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Yugioh: Story of Ages OOC (PG-13 Started Accepting)

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Your going to need a [size=3][b][u]LOT[/u][/b] [/size]more apps I should say. The reason people could be not joining is because the information given is quite vague and the cameo characters have no connection to the plot in any form.

[s]Why would Yliaster join a bunch of Antagonists that are all like “We are going to rule the world and blow it up!”?[/s]
[s]Why would the Tron Family join them if they have no reason to be Antagonists (Why did you for some reason forget Dr. Faker)?[/s]
Also, you haven't told us anything about Roba so how can people act out its Personality?

I am just saying that the RP will more likely die with a crippled team that has no Scientists to get them through time and a minor Antagonist. Maybes you can improve the plot before actually starting because that might actually attract more people into joining. I honestly can't see this RP finishing or even start off well. -_-

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The reason I joined this was because I felt like doing a Yugioh RP. Most weren't accepting, so I chose this. Personally, I thought of it as a bit... forced. There were all kinds of Cannons, and there was a long list of scientists. Honestly, I think you should delete the list of characters that people can be, and instead, just let people make their own guys. If they want to be cannon, let them, but I think people will want original characters. Plus, scientist seems like a dull role to play. Chances are, they're gonna get stuck in the lab while the interns do their own thing. Scientists should mostly be generic, and anybody can use them as needed. Anyway, this could be sped along a bit more if we could play multiple characters, saying somebody could have a hero, and a couple antagonists, posting for each as needed. For the general story, as well as the antagonist stuff, we should just go with whatever comes up.

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People usually in RPs prefer to be[i] bad[/i] by taking the villain spot because they are more likely to get importance in the plot by being noticed and get stopped by a Protagonist instead of being ignored. Or pick multiple characters as mentioned that can give them diversity. I think the cannon problems have been said a lot of times and repeated from since I said it -_-... But the RP hasn't even started yet, so you can't really know how boring the role of a Scientist or Canon will be. We have a guy with minions and weapons (Probably) jolting through time, he could appear at anytime and anyplace. It's not all boring on the Scientists perspectives!

If we are allowed to make more than one APP, then to make the perspectives for the Scientists more interesting, I will reserve a Scientists. However, he is secretly a antagonist that is spying and hacking data at [Insert Protagonist company] to give to Roba so that Roba knows where and when the interns are going to race to that area and kill them before they after the people of the time. His deck is going to mirror his attitude and be Crashbugs, but before I make the APP, could I have permission to make Scientist guy's signature be Number 34 and maybes add some more customs to add to the deck.

...Actually, I think Nathaniel would need a bit more support for maintaining Macro Cosmos on the field and searching for Macro Cosmos. So I will probably pm the customs to you Bakugan for you to judge whether they are balanced or not (I am a bit rusty) once I have an idea for what cards both characters will use. Plenty of time.

[b]@Random: [/b]are you still in this? If you are, you are going to tell us once you've edited your APP to the standards. [i]Right[/i] :)

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I guess you can just replace it with some of the stuff discussed such as the requirements to be accepted and that any character can be selected. If any are left out when we need them (I can guarantee), maybes some people can use them as NPC's.

Maybes the reason people aren't wanting to be canon characters (Besides reasons already explained) is because it would be awkward creating a starting sample because normally the 1st post by you would guide everyone through their beginning posts. Maybes you could set a alternate requirement set for them like them sending you a pm of explaining the characters Personality and reasons they would choose it...The fact is there has been many RPs (Not saying names but anyone can list at least one out of their head) that have given canon spots with little requirements (By trusting that said experienced RP'er would be good at it because they used them), yet you have a vast amount of needed cannon characters with requirements that are more difficult for people to [i]actually[/i] try.

Well there's something missing...

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Yeah, I fixed it, but I guess I forgot to mention it. Plus, I just changed my original charcter's app, so his master no longer has the rod, but he's being controlled by his unremoveable Duel Disk. His master is still in charge, but no rod. (Yes, I am still in this.)

My first character is a recurring Antagonist, as of the moment. He's a major threat, but not as bad as the Major antagonists. (So far, the only two antagonists are my guy, and Destruction Hero's 2nd. I don't know if he's a major enemy or a minor minion, but I doubt he was intended to be the main opponent. Basically, I want to know who the main villain is, and who plays him/her. Is he going to be a generic person anybody can control as needed?)

