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What would your town be like if Pokemon were real?


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Stantlers, Deerlings and Sawsbuck would be in my backyard; I see deer all the time.
There'd probably be some Zigzagoons, all the Normal/Flying Types, and maybe a Celebi lurking somewhere.

My town's pretty tranquil and nice and my neighborhood's on a mountain. So I'd say my town's gym would either be Grass or Bug Type.

My team?
and something else.

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Realized I never answered this myself.

My town's just North of a major city, but it doesn't have a lot of what the city has, so no Grimer or such for me, maybe a few trubbish in random places, but it's fairly clean. Mainly just residential. In other words, a basic suburb.

[spoiler='As far as what'd be most common to see'] During the day, there'd be Pachirisu, Buneary, and some Murkrow; Deerling, Sawsbuck, and Stantler from time to time; most birds, with Pidgeys becoming more relevant near any shopping centers or places where people visit a lot. Of course, they'd be rare, but my town's named after the animal, so Vulpix every once in a while.

All of the bugs as well, don't really want to name them, but you get the idea.

Oh, also some stray cats and randomly a skunk or random animal that still makes sense to be there, can't think of any others atm.

I also have a pretty big lake nearby, so Goldeen, Finneon, Lumineon, and Basculin would probably appear there.

At night, you'll find A LOT of Zubats and Swoobats. They just seem to be there. You see them flying around from tree to tree if you're paying attention at night. You'll also find Zigzagoons and Linoones scavaging around, as well as Hoothoots and Noctowls. And the assortment of bugs again.[/spoiler]

Milwaukee would be the major city I spoke of before. As for what gym it would have, that's a tough one. It was originally based, and probably still is, on shipping, as it's on the lake at the intersection of 3 rivers. The city is known for beer, but I don't know how that'd work. Also known as the "City of Festivals" since there are like 50 every summer. Was an industrial powerhouse before the decline of industry in the US. Most famous landmark is probably the art museum. You may have seen it in that crappy 3rd transformers movie in which they portrayed it as that one dude that turned out to be evil's office... in Chicago. Dick move.

So basically, as far as a gym is concerned, I'm thinking it'd be either Water, Steel, Poison, Normal, or Fighting. If Desu shows up, I'll ask for his thoughts as well.

My team: Typhlosion, Flygon, Empoleon, Abomasnow, Braviary, and Gallade.

EDIT: I'm talking about the stance from my village, which is just a suburb of Milwaukee. Milwaukee is much much different, with more of what you'd expect from a city, and, well, a sh*t ton of Wingull. All area to the north and to the west is farmland until the next city, so again, there's a huge difference within not that much of a distance... I can see why Nintendo only uses small areas when making their regions.

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I would probably live in the town you start in. I'm surrounded by nothing, but if you go far enough, you'll come across more towns.

My team:

I travelled a lot to see relatives when I was a kid, so thats why I would have rare Pokemon.

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Hmmm. My hometown is really large and is split in two geographically, so I'd have to take that into account.

[b]North[/b] - All forests and farmland, pretty hilly. Grass, Bug, occasionally Psychic, maybe even Ghost?
[b]South[/b] - Flatter and more urban. Ground, occasionally Poison or Dark, Ice in the winter.
[b]Both[/b] - Normal and Flying.

Gym would probably be in the northern bit, although I can't choose a type for it so I think it'd just be multipurpose. As for me, I wouldn't want to be a full-time trainer, so...

- Forretress
- Pachirisu

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Well, considering that there is a large river in my city (yet it is a nasty place), a bunch of pokemon that thrive in dirty waters can live there, like the ever-so-elusive Feebas, Stunfisk, and Grimers. It also is quite loaded with urban homes, so Flying-Type pokemon like Starly, Pidove and Taillow would be common. Unfortunately, due to there being a sewage treatment area, Poison-Type pokemon would love being here.

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Pidgeys and Rattatas all about. I haven't played Pokemon is a while, so I can't tell exactly what sort of Pokemon there would be, bu there's lots of woods and birds so things like Sawsbuck or Swellow can appear. Probably some Buneary, Beautifly, and Mightyena/Poochyena as well.

And I'd run a consistent build of Ghost or Dark-type Pokemon. It's a quaint place so I would maybe be the Gym Leader there.

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I live in a quiet neighborhood and everything is stereotypically normal. So the gym would be a Normal type gym.
Construction is nearby, so some Geodude, Graveler, and Golem, as well as Machop (and its evolutions) would be around. Lazy though, since construction is slow as hell around here.

Water Pokemon would be in the lake behind my apartment. Other than that, it'd just be a bunch of Pidgeys and Starlys. Hoothoots and Noctowls at night.

My team would be Typhlosion, Hydreigon, Braviary, Garchomp, Lapras, and Torterra.

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...... Oh boy.

My town has a little bit of Swampland, Water, Forests, and Grasslands/Fields.
So you could probably find Pokemon who lived in those areas, along with the air and urban Pokemon here.

Local Gym: Like Vermillion only the gym leader would be [s]the smexi boy that is mine[/s] my good friend Jarrett. And I would be located here 99.9% of the time [s]ogling[/s].

[u]My Team(LeafGreen Team) [/u]
Itachi - Charizard - Male
Mako - Vaporeon - Male
Exeggutor - Male (Still no name for him yet)
Sasuke - Jolteon - Male
Dragon - Pidgeot - Male
Princess - Dragonite - Female

Plus with the PC system I would have access to [b]all[/b] my other Pokemon.

So in conclusion, if Pokemon were real and in my home town and if we could have access to all Pokemon in the games we play then I would most likely try to take over the world with my army of Pokemon and my Groudon named Venis. /Totally honest.

