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birth date:

hair color:*you dont have to do this*

hair stlye:*you dont have to do this*

eye color: *you dont have to do this*






dueling tatics *stategy* :


[spoiler= kid's ]

name: J

gender: male

age: 13

birth date: nov 13

hair color: black

hair stlye: spiked up *not like rockers*

eye color: brown

personality: good and bad

likes: animals and dragons

dislikes: show off's

deck: Dragon's Glory and later on Dragon's Impacted

bio: he was born poor and got rich. But left home to this academy

dueling tatics *stategy* : goes striaght for the win


[spoiler=cyber commanders ]Name: Cerke Ontarre (Cerke rhymes with lurk and Ontarre rhymes with bear.

Gender: Male

Age: Fifteen years old at his debut (I have no clue how long you plan to keep this going...)

Birth Date: August 17.

Hair Color: Brown, with one red highlight on his left bang.

Hair Style: Long bangs, medium long hair, medium sideburns.

Eye Color: Hazel

Personality: Confident to the point of vanity, outgoing, friendly and popular.

Likes: Strawberries, checking his horoscope.

Dislikes: Sweets, having nothing to do.

Deck: Romance Deck (Take a look at my Set for ideas in Realistic Cards. The link is HERE.)

Past: Cerke is the son of a prominent government politican. After Cerke was kidnapped in an attempt to ransom his father, it was decided that Cerke would leave home where he was a potential target, Cerke has been to several boarding schools due to his father's busy life. In all his schools, he has been successful and popular, and has everything anyone could wish for. Even though he is loved by everyone, Cerke harbors a deep sadness because his mother has been missing recently. Angry with his father's indifference to his mother's disappearance, Cerke has applied to Duel Academy as a regular student. He keeps his glamorous past and social status hidden, and quickly fits in as one of the best Obelisk Blues in the school.


Cerke's Dueling Tactics: Cerke is confident and aggressive in his Duels-he can focus upon one play and use all his cards to further that play. Cerke is also a keen strategist, but not to the point where he over-analyzes things. Cerke's Deck consists of the Ritual Monster, The Heart-Broken Maiden, who can steal opponent's monsters. A key card that he has 3 of is The Sorrowful Bridesmaid and Heart-Felt Offering, both of which make playing his Maiden easier-along with several other cards.


[spoiler=sonic's ]name: Nick

gender: Male

age: 11

birth date: Febuary 2, 1997

hair color:Blonde

hair stlye:

eye color: Blue

personality: Short tempered, always bored, quiet.

likes: When he wins, when everyone else losses.

dislikes: Losing.

deck: Fatty cat

bio: He is always quiet. He only really duels when he needs too. He loves animals, and can't bare to see an animal hurt.

dueling tatics: Fusion, High LP Damage, deck destruction.


[spoiler=anomu13]name: Sario Ojima

gender: Male

age: 18

birth date: January 10, 1990

Pic: 992s01.jpg

personality: aggresive when dueling, very friendly when not.

likes: He likes to have a good competitive match against an experienced duelist, he likes the match long.

dislikes: I still have yet to figure out what he can hate, I'll reveal it later in the RP (if that's alright with you...)

deck: Modified Rise of the Dragon Lords...

bio: Sario comes to town for business and duel people he has never met before. His wife, Yuviou Ojima, is staying at home to to take care of his new-born son, Chet. Sario hopes to return to his home as soon as he's done with business in the city, but little does he know that something big will happen, and it'll happen soon.

dueling tatics *stategy* : beat-down quick-summoning







birth date:september 14 1993

hair color:blondeish

hair stlye:spikey

eye color: blue

personality:relaxed personality but if you make him mad he will throw his shoes at you for some reason.

likes:his deck

dislikeseople pretending to be tough


bio:growing up as a kid his parents rarely spent time with him so he dueled most of the time.

dueling tatics=he likes to summon his favorite monster ''Assian of the Shadows" and use a bunch of combos with it