Bakugan told me I can make multiple apps via PM, so here's #2.

App 2:
Name: Norman Underwood (Dr. Underwood)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance (picture or 1+ paragraph): Like most scientists, he wears a white lab coats, and always carries a Duel Disk. When expirementing, he wears thick goggles, and always wears slick, black pants. He has combed, yellow hair, and wears an ugly green-orange Duel Gazer. (Does he think it looks cool, or what?) On top of that, he's always wearing any and all of his portable projects on his arm, forming some weird, machine thingie on his left arm. His mechanisms include: some weird antenae that makes the cards in his hand levitate, a spare Duel Disk, holding his alternate deck, a stun laser (Still untested) a hologram projector (For randomly projecting intimidating monsters), and a small, portable, Time Machine. (Untested)
Duel Disk: 5DS Standard Disk
Type of Character: Scientist
Personality: A brilliant mind, constantly working in the lab. He's not the best Duelist, and though he's afraid of altering time, he occasionally enters the Time Machine in times of crisis. He collects Xyz monsters, mostly Numbers, which are fuel for the Time Machine. He specializes in Summoning weird, hard-to-summon monsters, just so he can show off, hence his Rank 7 Numbers.
Deck Type: Machine Xyz, Thunder
Connection to past (max 2): Number 7: Lucky Straight; Number 11: Big Eye

This character would be character #5 on the list, counting Destruction Hero's idea. This would be a lot more interesting if we had more than the three of us, though. We need more people if we're ever going to start.

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[quote name='Randomflyingobjects' timestamp='1345308993' post='6010126']
I don't know if he's a major enemy or a minor minion, but I doubt he was intended to be the main opponent. Basically, I want to know who the main villain is, and who plays him/her.

My question is, did you read the Plot carefully or skim it? Because it says about a guy named Roba who wants [s]world domination[/s] by killing all of the canon Protagonists of the past and uniting all canon Antagonists by lieing to them (Dr. Faker moment). He is a option for anyone to control but because his Personality is not yet said by Bakugan, I think it would be best for him to control Roba.

[b]@Bakugan:[/b] What PG rating is this? I think we will need a clear idea of how Roba is going to try to kill whether it is with guns or stealing their souls.

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@ Destruction Hero: That makes sense. Yes, I did read it, but I forgot about that part. Besides, the main antagonist won't show up for a while. (That's just a guess.)

If Roba actually does kill the characters, probably PG13, if it's also gorey, PG16. If he just talks about it, and doesn't succeed, then probably just PG.

@ Bakugan: No, I didn't intend for him to be related to Weevil, but he could be. That name just happened to be the first thing that came to my head.

Does anybody have any ideas on how to get more people?

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So its basically the bonds beyond time movie only traveling into ZeXal as well???

Hmm... I kind of want to join in with this, and that requires inventing a new character which is fine. And would be quite intresting.

So I think I will join and see how it goes.

My app will be coming under construction here:


I do have one question, are we still allowed to be canon characters in segments? Becuase if so, and if he comes up, I really want to use Rafeal.

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I'm thinking of having Roba kill them with card games. Either a new type of card or a cannon type that captures souls. Or the millennium eye. The rp is PG-16, but that's just for language in my opinion.

[quote name='HiveNet' timestamp='1345318230' post='6010230']
I do have one question, are we still allowed to be canon characters in segments? Becuase if so, and if he comes up, I really want to use Rafeal.

Do you mean Rafael from the Orichalcos era?

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[quote name='bakugan120' timestamp='1345380937' post='6010746']
I'm thinking of having Roba kill them with card games. Either a new type of card or a cannon type that captures souls. Or the millennium eye. The rp is PG-16, but that's just for language in my opinion.
Why does Roba want to do this, again? As for PG16 for language... your profile claims that you're younger than that. As of my own beleifs, you can still have a good RP without too much swearing. (Honestly, if PG16 is only for the swear words... you must be thinking of some pretty bad cusses.) I thought it might be rated like that for the violence, which could have a different effect if he just captures their souls, and use them for something. (I dunno, make money? Rule the world?)

