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[DN] Fran Ken.dek


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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344552035' post='6002381']
This isn't Dark Worlds![/quote]
Its ironic, I was chatting with a possible Darkworld idea the other day.

[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344552035' post='6002381']idk, book of moon?[/quote]

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344553071' post='6002410']
Silly Armz! Book of Room doesn't exist![/quote]
And then Konami prints- *shot*

[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1344553071' post='6002410']OT: Is 3 evacs really necessary?[/quote]
I could trim it to 2 Bottomless and that Book.

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