[spoiler=dragon master]name: thomas

gender: male


birth date:6/24/92

personality: nice and carzy

likes:video games

dislikes: school

deck: dragon/beatdwon being fixed

bio: quite when not around friends but with friends talks alot


[spoiler= jesus of choas]

name: Matt Cull



birth date:11/05/1991

hair color:Black

hair stlye:Emo

eye color: Blue


likes:Hurting Small Animals, Destroying peoples minds, Dark Armed Dragon, Heavy Metal

dislikes:Fluffy pink things.

deck: Dark Armed Dragon (ill send you deck list in pm)

bio:Appeared at a tournements in the UK and no one knew where he came from. Completely destroyed the duelists in the UK becoming national Champion.

dueling tatics *stategy* ark Armed Dragon (need i say more)


[spoiler=king dead sand]

name: Dustin

gender: male

age: 14

birth date: nov 7

hair color: black

hair stlye: long emo

eye color: brown

personality: mysterious

likes: music and being with his freinds

dislikes: people who think there tough

deck: Desert of destruction

bio: abused by his father always with freinds and won a scholarship to the acadamy

dueling tatics *stategy* : likes to make the game fun but still goes for the win


[spoiler=black fang]

alright here is mine (ill PM u deck recipe)

Name: Atana Kroz

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (believed 19)

Dorm (when neccasary) Obelisk Blue

Character Description/Personality.

• Atana Kroz is a mysterious Male figure, whose past and age are unknown. He is filled with a sinister air and makes all around him uncomfortable. Polite and well mannered, he talks with a soft voice which reeks of evil. He looks down on others but never says anything to their face, he thinks everyone around him is beanth him and he cant trust anyone but him self.

Type of Deck: Atana’s Deck is based around Reptiles and the summoning of “Anata the Wickid Serpent”

History: unknown.

likes- slithering things O.O

Dislikes- Bats, (the animal)



Name: Rink Jones

gender: Male

age: 20

birth date: 08-08-88

hair color / hair stlye / eye color:


personality: He is friendly and uselly doesn't get involved in fights. But when he is angry he is realy strong that also changes his duel style and goes realy hard agains the opponent

likes: Birds

dislikes: People Who Don't Like Birds

deck: Winges Beast (BIRD) Deck (No Harpie Ladys and No Hunter Owl)

[spoiler=Deck List]

Coming Realy Soon



dueling tatics: He Focus on his Innocent Kiwi, His Ra - Reincarnation of the Sun and and some a Special Combinations. (If you can't see al combinations Ask me in a PM). He has a lot of Close Combats (That he almost lost and than turns things around)




Name: Raphael Wolf

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Birth date: 3/27/92


Personality: calm, cool, friendly

Likes: Dueling, reading Manga, drawing, Music, girls

Dislikes: Light Attribute monsters, egomaniacs, power hungry persons

[spoiler=Deck: Evil Shenrons]


Evil Shenron info


NB! Don't post in the ''Evil Shenrons'' thread!!!


[3] Omega Shenron, Super Yi Xing Long


[3] Syn Shenron, Yi Xing Long

[3] Naturon Shenron, Qi Xing Long

[3] Nuova Shenron, Si Xing Long

[3] Eis Shenron, San Xing Long

[2] Dark Crusader

[1] Card Trooper

[1] Breaker the Magical Warrior

[1] Morphing Jar

[1] Magician of Faith

[1] Cyber Jar

[1] Snipe Hunter


[3] Evil Wishes

[2] Foolish Burial

[2] Evil Seeds

[2] Evil Thoughts

[2] Hand Destruction

[2] Lightning Vortex

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon

[1] Graceful Charity

[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon


[3] Sakuretsu Armor

[2] Dark Bribe

[1] Mirror Force

[1] Torrential Tribute



Bio: Raphael has played Duel Monsters since he's early childhood. At the age of 14, he won an Special Tournament. The prize was an unique set of cards called ''Evil Shenrons''. He didn't use all of the cards but used the cards that seemed most useful in his strategy.