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[quote name='Comrade TentaSparkle' timestamp='1344649180' post='6003542']
Dang, I live close to you. O_o
Kewl. Florida was almost 70% water locked so I deduced the beach climate and felt beach-type pokemon would suffice. A water gym seemed also logical.

Now if this were New York I would have a much different opinion.

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[quote name='Tentalus Therapist' timestamp='1344650629' post='6003569']
So no jealousy that I have an abundant source of Feebas in my city?
[/quote]I live near a great lake. Let's see who's more "abundant".

Well that was weird to type...

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344652993' post='6003598']
I live near a great lake. Let's see who's more "abundant".

Well that was weird to type...

Nah, your Feebas would be hidden deep under the water and will be next to impossible to find. My Feebas, however, are in a running river and are thriving very well in it.

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[quote name='Tentalus Therapist' timestamp='1344698765' post='6004058']

Nah, your Feebas would be hidden deep under the water and will be next to impossible to find. My Feebas, however, are in a running river and are thriving very well in it.
[/quote]Bass aren't hard to catch. :\

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How cool would it be to have an automatic Google-maps to Pokemon map generator?

As for me, Ekans would live in the conservation area I live next to. There are also some geese, but I'm not sure what Pokemon would fit that.
Gym type would probably be either ground- or water-type, cause we live near a beach.

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My city (Jakarta) would be flooded with undercover Team Rocket, bikers, and gangsters. If there's a Gym, it'll probably be either a Ground or a Poison one. Water Pokemon are rare might find it a little hard to survive, as there's little to none of big bodies of waters, and the rivers are muddy and disgusting, poor people wash themselves and poop in them, and we also tend to throw our trash there. Pokemon like Quagsire might live there... Actually, there's trash all over the roads as well so..

Pokemon will probably be mostly used for evil things, and crime rates will probably shoot up exponentially with things suddenly becoming a whole lot easier for us pathetic humans.

But at the same time, it could be a great help as there are also a lot of beggars and disabled people in Indonesia. I've always hated it whenever I see a man begging on the road without arms or legs, or a small group of children running about in rags, banging sticks to metal disks as horrible entertainment to earn money, and they only earn that out of pity. With Pokemon, things will be a lot easier for them to live.

Schools will probably be a lot more friendly, and all the students will probably be trying to use Pokemon to play pranks on each other, mainly through moves like Hypnosis. Boys will probably use Ghost Pokemon to sneak cameras into girls' private rooms like lockers and washrooms, and record them while they're changing or needing to take a piss. They may go as far as using them to plant cameras in a hottie's, their girlfriend's, or their crush's rooms. Girls will probably use them to threaten boys they either like or don't like, or at the very least spy on other girls' affairs- in which case, gossip would suddenly become thrice as big, and also use them to constantly check whether their boyfriends are cheating on them or not, and Hyper Beam them when they're caught in the act. In other words, absolutely no privacy for a teenager.

Though at the same time, those afraid of Pokemon or those who don't have one will probably be teased and bullied constantly...

There are a few simulated western areas however, condensed and shielded from the outside horrible 'kampung' (village) world that is Jakarta. I, as well as nearly all my RL friends, live in them. Urban Pokemon probably roam these places, as well as Forest Pokemon since these areas are still in the process of westernization, and thus quite a few areas have still been left as forests. But to be honest, the Pokemon around there might've been imported from outside countries instead of living there naturally.

Natural Forest Pokemon may roam Jakarta, trying to live in a dirtridden place where trees, while many, are surrounded by roads and careless motorcycle drivers. Most of these natural Pokemon will probably accidentally die, while the lucky ones may discover a safehaven place of trees without roads and carbon dioxide.

One more thing I shouldn't forget. Probably about 60-70% of the Pokemon population in Jakarta will be used as 'slave labor', to work for sweatshops with no reward other than food and water.

This is a realistic depiction of my town as a Pokemon town.

Life is great, isn't it?

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My city would be decent then...
Swanna are more swans lol. As far as a description I'm not feeling very creative right now, it's a built up area so I'd expect a lot of the Unfezant line, Durants and the Raticate line, probably a declining number of Grimer and Muk. Alot of Machokes and Machamps used in the warehouses.

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I have lots and lots of very nice forests, trees and lakes. Mountains too.
So, mostly Stantler, those deer things, Pinecos, Beedrills, Taillows, Rattatas, Spinaraks, Dustox, Mothims, Yanmas, that poison frog, lots of fishies, a few Geodudes, Sudowoodos, Oddishes, Bellsprouts, Hoothoots, Swana, Pidgeys, Snover, a few ice types in the winter, and lots of Ursaring.

I would probably catch Pokemon from my area, so:
I can't decide. I would travel to the city where my granparents live to catch 2 Zigzagoons, though. Then I would try to teach them hyper beam.

I think there would be a gym located in the mountains (so as to provide a challenge getting there) that would feature Ice and Ground or Rock types.
The leader's best Poke would be an Aggron. That would be hardcore. :P

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Bugs, lots of bugs. The gym would be Bug or Normal Type. We have a a couple parks/fields/forests here and there, but any pokemon you find would be in large abundance, and little variety.

We'd have so many giant, venomous, careless, short-tempered bugs crawling around the city/fields. You wouldn't be able to step outside your [b]door[/b] without a pokemon, let alone the town! There are some rodents, some mammalian creatures here and there, maybe a psyduck. Otherwise you get bugs that will feed off the weak!

It's not horrible around here or anything, it's just that it's boring, and animals wouldn't stick around, given the chance.
So we'd be left with the scum crawlers. The fanged, flying, not-so-pleasant looking 6-8 legged buggers that could swarm you at any moment.

So as much as I'd love 1-foot hungry arachnids/centipedes, and exploding pinecones everywhere, I think we're better off not living in the world of pokemon. :/

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