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3 Vylon Cube
3 Vylon Prism
2 Vylon Sphere
2 Vylon Tetrah
3 Photon Thrasher
3 Genex Neutron
1 Vylon Vanguard


3 Rod of Silence - Kay'est
3 Vylon Segment
3 Vylon Material
2 Vylon Matter
2 Vylon Element
3 Pot of Duality
3 One Day of Peace
1 Vylon Polytope
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole


1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Vylon Epsilon
1 Vylon Delta
1 Vylon Sigma
2 Vylon Omega
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
1 Number 16: Shock Master
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Steelswarm Roach
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1 Daigusto Phoenix
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant


Use Rod of Silence - Kay'est, Vylon Element, and any Vylon equip spell to get any Vylon tuner. Repeat 5-6 times and summon Shock Master and two Vylon Omegas.

The ideal OTK hand is Photon Thrasher, Vylon Cube, and 2 of Rod/Element/Equip

Thrasher + Cube to summon Vylon Delta/Sigma, using Cube's effect to search a combo piece (ex: Rod of Silence - Kay'est)
Equip Rod to Delta/Sigma and play Vylon Element
Equip and Vylon Equip to Delta/Sigma, it's automatically destroyed by Rod of Silence, triggering Element and the equip's effect to search
Summon a Vylon tuner (preferably Prism if you have all 3 in deck) and add another equip
Repeat 5 times, summoning two more Prisms (then going into Shock Master) and then Sphere and Tetrah
After your last equip dies, search Vylon Polytope
Use Tetrah, Sphere, and Delta/Sigma to make Vylon Omega, with Tetrah and Sphere equipping with their own effects
Use Omega's effect to equip Delta/Sigma from the graveyard
Use Vylon Polytope to summon Delta/Sigma, Tetrah, and Sphere
Summon a second Omega, equip Cube or something and attack

Other Omega hands can be made out of Thrasher, Vylon Cube, and only one equip

or like if you keep Neutron on the field for one turn

Deck is cheap as f*** to build irl, outside of Shock Master and Roach

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