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[size=3]May I join?[/size]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Name: [/size][/font][/color][size=3][color=#1A1A1A]Nakashima[/color][/size][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Yuki[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 14[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance (picture or 1+ paragraph):[/size][/font][/color][img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/29816/550845-aoi_endo_1.jpg[/img]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Duel Disk (picture):[/size][/font][/color][img]http://i10.tinypic.com/4pv29vc.png[/img]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Type of Character: Intern[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality:Laid back, is in it to win, thinks everything is a game, childish,[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]irresponsible but trust worthy at times, never gives up, but does know when he must,[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Deck Type (if possible add picture of all cards in deck): ([b]I will have to add this later but still please reserve a space for me.[/b])[/size][/font][/color]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][size=3]Connection to past (max 2): descendant of Jaden from GX, can talk to duel monster spirits.[/size][/color][/font]

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[b]@TgwaM:[/b] I would advise you expanding on your characters Personality. But it looks like a WIP APP and it is up to Bakugan for the final decision that I won't be part of.
[b]@Bakugan:[/b] All you have to do is edit the first page and then you can edit the title there... Anyway, I have finally finished my 2nd App that is a Scientist who is secretly a Antagonist working for Roba ([s]Doesn't he remind you of someone[/s]). However, I will probably not make any more characters under my control in this RP because I think I have reached my capacity. I will use the waiting time to make custom cards to support the core of Nathaniel and Dr. Knight's deck and pm them to you for your judgement on them being balanced enough for them to use as supports.

[spoiler=Dr Samuel “Knight”]

[b]Name:[/b] Dr. Knight

[b]Age:[/b] 23

[b]Gender:[/b] Male


[url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=yugioh+d-pad&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C1DSGL_enGB411GB411&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=hZ-FgTjwEzgq1M:&imgrefurl=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kaito%27s_D-Pad_(off).jpg&docid=8L3dva1lFO2ViM&imgurl=http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/2/21/Kaito%2527s_D-Pad_(off).jpg&w=474&h=293&ei=M9E3UPSbAoSU0QWyq4DgCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1047&vpy=117&dur=308&hovh=131&hovw=213&tx=198&ty=69&sig=102861245611305545674&page=2&tbnh=119&tbnw=193&start=18&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:18,i:186"]Kaito Manga D-Pad[/url]

He only uses a D-Pad (That is yet more developed than the average henchmen) because he doesn’t do the “dirty work” at the Past unlike all of Roba’s other henchmen that signifies his usefulness and importance in comparison to Roba’s average henchman. If Roba’s team had a hierarchy, he would be the Executive/Admin/Commander at the position at the second or third highest with only a few people at that position so he has to have one of the coolest D-Pads at their disposal.

[b]Type of Character: [/b]Scientist (In reality Antagonist)

[b]Personality:[/b] Doctor Samuel “Knight” (Co-workers call him Sam, Roba calls him Samuel and Interns must call him Dr. Knight) is viewed by others to be a kind and caring man that values human lives over his own and is very determined to save the past from extinction to the extent of staying up during the night to keep track of the how the team is doing or to research all night. However, in reality he is a spy in league with Roba that is hacking all of the teams data and sending them to Roba’s computer so that Roba has all the knowledge of what the team is. When faking his true motives he lies saying that he can’t duel but when he duels, he is ruthless and sadist trying to manipulate his Opponent’s field like he does to computers so that he can relentlessly attack them at full force in the future of the duel. Outside of others knowledge, he is loyal to Roba and will do anything Roba tells him to do because he believes that if Roba succeeds in his goals, it will make Roba turn back to normal (Well something is triggering him to be evil, so I assume Roba wasn’t always evil because he could have done it earlier). He occasionally during his work acts weird and can slip up by getting annoyed by receiving little respect for his dedication because he takes [i]some[/i] pride in his work.

[b]Deck Type:[/b] Crashbug Xyz Toolbox (With Customs)

[b]Connection to Past:[/b] he is one of Roba’s high ranking henchmen (Maybes even a relative if you want to strengthen his back-story?), Numbers (Number 34: Terror-Byte given to him by Roba)

There seems to be a problem with my computer (Or YCM) that is stopping me from putting the images on. Therefore, I left the link on.

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Well... personally, I'm somewhat against PG-13, because I'm weird like that, and I might have to decline. Having Roba capture their souls to gain infinite power and a random swear word here and there is more like simple PG, and pretty much the same thing. If this is 13 because of swear words, you can cut them to a minimum, and knock the rating down to PG.

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