Dueling tactics *strategy*: Sending monsters with ''Shenron'' in it's name by Monster, Spell and Trap Cards to the Graveyard while ''Evil Wishes'' is face-up on the field. That way, he can get counters on ''Evil Wishes'' each time an monster(s) is sent to the Graveyard with ''Shenron'' in it's name. When he gets 7 counters on ''Evil Wishes'' he can use ''Evil Wishes'' effect to summon 1 ''Omega Shenron, Super Yi Xing Long''.




i know i have'nt been active in the club but i promise ill be much more active



age: 9

birth date: 1998 12/4

hair color: jet black

hair stlye: long hair

eye color: brown

personality: i don't know what this means ill guess yugioh

likes: having a fair and fun mach

dislikes:oppenents cheating

deck:ill post my ,ist latter

swift gaia the fierce knight


d. human


remove trap

chiron the mage

dark cat with white tail



magic cylinder

which of the black forest

swords of revealing light

pot of greed

the inexperienced spy x 2

stop defense

san wihch (fuision sangan + which of the balack forest)

nobleman of cross out

jar of greed

beaver warrior

magna-slash dragon

guardian of the throne room

smashing ground

caoch goblin

battle steerdark deal

gravity axe - grarl

man -eating bug

de - spell

gene wrapped warwolf

balck pendent

pale beast

mausoleum of dead emperor

maju garzett

goblin attack force

warrior dai grepher

melchid the four face beast

exiled force

shadow delver

ultimate offering

mystical space typoon

gravi crush dragon

mask of darkness

master kyonshee

bio: umm lossing abit and winning 2 in 3 mach's

dueling tatics *stategy* : aim for oppentets life point,s and crush thier card like little ants




name: Anthony

gender: Male

age: 16

birth date: 1/29/92


personality: Overall nice guy. sticks up for his friends. Likes To be challenged at anything.

likes: To Duel. Has a go with anyone who challenges.

dislikes: Being Alone

deck: Six Samurai

bio: Recent winner of a major, King of Games Tournament, and owner of the millenium ring.(from my fan-fic ^_^)He's The main character of my fan-fic aswell.

dueling tatics *stategy* : Summon's as many 6 samurai monsters as possible to use their effects when buddied off with their partners.




[spoiler=powerstone neo]

name: Nero Hiklas

gender: Male

age: 18

birth date:

hair color:White

hair stlye:Long and straight with no curls in it

eye color: Blue

personality: not one to talk much.

likes: to collect cards, and duel sometimes

dislikes: people who judge him

deck(s): Machine, Dragon, Spellcaster, Destiny and Elemental Heros

bio: Nero was always alone alot never had any friends so he always kept quiet about it never saying a word. so much isn't known about him for not talking alot.

dueling tatics *stategy*: Depends on the deck he uses.



name: Gray Allkaner

gender: Male

age: 16

birth date: 13 June

hair color:*you dont have to do this*

hair stlye:*you dont have to do this*

eye color: *you dont have to do this*

personality: calm, Un-friendly, likes hurting people

likes: winning, be cool, Yu-Gi-Oh

dislikes: Losing, no0bs...

deck: Arcane runes

bio: Grown as normally, when was 11 years old found Arcane Deck, who ussaly changed him.

dueling tatics *stategy* : Defends with his Arcane monsters, and then beats opponent down with Thunder-Arcane and all None monsters. (I will make Deck in written cards.)




Name: Rainin

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Mid-lengthed and straight

Eye Color: Brown

Personality: Slightly odd, will be included in the private message along with deck list.

Likes: Dueling and drawing

Dislikes: Losing or being made fun of

Deck: Custom (Half created/half real)

Bio: Quiet, but will protect allies or people he considers to be in need of help. Just seeks to prove he can duel with the best.

Tactics: Get strong monsters out as fast as he can.


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name: Nick

gender: Male

age: 11

birth date: Febuary 2, 1997

hair color:Blonde

hair stlye:

eye color: Blue

personality: Short tempered, always bored, quiet.

likes: When he wins, when everyone else losses.

dislikes: Losing.

deck: Fatty cat

bio: He is always quiet. He only really duels when he needs too. He loves animals, and can't bare to see an animal hurt.

dueling tatics: Fusion, High LP Damage, deck destruction.

