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To Fail or Not to Fail


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Actually.. I think I'm in the between with this one. xD

Anyways.. I'm just starting out as a graphic artist and I'm still getting used to all the features GIMP has.. Once I do, I'm probably gonna make stuff using GIMP and PS7 (old program, I know, but its still good). Since I'm new and all to this, if you use terminology, forgive me if I ask what it means.. I have a good general knowledge of terms that apply for all forms of art, but ones like c4d baffle me. What does that mean anyways?

Back on track, please do positive and negative pointers. I'm a big girl and I can handle criticism and I welcome it because it points out things to me and makes me learn.

So... Have at it! Lol.

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Okay first time I've done an actual review on a piece, but just for you Queen XD

Okay first we will do the Negs because no one actually likes the Negs.

[*]Okay so first thing I realized is that there is not enough focus on the focal (render)
[*]The ugly green circly things just ruin the overall image, I feel that you should possibly drop them
[*]There isn't really a light source at hand
[*]It kind of just feels that you have placed a render on a bunch of fancy effects
[*]It feels bland
[*]There really isn't much depth, at all if i'm brutally honest
[*]The way you have the Render in front of some parts of the image and behind others, gives it a nice feel
[*]The colors you are going with could work really well, if done well
[*]The blocks merge well with the BG

[size=4][b][u][color=#0000FF]SOME THINGS TO WORK ON![/color][/u][/b][/size][list]
[*][color=#000000]Use gradient maps![/color]
[*][color=#000000]Add more to the BG, you don't have a set amount of memory you can use so let yourself go[/color]
[*][color=#000000]Try and add more depth and lighting[/color]
[*][color=#000000]Use some C4D's, mix them well[/color]
[*][color=#000000]Look at some tuts, they can really help you out[/color]
[*][color="#000000"]Don't add random unnecessary brushes i.e the blobs[/color]

[color="#000000"]My work here is done XD[/color]

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Remo: Thanks!

Serenade: Thanks for the detailed review! It really helps and you weren't harsh at all, you were straight up with me. Lol. Now just two questions.. Explain gradient maps and what C4D means? Lol. Like I said, I'm still huh on most terminology. I've seen C4D tossed around here and there and I think I have some idea what it is, but I'd rather not assume.

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Okai, well to put C4Ds simply, they are abstract images, usually transparent, they usually are used to add life to images but also can be used to add depth, or meaning to renders.

Gradient Maps are like color sets, they are basically gradients and are used to color images, along with using the blending options you can have a nice looking image which flows well together due to the colors mixing.

Hope that explains it? :L

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Gradient maps basically assign a colour to a luminosity (how dark or light something is). If you assign a dark blue to black, and a bright orange to white, the gradient map turns anything that's dark as black a dark blue and bright orange for all the bright white areas. Same applies to the in-between bits.

A C4D is a render produced by Cinema 4D. People usually use them as ways to add interesting shapes and composition to the tag in question. Just search up C4D on DeviantArt for examples.

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Catman: I had 6 on that one. The BG, the orange cubism, the render, another opac copy of the render with an effect on it, another layer for the brighter parts orange of cubism and another one for the blue/green dots. The orange cubism was originally the sparks brush on GIMP and were suppose to be the light source of the picture, but I decided it looked better after using the cubism filter on them. i turned the second layer of orange into cubism as well so I'd still get that glow-like look for the ones near the body but still blended in well with the other layer. I guess I should have stuck with the spark brush, definitely made the light source easier to notice. xD Oh well, ya live and ya learn!

As for the Gradient Map, just tried it out on GIMP and I have to say.. that's an awesome feature! Lol.

Thanks for all the suggestions, comments and help so far, everyone! Like I said, I'm still learning GIMP and all these pointers, like the gradient map, is helping me out very much. I truly appreciate it, everyone! <3

[b]Edit: [/b]After taking everyone's advise (as in using a C4D and a few Gradient Map experiments) I have tried my hands at another picture with the same render. This one was 9 layers.


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Third one! On this one, I decided to try my hand at adding font and a monochromatic theme. I wanted Dawn (the font) to still be visible, but not take away from the focal points of her eyes. CnC please~! <3

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[quote name=''Night' timestamp='1343886014' post='5995170']
Honestly the fastest improvement I've seen.
[color=#008080]Thanks.. n__n; I was always a fast learner. xD[/color]

Make a new thread for each piece in the future though, people generally only cnc once per thread.
[color=#008080]Alright. I wanted to try to do one thread so I wouldn't have like.. a dozen+ threads and hogged the front page with pictures that are mostly me learning. So far, I would have had 3 in just over 24 hours. Lol.[/color]

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