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It seems everyone and their brother is taking my lighting style<3.

The only problem with that is the lighting looks for too unnatural.
The spots of light are intensely illuminated, but the rest of the tag is very dark. This would be fine, however there is nothing giving off that light so It's natural to assume the BG is what gives off the intense lighting.
(don't mean to advert my own piece but...)
In this piece you can clearly see that the entire BG is illuminated and not only small portions, this gives off that sense of natural light as opposed to unnatural light.

Your piece fits more along the lines of this;
The lighting is given off through multiple objects, making it seem more natural.

Clearly these aren't the best examples but it's the first i found on my pb.

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Usually if lighting is pleasing to the eye, your going on the right track, also it might be a real good idea to work on making your render flow more with the image, I mean it goes really well already but it kind of feels like it's just there, not apart of what your trying to portray.

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