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so i herd u liek planning moar arr-pees {RP PUBLIC PLANNING THREAD}

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I do love me some giant robots (as if all the Dai-guard references hadn't made that blatantly obvious).


I'd jump on both, but juggling 3 rp's is too much. Then again, the one i'm currently running will most likely fall through, so we'll see what happens.


Long story short i'm interested in both XD

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On the subject of joining RPs, I've got a character in the works for Zai's mecha RP so I think y'all should totally join it for Giant (within reason) Robot Action.


As for planning one, I've got a concept for one I'm throwing around that I might try to get going.  I'll post something more definite about it once the idea is worked out in full, but what I'd like to say is the characters involved will have to embody one of the following personality traits: Pride, Sloth, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Violence, or Melancholy.

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Digimon has been my favorite series to participate in roleplays for, so yes, I'm in. However, I was planning a roleplay involving the Four Dragons after the GCRP, but whatever. There's a character who has ties to Arthur that I've been meaning to reuse after so many years, and this seems like the perfect chance.


I dunno. Since this is practically the same as the Yugioh Convergence, it'll have the same limitations on characters. As in no OC's.


So unless this character of yours actually [acronym='I'm also allowing real people, but I highly doubt it falls under this criteria']exists within some form of media[/acronym], I'm afraid you'll have to hold off using it.

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What's wrong with Gurren?


Nothing in particular. Like the show and all, just didn't really strike a chord with me like it did a lot of other people, which is weird because i really do love crazy over the top super robot shows.


What kind of rp would you be interested in?

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Alright...idea came to my mind after watching the newest episode of CF!!V...and before you turn me off about suggesting a CF!!V RP...I believe this one may peek interests some.


Take into consideration in the openings of late, where Aichi actually becomes Blaster Blade Liberator. With that in mind...I'll tell you what I have in mind.


[spoiler=The Basic Idea]

Link Joker fully takes over the world...and begins to rule over our world and Cray.


Cardfights haven't been able to be enjoyable, ever since the Link Joker invasion...as well as the multitude of Joker units roaming the world. However, a few Cardfighters have banded together, discovering a technology in which that was left as a insurance policy by Tatsunagi Takuto years prior. This technology is like that of the holo-projections used in Cardfights, however, it allows the fighters to become their units (what the appearance of said technology is still unworked out in my head). With this, the Cardfighters decide to use these in their rebellion against the Link Joker...to take back their world and Cray.


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Alright...idea came to my mind after watching the newest episode of CF!!V...and before you turn me off about suggesting a CF!!V RP...I believe this one may peek interests some.


Take into consideration in the openings of late, where Aichi actually becomes Blaster Blade Liberator. With that in mind...I'll tell you what I have in mind.


[spoiler=The Basic Idea]

Link Joker fully takes over the world...and begins to rule over our world and Cray.


Cardfights haven't been able to be enjoyable, ever since the Link Joker invasion...as well as the multitude of Joker units roaming the world. However, a few Cardfighters have banded together, discovering a technology in which that was left as a insurance policy by Tatsunagi Takuto years prior. This technology is like that of the holo-projections used in Cardfights, however, it allows the fighters to become their units (what the appearance of said technology is still unworked out in my head). With this, the Cardfighters decide to use these in their rebellion against the Link Joker...to take back their world and Cray.


Do character in this RP actually play the cardgame?

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Do character in this RP actually play the cardgame?

For those who want to, yeah.


[spoiler='Spoiler']Sounds like an after-the-end version if Aichi loses to the Void Agent, especially since in the last episode, LJ did start their physical invasion of Earth, thanks to CBD.[/spoiler]


Anyway, I'm interested with this. Though, will there be playable reverse fighters?

Yeah...for what is an RP without people making them villains ^^

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