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Wind-Ups Invade Equestria


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[quote name='Kabasaurus' timestamp='1343114444' post='5987234']-1 Kitten
-1 Magician
-1 Factory

+1 Veiler
+2 TT[/quote]Why Minus a magician? I thought it was a staple at 3?
[quote name='Le Magician' timestamp='1343121780' post='5987275']- 1 Bus
- 2 Chain

+ 2 Bottomless
+ 1 Reaper/Snowman[/quote]1 Chain?
Just....Run 1 Chain?
Seems awkward...
And I have Bottomless in my side. What should I add to the side if I move bottomless?

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[quote name='Airride_Master' timestamp='1343136878' post='5987452']
Why Minus a magician? I thought it was a staple at 3?
1 Chain?
Just....Run 1 Chain?
Seems awkward...
And I have Bottomless in my side. What should I add to the side if I move bottomless?

Magician can be ran at 3...but it sometimes clogs.

1 Chain is fine. I'd put D.Fissure in the side, or D.Prison.

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I put chain in because it deals with Evolzars, Chaos Drags, Inzektors, Mirror...
It's good against Everything, why would I NOT run it?
...You know what?
-2 Crow from side (Haven't really needed it, besides the Mirrior and Inzekts, but even then It's felt inferior to my other side cards.)
Snowman -> side
+1 Snowman in side
+1 Chain

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