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birth date:september 14 1993

hair color:blondeish

hair stlye:spikey

eye color: blue

personality:relaxed personality but if you make him mad he will throw his shoes at you for some reason.

likes:his deck

dislikes:people pretending to be tough


bio:growing up as a kid his parents rarely spent time with him so he dueled most of the time.

dueling tatics=he likes to summon his favorite monster ''Assian of the Shadows" and use a bunch of combos with it

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name: Matt Cull



birth date:11/05/1991

hair color:Black

hair stlye:Emo

eye color: Blue


likes:Hurting Small Animals, Destroying peoples minds, Dark Armed Dragon, Heavy Metal

dislikes:Fluffy pink things.

deck: Dark Armed Dragon (ill send you deck list in pm)

bio:Appeared at a tournements in the UK and no one knew where he came from. Completely destroyed the duelists in the UK becoming national Champion.

dueling tatics *stategy* :Dark Armed Dragon (need i say more)

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name: Dustin

gender: male

age: 14

birth date: nov 7

hair color: black

hair stlye: long emo

eye color: brown

personality: mysterious

likes: music and being with his freinds

dislikes: people who think there tough

deck: Desert of destruction

bio: abused by his father always with freinds and won a scholarship to the acadamy

dueling tatics *stategy* : likes to make the game fun but still goes for the win

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Guest Black Fang

alright here is mine (ill PM u deck recipe)

Name: Atana Kroz

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (believed 19)

Dorm (when neccasary) Obelisk Blue

Character Description/Personality.

• Atana Kroz is a mysterious Male figure, whose past and age are unknown. He is filled with a sinister air and makes all around him uncomfortable. Polite and well mannered, he talks with a soft voice which reeks of evil. He looks down on others but never says anything to their face, he thinks everyone around him is beanth him and he cant trust anyone but him self.

Type of Deck: Atana’s Deck is based around Reptiles and the summoning of “Anata the Wickid Serpent”

History: unknown.

likes- slithering things O.O

Dislikes- Bats, (the animal)

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yes you can Alordzynix' date=' but you need to show me




Name: Rink Jones

gender: Male

age: 20

birth date: 08-08-88

hair color / hair stlye / eye color:


personality: He is friendly and uselly doesn't get involved in fights. But when he is angry he is realy strong that also changes his duel style and goes realy hard agains the opponent

likes: Birds

dislikes: People Who Don't Like Birds

deck: Winges Beast (BIRD) Deck (No Harpie Ladys and No Hunter Owl)

[spoiler=Deck List]

This are only The Fake Cards. It uses cards to support this like Level Up! if he uses the Level Kiwi

[x] Innocent Kiwi LV3

[x] Innocent Kiwi LV6

[x] Innocent Kiwi LV9

[x] Ra – Reincarnation of the Sun

[x] Burning Light Of Ra The Sun

[x] Little Dreaming Bird (Other Side) [x] Proud Hawk

[x] Aquila, Winged Spear Soldier

[x] Bird Watcher

[x] Bird Tree of Golden Apples

[x] Decoy Bird (Mostly for the Innocent LV set)

[x] Angish Red Breast

[x] Flaming Bird Soul

[x] Peaceful Bird - Talisman

[x] Peaceful Bird - Accinus

[x] Peaceful Bird - Luna

[x] Soul Caller

[x] The Ala Clepta

[x] The Ala Bellator

[x] Red Breast Knight

[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Bird of Lands (All the Same Effect and ATK/DEF but a diffrent name and a diffrent attribute



bio: He was once saved by a bird who warned him about a hole in the ground he didn't saw. That was the point he realy started to like birds. His Love for Birds and the Bird Deck he has make him an Realy Strong Duelist

dueling tatics: He Focus on his Innocent Kiwi, His Ra - Reincarnation of the Sun or his Red Breast. He has a lot of Close Combats (That he almost lost and than turns things around)

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Guest Black Fang

hey Kid, try not to make my character a main character, but make him a villan that can win, (at least once XD) just make sure he goes out with a bang, and do you need the effect of "Anata the wickid serpent?"

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