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In The Defense of Midichlorions


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We all like to rag on the questionable inclusion of these microorganisms from Star Wars Episode 1. If you haven't seen the movie, just go to Wookiepedia, you'll find something.

Now then, here's my argument on why Midichlorions was a good idea: The entire idea of Star Wars is that it's a mix of sci-fi elements and fantasy elements. That said, having a mystical power having a basis in science is perfectly reasonable. Besides, it's not like the midichlorions are actually creating the force. Yeah, I'll admit that the whole "virgin birth" aspect of this isn't very great, but other than that, I just don't see why you think this is stupid.

...And let the flames commence! (Ducks behind table)

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The problem with the midichlorians is that it takes away from the religious connotations of the force and makes it seem like one's ability to connect with the Force is dictated by birth. If anything, it's actually hypocritical to include the virgin birth concept, because if the entire point of the midichlorians is to remove religious analogues with the Force, what is the point of creating a parallel between Anakin and Jesus?

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I already said, I wasn't crazy about the whole virgin birth plot point either. Also, this is coming from a guy who liked Indiana Jones 4 and Cars 2, and had to see the Last Airbender twice to figure out that it sucked. I clearly have bad taste in movies.

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You can often look to sexy, indie George Lucas to explain why old, studio mogul George Lucas is an idiot. Here's George Lucas on the Force from [i]Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays[/i]:
[quote]I read a lot of books about mythology and theories behind mythology; one of the books was [i]The Hero with a Thousand Faces[/i] by Joseph Campbell, but there were many others, maybe as many as fifty books. I basically worked out a general theory for the Force, and then I played with it. [b]The more detail I went into, the more it detracted from the concept I was trying to put forward[/b]. I wanted to take all religions, major religions and primitive religions, and come up with something they might have in common. [b]It worked better as I got less specific . . . So the real essence was to try to deal with the Force but not be too specific about it.[/b][/quote]

[quote name='PikMan' timestamp='1343542937' post='5991633']
I already said, I wasn't crazy about the whole virgin birth plot point either. Also, this is coming from a guy who liked Indiana Jones 4 and Cars 2, and had to see the Last Airbender twice to figure out that it sucked. I clearly have bad taste in movies.
Yes, yes you do. It's okay, though. You can't distinguish between good and bad movies, I can't distinguish between high and low video qualities...we all have something. I guess.

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