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Zettatech | XVIII


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I've wanted to actually make a decent story for a while, and because I can't make RP's without me getting busy, I will have time to write these and update them.
Original story, Roman Numerals Galore.

[spoiler=Prologue - The Melody of Dancing Flames]Eighteen. XVIII. The magic number. The year is MMMCCXIV, or "3214" as you would know it as. The world has switched back to the Roman Numeral system. Reason being, statistics showed that children pick up this numbering system X times quicker. Only a few know the older system, most of them being from Zettatech, like myself. Zettatech is an academy which teaches humans from ages X+ a hell of a lot more than they would learn in school. Z-tech's real purpose is hidden to the public. The only people that get in, get in from a survey. This survey shows our intelligence, or our brawn to the owner. I'm pretty sure, that there are only XXVIII people from the world that have gotten in, so some parents don't even bother. But if you do get in, their real purpose is clear. The XVIII Sages have risen again, and Z-tech has brought us to stop them.

I suppose I should elaborate. The XVIII Sages are beings who came to Earth in MMCMXLVI. They wore white cloaks, and brought with them animals. Why is this a good thing? Almost all species of animals were extinct, due to one of the worst Meteor Storms back in MMCMXVIII. The XVIII were worshipped like gods, but because of the humans corrupt nature, the XVIII were becoming corrupt as well. Eventually, in MMMII, they were completely tainted. Their previously white cloaks, now purple and shrouded with darkness. They brought down a rain of hell during that year. They just vanished the next year. New Years Day, they were just, gone. The Shreds of their cloaks were miniscule, smaller than the eye could see. But they were there. Years of scientific research, and they eventually created Attotech. Attotech could only be implanted into humans after they reached the age of X, but the person had to reach certain levels of intelligence, or just brute strength. Now, doesn't that sound familiar?

We all learnt about Attotech during our schooling years. They help people fight off monsters, and are extremely powerful. There were XVII types of Attotech, and each were named after the Sages.

[b]XVIII[/b] - Admodius. [i](ahd-moh-dhi-us)[/i] The Sage of Clouds.
[b]XVII[/b] - Balthiens [i](bhal-thee-ehns)[/i] The Sage of Energy.
[b]XVI[/b] - Celador [i](sel-ah-dhor)[/i] The Sage of Waves.
[b]XV[/b] - Dhylus [i](dai-lhus)[/i] The Sage of Kindness.
[b]XIV[/b] - Equidon [i](eh-kwi-dhon)[/i] The Sage of Earth.
[b]XIII[/b] - Fabio [i](fah-bhi-oh)[/i] The Sage of Light.
[b]XII[/b] - Gemnusk [i](jhem-nuhsk)[/i] The Sage of Night.
[b]XI[/b] - Humlegos [i](huhm-lee-gohs)[/i] The Sage of Wildlife.
[b]X[/b] - Igleus [i](ih-glhay-us)[/i] The Sage of Frost.
[b]IX[/b] - Jester [i](jeh-stuhr)[/i] The Sage of Trickery.
[b]VIII[/b] - Kalodeen [i](kah-loh-dheen)[/i] The Sage of Bravery.
[b]VII[/b] - Ledion. [i](lee-dhi-on)[/i] The Sage of Tune.
[b]VI[/b] - Madoske. [i](mah-dohsk)[/i] The Sage of Insanity.
[b]V[/b] - Nexus. [i](nehks-us)[/i] The Sage of Void.
[b]IV[/b] - Orphan [i](ohr-fhan)[/i] The Sage of Physique.
[b]III[/b] - Ponderun [i](pohn-dher-uhn)[/i] The Sage of Mind.
[b]II[/b] - Sigmund [i](sihg-mhund)[/i] The Sage of Flames.
[b]I[/b] - ...

The reason that 'I' was neglected to be mentioned, is that... They never found Shreds of his, or her, cloak. But it is said that someone in Z-tech actually has the XVIII Attotech.

Humans with Attotech are known as Shredders. Sometimes, certain humans can ever get two, or possibly even three Atto's. I'm proud to say I have two. I have the Sigmund Atto, and the Ledion Atto. My name is "Scarlet Walker", although some people call me 'IX'. I don't particularly enjoy it though, because it makes me feel weaker. Others call me Ledmund, which I don't really hate, but it's not great. Then there's my favourite nickname. "The Melody of Dancing Flames".[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Smear' timestamp='1344261322' post='5998738']

Anytime babe.

[spoiler=Spoiler alert]
Chapter one contains the sexiest supporting character of all time.
Brace yourselves.

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[quote name=''Night' timestamp='1344263255' post='5998770']
Anytime babe.
[spoiler=Spoiler alert]
Chapter one contains the sexiest supporting character of all time.
Brace yourselves.
Bitchpls, that hoe's gonna be a main.

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  • 1 month later...

so I wasn't the only one thinking of Kingdom Hearts?, that's a relief, anyway, this has real promise to be a genuinely great story, i for one will be checking back when another chapter shows up, also, good job on giving a nice, thorough description of the events leading up to the current standing, your introduction was well executed and leaves the reader both thinking and wanting more...i'm slightly jealous, but still, amazing work! *high five*

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