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Joshcooper's Deck - YVD - Current Usage Decks (testing).


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These are my current dekcs i use in YVD, at the mo imm just testing, as i havnt dueled with 'proper' rules and decks before but these seem alrite at the moment. Im also no good at building decks, so the first one is built around a base.


Ojarmour: ( for fun games with my brothers)

1|Sod|Armed Dragon LV7

2|Sd1|Armed Dragon LV5

2|Sd1|Armed Dragon LV3

3|Dcr|Ojama Green

3|Dp2|Ojama Yellow

3|Ioc|Ojama Black

2|Fet|Rescue Cat

2|Rds|Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast

1|Sd3|Premature Burial

1|Sd1|The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension

1|Sod|Level Up




2|Lon|Fusion Gate

1|Sd8|Nobleman of Crossout

1|Sd09|Mystical Space Typhoon

2|Lod|Heart of Clear Water

3|Ioc|Ojama Delta Hurricane

3|Dp2|Ojama Trio

1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole

1|Sd4|Call Of The Haunted

2|Ep1|Return from the Different Dimension

3|Sod|Ojama King

3|Fet|King Dragun

3|Lon|The Last Warrior from Another Planet

3|Mfc|XY-Dragon Cannon

3|Mfc|XYZ-Dragon Cannon

3|Mfc|XZ-Tank Cannon

3|Mfc|YZ-Tank Dragon


2|Ioc|Dimension Fusion

2|Mfc|Frontline Base

2|Mrl|Shining Angel

3|Dp2|Z-Metal Tank

3|Mfc|Y-Dragon Head

3|Mfc|X-Head Cannon


Horus Deck: (more serious)

2|Sod|Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

1|Sod|Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

2|Ske|Mystic Tomato

1|Sd2|Spirit Reaper


1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior

2|Sd5|Exiled Force

3|Crv|Cyber Dragon

1|Crv|Cyber End Dragon


2|Pgd|Don Zaloog

1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady

2|Pgd|Gravekeeper's Spy

2|Sd6|Apprentice Magician


2|Mfc|My Body As A Shield

1|Cp01|Enemy Controller

1|Cp01|Enemy Controller

1|Pgd|Book of Moon

1|Ysd|Heavy Storm

1|Tlm|Brain Control

1|Sd5|Reinforcement of the Army

1|Tp7|Last Will


1|Db2|Graceful Charity

1|Cp01|Pot of Avarice

1|Sd6|Nobleman of Crossout

1|Sd1|Swords of Revealing Light

1|Sd09|Mystical Space Typhoon

2|Db2|Royal Decree

1|Pgd|Ring of Destruction

1|Sd5|Call Of The Haunted

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

2|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole


2|Sdj|Giant Trunade

2|Crv|Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai

2|Crv|Dragon's Mirror

2|Dcr|Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou

1|Rds|Monster Reincarnation

1|Potd|Mausoleum of the Emperor

1|Potd|Mausoleum of the Emperor

1|Sd5|Exiled Force

2|Rds|Mirage Dragon

1|Sod|Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8


;p Josh?

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I would like to comment on your Horus deck its not bad but heres how I would do it.


Monsters: 19

X2 Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV 8

X3 Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV 6

Mobius the Frost Monarch

X2 Cyber Dragon

X2 Mirage Dragon

X2 Spirit Reaper

Big Shield Guardna

DD Assailant

DD Warrior Lady

Treeborn Frog


Breaker the Magic Warrior


Magic: 13

Graceful Charity

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Snatch Steal

Brain Control

Premature Burial

X3 Smashing Ground/X3 Shield Crush

X2 Nobleman of Crossout

Nobleman of Extermination

My Body as a Shield/Enemy Controller/Nobleman of Extermination


Traps: 8

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole

X2 Widespread Ruin

X2 Solemn Judgment


The Reason, and its a big one.


To make a decent competative deck you have to look at the best counters for this deck and they are Exiled Force, DD Warrior Lady/Assailant, Bottomless Trap Hole, Sakuretsu Armor/Mirror Force, etc. This deck can easily take care of most of its threats.


Mirage Dragon is in because it has amazing protection for Horus when you're on the offensive. No Sakuretsu Armors, Widespread Ruins, or Mirror Forces when Mirage is on the field - and those cards will most likely be the most common forms of Horus destruction. For the same protection while you're on the defensive, Solemn Judgment and My Body as a Shield offer the same type of protection against things like DD Warrior Lady, Exiled Force, or Zaborg the Thunder Monarch.


While Mirage Dragon protects, it does not destroy. Mobius the Frost Monarch and Nobleman of Extermination help to take out Sakuretsus and Widespreads, so that if Mirage isn't around you can still attack freely. Widespread Ruin also has nice synergy with Nobleman of Extermination, allowing you to take out Sakuretsus without fear of removing your own. Treeborn Frog helps with the massive amount of tributes. Also, don't disregard Big Shield Guardna - Dark World will probably be very big this format, and with Nobleman of Crossout back to two, Big Shield can eat Nobleman and Dark World Lightning alive.

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