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Domination Soul! -Take Control of Destiny- [Started|Not accepting|PG16]

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1343683863' post='5993025']
Lucky sod. All I have is a crappy CBSky. It's a cheap-ass thing and the strap holding thing keeps falling off. It's annoying when it happens on stage.

A guitar is a guitar. What matters is that you've got swag.

lolololololol XD Mine had a similar problem, but I solved it.

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[quote name='King Nothing' timestamp='1343685643' post='5993041']
A guitar is a guitar. What matters is that you've got swag.

lolololololol XD Mine had a similar problem, but I solved it.


And true, a guitar is a guitar. But some guitars are better than others. Especially for performing. I've only done a few gigs, and even then it's been 1 or 2 songs per gig, but it still keeps falling off(Thankfully either near the end or beginning of a song.)
Personally, I've always wanted a Gibson or GAX. And any B.C Rich guitar would be amazing to own, but I doubt I'll ever be able to afford one. :(

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[spoiler=App]Name: Silva Katoki
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: [spoiler=][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/7/85770.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Personality: Silva is a level-headed and intelligent individual, possessing vast knowledge. Silva is reticent meaning he isn't one to open up to people easily and quite judgmental. Silva closes his heart to new people and remains introverted as to stay focused on whatever goal he is set on at the time. Silva's reserved demeanor makes him very ruthless and unreasonable, but his friends are the only ones able to slightly settle his seething enough for him to think rationally. Even so, he considers his friendships to be a weakness hindering him from succeeding in his aims, but rare occasions he will ask for help. Despite this, he has a rather short temper and seems to thoroughly enjoy violence, especially when he gets to take part in it. He does, however, have a sense of honor and respects strength and determination. In an ironic twist, Silva becomes flustered and embarrassed when a woman acts immodest.

Bio: Silva was born and raised in a sleepy mountain village and was neighbors with his soon to be girlfriend, Rika. Due to having overprotective parents, Silva grew isolated from the rest of the village children. Because of that, he felt that he was somehow better than them, but he did long for friendship. He later developed a crush on Rika, but hated the her friends and the people she hung out with. When Silva was nine, Rika's parents where killed in a rockslide. Rika insisted that her parents were still alive, but where just trapped in the rock. Silva followed Rika by her request. While Rika was digging, some loose rocks fell and trapped her. Silva tried to move the rocks, but couldn't. This lead to him getting angry and awakening his ability. He hardened his aura around his fists and brokr the rocks trapping Rika. When all the rocks were removed, Rika had a broken arm and tattered clothing. Silva quickly took of his jacket to cover her up so she wouldn't get cold and so he couldn't see her with such revealing clothes. When they returned to the village, the townspeople thought the expedition up the mountain was Silva's idea and forbade him from coming near Rika. Silva blamed himself for what happened to Rika. As a result, Silva developed an anger problem, always getting into fights, not even caring who it was with, which later lead to him develop a craving for violence. Yet in spite of this new show of aggression, Silva was still just a quiet kid who rarely had much of anything to do with the other kids in the village. At the age of thirteen, Rika approached Silva saying if he would to be in a relation. He shrugged her offer off, disappointing her. Silva later saw some boys trying to hit on Rika which quickly angered him. He punched one of the boys which lead to fight. He eventually fought the other boys off though he was battered and bloodied. He turned to Rika and said he would like to be her boyfriend. She then patched him up and they maintained a secret yet stable relationship for seven years. Rika would patch him up after his fights, but was able to talk him out of some of them. Silva mysteriously got an invitation to Talents of the Soul. Rika pressured him to go and said she would be OK by herself.

Equipment: His fists
Ability: Silva's ability revolves around the aura that is constant emanating around his body which is normally invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen when he wants to show it. He is able to harden any part of his aura to do more damage with that part of the body or as an added defense. His aura enhanced punch can cause serious damage to someone without any form protection. Later on, Silva can solidify his aura around his fists and release them in a swift yet potent blasts or in a beam. He can also emit his aura in the shape of a dragon which is connected to his body, but is very energy draining.
Skills: He is very athletic and is extremely capable fighter.
Other: His biggest goal in life is to become stronger.[/spoiler]

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Workin' on the end of my app now.

[quote name='AkatsukiPride!' timestamp='1343411871' post='5990311']
[spoiler='Devin Kinzoku '] Name: Devin Kinzoku

Name: Devin Kinzoku
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: [url="http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/puppyfreak22/Anime%20Stuff/jorenshair.jpg"]http://i601.photobuc.../jorenshair.jpg[/url]
He wears a necklace with a small Level 2 Menger Sponge on it, and second necklace with the planet Saturn on it. He also wears white headphones around his neck. He has a bead bracelet on either hand, and a watch on his right. He wears white tennis shoes and a black hoodie.

