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Giga-Copy (Turbo)

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Hello ladies and gents. I've been holding off on this deck for quite some time, waiting for the right moment to finally show it off and see what you guys thought I could do to make it better. There are some odd choices in here which I will explain at the end, but the basic idea is to use Gigaplant with Copy Plant for extreme hijinx. When it goes off, it's amazing.

Monsters - 18
[1]Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
[1]Tytannial, Princess of Camellias
[3]Cherry Inmato
[2]Evilswarm Mandrago
[2]Copy Plant
[1]Lonefire Blossom
[1]Effect Veiler

Spells - 16
[3]Super Solar Nutrient
[1]One for One
[1]Mark of the Rose
[1]Allure of Darkness
[1]Foolish Burial
[1]Mind Control
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 6
[2]Torrential Tribute
[2]Solemn Warning
[1]Mirror Force
[1]Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck - 15
[1]Formula Synchron
[1]Gaia Knight
[1]Queen of Thorns
[1]Scrap Dragon
[1]Stardust Dragon
[1]Giga Brilliant
[1]Leviair Dragon
[1]Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1]Black Corn
[1]Photon Strike Bounzer
[1]Messier 7

Cards I am considering in here:
[1]Debris Dragon?
[1/2]Fallen Angels of Roses?
[1/2]Miracle Fertilizer
[2]Divine Wrath (Unclogs hands. fills grave, and has been useful in playtest)
[1]Black Rose Dragon
[1]Big Eye?
[1]Power Tool Dragon? (Helps to get Supervise, but not sure how I would make it...)
[1]Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
[1]Revise Dragon / other rank 3

[spoiler="Why in the World?"] (Cherry) Inmato = It created grave/tribute fodder (for Giga/Ty, or Super Solar Nutrient), as well as opening up plays into Synchros with my level 4's and Gigaplant, or Rank 3/Level 6 Synchros with Copy Plant.

Mandrago = Originally, this deck was supposed to focus around the use of 3 Miracle Fertilizers, and they actually didn't work out all that bad, but I think I'll have to test them some more before putting them in again. Plus, I needed room for a ton of cards...It now functions as a way to help an otherwise useless Copy Plant go into rank 4 or Level 8 Synchro,

Super Solar Nutrient = Turns Copy Plant, Fluff Tokens, and Cherry Inmato into Lonefire Blossom or whatever else the situation might require.

I am by no means married to these cards, but please take into consideration my reasons for using them when making suggestions.

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