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I am a new Member Please welcome me



These 3 cards yugi stronger in the site




omar the hedgehog

And is the most powerful card Yugipost-616258-0-73241000-1344413363_thumb.jpg


And is ranked second in the most powerful cards Yugipost-616258-0-45701000-1344413613_thumb.jpg

loay the hedgehog

He is in third place between the second and fourth place in the most powerful cards Yugipost-616258-0-18920900-1344413825_thumb.jpg


Now to see Omar the hedgehog in the center: the first is a gold medal

and recca in the center: the second a silver medal

and loay the hedgehog on the winner of the Center: the third a bronze medal

And thank :lol: :lol: :D :D :lol: :lol: :D :D

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