Personality: Devin maintains a mathematical exterior, as shown by the puzzles and calculator he keeps with him at all times. However, since traumatized by childhood appearances of his “ability,” he has slowly developed a second personality, slowly but surely becoming schizophrenic. His original personality has become more of a gloomy pessimist, doubting any ability he has or pushing the mere thought that it was him who caused those childhood events into the back of his head. He also believes that his mathematical skill is just another thing he can do. On the other side of the coin, he’s an optimist, positive that he’s gifted with those abilities and talents. The optimist side sees the best of things while the pessimistic side sees the opposite, often leading to arguments between the two. Ergo, both sides of him are aware of each other, coexisting in the same body. The optimistic half developed itself while the original personality was going through severe amounts of trauma in his childhood in order to comfort the original personality and encourage it. It slowly became more developed and defined; now causing Devin to most literally be two different people in one body.

Bio: Devin grew up with his father and mother, along with an older sister. As a child, Devin was a mainly cheery boy, and developed his mathematical exterior at an early age because of his interest in puzzles. Whereas his few friends would spend hours upon hours on video games and computers, Devin would sit in his room with Rubik’s Cubes, Void Cubes, and countless other cube-based and three-dimensional puzzles. He excelled in math as a child, and was often looked at as a stereotypical “Nerd.” He had very few friends, but even so, was a very lonely child. As he became less and less liked and more and more lonely, he began to talk to himself when he was alone, starting his rode to split personalities when he was older.

On the faithful day his powers spiked, he was walking home with his father when the two of them walked in on a robbery in their own home. Three men with guns were ransacking their home. As Devin’s father slowly reached for his cell-phone, one of the men noticed them and pointed a gun at Devin’s father. Devin’s father began to dial 9-1-1, but the thieves weren’t taking any chances. When the phone started to ring, the man shot Devin’s father, and the bullet landed in his forehead, killing him instantly. Devin broke down and screamed, wishing the man dead out loud. The thief laughed and mocked Devin, saying that a normal kid like him couldn’t do anything. Amidst the laughing of the murderer, Devin only heard one thing. It wasn’t the man, nor was it his own voice. It was another voice in his head, his second personality, encouraging him to fend for himself; to kill the man. The three men began to run, but then something strange happened. The man who had fired the fatal shot was running through the kitchen when, all of a sudden, he handle of an outturned kitchen pot began to stretch out and change shape, turning into the shape of a human hand. It grasped the murderer by the neck and once again solidified, chocking him to death with no escape. The handle returned to its original shape and size, and the remaining two men ran away as fast as their legs could carry them.

When the police and Devin’s family finally arrived, Devin was rocking in a corner, talking to himself. His second personality was slowly developing even further.

For the rest of his life he has been haunted by the images of that day. Since then, he has become more gloomy and depressed, and slightly pacifist, evading all forms of violence fearing activation of his power. However, his “other half” has remained cheery, but is also a bit darker and violent at some points. Well the original half wishes to never be forced to use his power, as he doubts even halving it, his alternate personality wishes to see it in action more.

Until he received the letter, his family and he had been in a dead end, with a significant lack of money. Devin has been working at a burger joint, hoping for some change in his life. When he received the letter, he had extreme debate with himself whether or not he wanted to go. He finally decided on no, but changed his mind when his mom and sister found the letter and encouraged him to go. Devin packed only what he needed, and he was off.

Equipment: He usually carries a red sack over his shoulder that contains the following:
-A Rubik’s 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4.
-A Void Cube.
-Other variations of puzzle cubes and such.
-A calculator.
-A notebook and pen.
-A few bandages.
-Metal eating utensils, such as forks, spoons, and knives.
-A water bottle.
He also carries a wallet, Smart Phone, and watch with him. He has an ID on him at all times.

Ability: His ability allows him to manipulate the shape and properties of any metallic object. He can change the smallest of butter knifes into a katana or a spoon into a miniature Eifel Tower. He can also cause metal to melt or liquid metal to freeze. In other words, he can change the physical state of a metallic object. With a huge amount of concentration, he can even alter metal at a molecular level, gaining an ability to change one metal into another. However, he’s never been able to completely achieve this and he usually falls unconscious afterwards.

When he gains more control over his ability, he will be able to alter metal easier, and possibly manipulate non-metal objects. He will also be able to change physical [i]and[/i] chemical properties of metals, so long as he has a large amount of concentration and trust in his one ability.

Skills: -Great Skill with Rubik’s Cubes and items of the sort.
-Not very fit, but long legs let him run fast.
-Artistic Ability.
-The first personalities doubt in himself leads others to underestimate him. Not really a skill, but leads others to believe the skills he does have to not be there.

Other: His other half remains without a name of its own, but always liked the sound of the name “Ryoga.” However, Devin insists on him remaining unnamed. [/spoiler]

[s]Its a WIP. I have his entire character planned out, but I don't have enough time to write it all up right now.[/s]



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He's an...interesting character. Doesn't seems very evil, as most split personalities are. Which is quite good. But an 'Emo' (Because he does seem slightly Emo-ish) will brings spirits down a little. I foresee Nigel telling him to chill a lot. But he's seems cool to me.
Power could either be very boring or very interesting. Careful how you play it. ;)

P.S: Encapturer, would it be possible to slightly edit my ability? It wont be much, and is to make it more interesting; It wont be very different - strength wise - to what is currently there.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1343768061' post='5993763']
He's an...interesting character. Doesn't seems very evil, as most split personalities are. Which is quite good. But an 'Emo' (Because he does seem slightly Emo-ish) will brings spirits down a little. I foresee Nigel telling him to chill a lot. But he's seems cool to me.
Power could either be very boring or very interesting. Careful how you play it. ;)
P.S: Encapturer, would it be possible to slightly edit my ability? It wont be much, and is to make it more interesting; It wont be very different - strength wise - to what is currently there.

