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UPDATE on My DBZ cards


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Their not really overpowered if I'm reading them right, but it's a bit hard to understand the effects. Try to make it clearer. Also the vegeta pic might be "inappropriate" but it's not that big of a deal since I've seen other pics with the middle finger, plus it's just a finger that has had its meaning twisted. I'd chance the pic just so people don't complain.


Improve the grammar than I'll rate since I might have misunderstood the effects.

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Er. Many OCG Errors.


Not so great, really could use improvement.


The Vegeta picture *may* be recieved as inappropriate, a lot of small children visit the site. Don't lash out and say "omg wut r u 7??????///?" :?


The effects *are* hard to understand. Again, don't get angry "cuz we r slow omg".


Either way, 5.5/10

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Dude, you don't need to get pissed off because of the ratings on your cards. Card ratings are usually proportional to the amount of true effort put into the card. Also, and I hate having to repeat myself on this constantly. If you're going to add a fusion monster to the set, you should also put the two monsters that the fusion is comprised of on the list. Right now it gets a 3/10 because Buu's card is nice and Piccolo's pic is good, but the rest need to be improved.

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