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Now I know I have only been here for about a month but does anyone like me. Now I know the General catagory has had alot of these threads but I just want to know your opinion about me. Just say anything about me heck you can say stuff about anyone in this thread. Just try not to insult them that much.

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You are a good member Mike, I'm suprised you need this to reassure yourself that. :wink:


As for comments on other members, I cannot stand Nutty, not only does he spam, but he spams by making posts that say that he won't spam, but which in turn, are indeed spam. I've banned 4 of his other accounts and had YCMaker ban atleast 2 of his IPs, and just before I banned him again, yet he always finds a way back, he just can't take a hint.


Once a spammer, more than likely, always a spammer... :(

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does anyone like me? :D :D


:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: i might like you... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:


sssssh make it size tiny so they cant read it!!


no make it white like this fdggggggggggggggggggggggggggggjdfsbds kksfvjdh fmkfbf fb vbv vbv bvbv dfhd hjf dv bv vjmf vdfm dfn mdfgnf gmfg fgnmfdghjdg rgm rgrkegber


Gust select and you can see the letters

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