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Billy Ocean.dek

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Well, A Legendary Ocean is as close to a theme as it gets...

[b][u]Monsters (??)[/u][/b]
3 Warrior of Atlantis
3 Mermaid Knight
2 Codarus
2 Giga Gagagigo
2 Levia Dragon - Daedalus
3 Penguin Soldier

[u][b]Spells (18?)[/b][/u]
3 A Legendary Ocean
2 Terraforming
2 Salvage
1 Monster Reborn
1 Black Hole
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Book Of Moon
2 Big Wave Small Wave
3 Pot of Duality

[u][b]Trap (10?)[/b][/u]
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Call of the Haunted

Thoughts, anyone?

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The way I see it, your trying to go for an Ocean Rush.dek
Basically you just need 3 Warrior of Atlantis, like 2-3 Terraforming, and then cards like this:
Since with Legendary Ocean, you can basically Normal Summon a bunch of 2500+ ATK monsters.

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A different reaction from you this time, Armz. I was wondering what you'd say...
[quote name='Armadilloz']
Aside from you using the oh-so-pointless Highlander List, and actually knowing the rules enough to cut the deck to 50.....
Barrel Dragon
Chaos Necromancer
Thestalos The Firestorm Monarch
Book Of Moon
Creature Swap
^Your deck actually contains a few favorites of mine^

Look, you need to cut your deck to around 40(45, but thats really pushing it) and actually give it a theme. Giving your deck a theme will actually gratly improve it, and allow it to be more consistant.
No, Type-Specific/Attribute-Specifc isnt a theme.

[quote name='Expelsword']
Hmm, well I'll see about the theme, but as far as cutting cards goes, it's so hard to pick cards to cut... 'cause all of them are good, ya know?

[quote name='Armadilloz']
No, no they arent.

Watch this, I will magicly pick out all the un-needed cards:
Brain Jacker
Buster Blader
Cthonian Emperor Dragon
Dark Magician
Des Feral Imp
Despair From The Dark
Giga Gagagigo
Kinetic Soldier
Levia-Dragon - Daedalus
Neo Aqua Madoor {x2}
Nobleman-Eater Bug
Patrician Of Darkness
Slate Warrior
Sorcerer Of Dark Magic
Total Defense Shogun
A Legendary Ocean
Big Bang Shot
Ekibyo Drakmord
Messenger Of Peace
Monster Reincarnation
Nobleman Of Crossout
Swords Of Revealing Light
The Shallow Grave
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
United We Stand
Dust Tornado
Enchanted Javelin
Hidden Book Of Spell
Nutrient Z
Pinapple Blast
Shadow Spell
Windstorm Of Etaqua
^Your deck should not run any of these^

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1344367548' post='6000215']
That's what ALO deck are, I'm pretty sure.
That depends on what you mean by "ALO" deck. They've really come to mean "control deck" nowadays, but there is also the beatdown version. Also, if you plan to run a level 5 beatstick, the one and only Giga Gagagigo is your man.

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