon were real?


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[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1345866069' post='6012430']
Jeez, I can't believe I'm not allowed to download anything. I wanna try and make my neighborhood on a Pokemon map maker using Google maps as a reference. Stupid limited users on a shared computer...>_<
[/quote]Totally didn't just spend the last 2 weeks doing that...

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Pokemon in the area (based on the areas in and around Baltimore, MD, USA. Evolutions of them as well): Krabby, Purrloin, Pidgey, Stantler, Grimer, Trubbish, Zigzagoon, Murkrow, Magikarp, Basculin, Zubat, Wingull, Pachirisu.

Gym: Fighting/Normal/Water depending on which area of the city you put it in.

My Team: Honchkrow, Lucario, Houndoom

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Along with thgeir evolution lines. Yeah, it would be pretty nice to have in my areaa. Out of these, my team would be....

Torterra, Stoutland, Lopunny, Milotic, Glacion, Staraptor. Not bad.

Gym would probably be Ice or Normal.

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My neighborhood is pretty ghetto. There'd be a lot of pokemon based off domestic animals (Poochyena, Skitty, etc.) running around wild along with a whole bunch of birds bugs and snakes. I'd probably take my dog (who'd turn into a Poochyena, Houndour, or Growlithe). If there was a gym, it'd probably be a Dark or Fighting type.

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344614258' post='6003043']
Idea sprung up from the "what if anime were real" thread.

If Pokémon existed, what pokemon would appear where you live, what would the gym be of the closest city to you, and what would you want your team to be?

What's a town with a beach but not an island? Err Slateport, but that'd be more Portsmouth. Sandgem! Yeah, Sandgem would be Bournemouth for sure.

What Pokemon would appear. Not a clue. Just like, whatever one's are based off real animals instead of random splodges. Seagulls and whatnot. Gym? Err don't think I can answer that either. The theme would have to be nightclub-based though surely, Bournemouth's known for that.

My team would just be all Cyndaquil's because Cynda is f***ing awesome.

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Well, here's what I think could be in my desert town:

The general area:

Out in the distance, Sandslashes can be seen in Midday, looking for food.
Diggletts can pop-up every now and then, but often kill themselves by trying to pop-up underneath streets, and try often ruin small houses. They we were hunted out due to annoyance, but the EPA came along and said stop it, and listed them as endangered spices in 1978.
Trapinches are common in dry areas. People are often told on warnings for them, and are giving leg and arm protection.
Flygon are often seen roaming the skies, and they fly at an average speed, make it hard to spot head on.

Replacing the every now and then boulders, Onix and Boldore. Onix for large sized ones, and the small and/or average sized ones. Boldore's rock hard hide has turned white by evolution for camouflage.

By the local airport/spaceport, we have the flying Sigilyphs, toughed for what made rain and moonbows for centuries.
Gardevoir and Gallade families are seen by the workers, and some help workers, while the workers help get food for them in return.
Rumors of an "angel" roaming the airplane graveyard, locals call it Deoxys, but it is often dismissed by scientists, due to it covering it's tracks.

On large trees, Caterpies can be seen, sleeping, climing, or playing on them.

When a business closes down, or when the Elk Loge is closed for the night, Mismagius and Dusknoir are reported, but they never do damage to people, or the buildings.

During the heat waves, and the intense summers, Charmanders and Heatmors are seen.

At the park, or grassy areas, Snivy and Servine are seen, and often walk up to people. And in some large grass areas, Serperior can be seen.

On Mount Mojave, 1 Dragonite and 1 Salamence live there.

During the sunrise and day, Pidgeot are seen, but at dusk and night, Murkrow and Honchkrow are seen.

Every thing here is based off of my town. Even the pokemon's ways of living.

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Very, very urban, so Grimer, Trubbish and some Stunky. Perhaps some Purrloin from all the local cats. But I suppose the docks are nearby, so some Wingull, Pelipper and Swanna. I'd certainly want a Victini or one of the Pixie trio. The Pixie trio are small (like oneself) and Fire/Psychic is probably my favourite type combination ever. Pigeons are quite rare around where I live (some people like to shoot them), so not many Flying-types. Some Caterpie, Beedrill and Pineco in the local park.

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  • 2 months later...

I live right in the middle of the biggest city in the country, so there'd definitely be some Muks and Weezings and Garbodors. Maybe even some Conkeldurrs moving stuff around. Specifically, I live in a quiet sub-urb that's minutes away from bustling downtown, so it would be more of an interesting mix between those and things like Pidgeys, Lillipups, Caterpies, and other Pokes based on animals I see every day.
Toronto's situated on Lake Ontario, so lots of Water-types hanging around, too. The gym would probably be Water-based -- if not, Steel or Electric.

My team:[list]

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  • 2 weeks later...

We'd probably have a Water gym, but it'd be very similar to Elesa's in terms of design: big, flashy, and it attracts lots of non-trainer tourists as well as trainers looking for a badge.

In terms of wild Pokemon there'd mostly be Water- or Flying-types (Wingull, Wingull everywhere) along with city-ish Pokemon here and there. It'd be very varied. Maybe some Natu/Xatu down by the Everglades.

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I think, simply because of the diversity and pregnancy rates in my city not to mention location, that there will a lot of breeding going around so we'll have dittos like crazy. And even though Im nowhere near a desert or volcano, We would have fire types like Arcanine and Cyndaquil. Rattata and every other Domestic Pokemon would be able to found. Since we have surprisingly clean water we would host quite a few water types near the well. A lot of Feebas and maybe a Suicune. Grass types would live in parks, the cemeteries, and in schools along with flying, ghost/dark, electric/steel types. The police force would have to use dragons. Our gym would symbolize violence so a steel/rock gym with Two Elite 4 members hailing from our town. Psychic types would be here alot because we have a crap ton of churches and schools. In the summer BUGS GALORE.
I live In Newark.

Annnd Im not even done yet...Cause I have to consider most if not all of what Merciful Idiot described.

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