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HERO Deck Build


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This is my Hero deck, I just got back into the game about a week ago and after net-decking and searching this is the deck I have created.

[b]Monsters 10:[/b]
Stratos x1
Neos Alius x3
Thunder King x2
Beast King x3
Crusader of Endymion x1

[b]Spells 20:[/b]
Gemini Spark x3
Pot of Duality x3
Miracle Fusion x3
E-Emergency Call x2
MST x2
Super Poly x2
Smashing Ground x2
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Reborn x1
[b]Traps 10:[/b]
Dimensional Prison x2
Safe Zone x2
Skill Drain x2
Hero Blast x2
Mirror Force x1
Starlight x1

[b]Extra 15:[/b]
Shining x3
Gaia x2
Wind-Up Zemaines x1
Blade Armor NInja x1
Absolute Zero x1
Utopia x1
Utopia Ray x1
Stardust x1
Great Tornado x1
Nova Master x1
Vision HERO Trinity x1
Acid Golem of Destruction x1

[b]Side 15:[/b]
Snowman Eater x3
Forbidden Chalice x2
Photon Thrasher x2
Polymerization x2
Book of Moon x1
E - Emergency Call x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2

I would appreciate it if you gave constructive criticism on this deck build and told me what cards would improve it. I think Starlight Road is a must in my opinion but I'm not sure on some of these cards so help me in anyway possible please it's much appreciated thanks!

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Pretty weird build. Soul Takers over Smashing Grounds because Lightpulsar and Shining exist. Main-decked Super Poly is a pretty strange choice, it could be dead against stuff like Inzektors. There is also a severe lack of Reinforcement of the Army. Take out Super Polymerizations for a RotA and either Forbidden Chalice/Lance or Book of Moon.

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