.... Maybe. Perhaps. Ahh, just go ahead and post what the change will be.

And while I was planning on having a description of the island as you land, I suppose I can go ahead and type up a general description of the island. I should have it done in... about 6 hours.

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To be honest, it was heavily inspired by re-reading your thing about the spheres that control magic. So thanks for that.

Ability: Nigel has the ability to summon small orbs of energy within a 4 metre radius, and can control these orbs telekinetically. Each of these orbs has a different ability which allows them to project a different sort of energy, usually represented by a different colour.
[spoiler=Current Orbs]Black Orb/Orb of Destructive Energy: A dense and quite explosive orb that will blow small holes in most objects upon contact, even concrete. It is the hardest to control but the easiest to summon and appears to have a life of its own, targetting any magic using human above all else. It seems to carve a simple, straight line path through the air as it attacks, making it the easiest to dodge.
Red Orb/Orb of Thermal Energy: This orb is covered in bright red flames and circles Nigel almost constantly once summoned. It emits strong heat that will burn most human and is able to set any flammable material alight. It is also able to power most heat based technology. It will emit it's energy constantly until it is either removed (Through the use of water, ice or strong winds) or Nigel loses conciousness, which is common as it drains his energy to remain stable. If the latter, it will often explode violently, spreading flames around.[/spoiler]
These spheres will disintegrate after 4 metres and are extremely difficult to control, and Nigel currently only possesses the skill to summon the Black orb and the Red Orb, and cannot aim or control them in anyway, leaving their effect to be incredibly unpredictable, and possibly harmful to him as well as anyone else.

When more skilled, he will be able to expand the radius of summoning and control the Orbs to a much greater extent; not only controlling direction, but being able to summon multiple at a time. He will also learn how to summon different varieties of orbs, such as a Natural Energy Orb and an Orb of Electricity.

I personally find it more interesting, but if you think I should stick with the original power I will.

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Okay, here we go.

First, the first post has some general geography information as requested. While some of it I was planning on bringing up in the first few GM posts, there are others that would (maybe? Probably?) become important in the future.

Second, I've been torn between accepting a total of 8 RPers, or 9. In the end, I went for 9, even if that means more work for me. I'm accepting Devin Kinzoku (AkatsukiPride!), Hikaru Kuroi (Disposable Hero), and Silva Katoki (Actual Cannibal). I swear these name changes are just here to mess with my brain -_-.

In any case, we're in this for the long haul. Sometime tomorrow I'll put up the first IC post and we'll go from there. But for now... good night.

Also, you want to start with two kinds of orbs? That's fine, as long as the somewhat chaotic nature of them remains.

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Interesting how the city of Medin developed. Usually a city grows near the closest way to the mainland and almost always near water. Instead, the city grows from the centre out, giving up the chance to develop large amounts of sea trade.

Once again, I digress.

How will the RP start? Will there be an NPC there at the airport ready to receive the characters?

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[quote name='encapturer' timestamp='1343874576' post='5995019']
Also, you want to start with two kinds of orbs? That's fine, as long as the somewhat chaotic nature of them remains.

There's the confusion.
Your Idea was the Spheres of influence, which govern all magic and stuff. Mine is merely a small recreation of certain similar aspects used as weaponry, such as a recreation of the sphere of chaos which just explodes. There will probably end up being quite a few from some Spheres (Power and Chaos) and relatively little from others (Glamous). The Orbs(Orbs, not Spheres) are sort of linked to energy, each having a certain type of energy output (Fire, Destruction, Nature) which would have varying effects on the surrounding environmnent, or part of it (For example, the Nature Orb will end up making the plants around it grow out of control - useful defence tactics. Although he has absolutely no control over the plants, ever)
Another example would be that the Orb of Hacking(Grey Orb I guess, and he wont have this for a while) will be able to, initially, just ruin computer systems it flys into, but will eventually have a much more fine tuned effect, where it will be able to just lower the defences of any computer system, allowing Nigel access (Or destroy it again)

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[quote name='Otaku-sama' timestamp='1343878281' post='5995090']
Interesting how the city of Medin developed. Usually a city grows near the closest way to the mainland and almost always near water. Instead, the city grows from the centre out, giving up the chance to develop large amounts of sea trade.

I currently refuse to speak on that matter =X.

[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1343892848' post='5995190']
There's the confusion.
Your Idea was the Spheres of influence, which govern all magic and stuff. Mine is merely a small recreation of certain similar aspects used as weaponry, such as a recreation of the sphere of chaos which just explodes. There will probably end up being quite a few from some Spheres (Power and Chaos) and relatively little from others (Glamous). The Orbs(Orbs, not Spheres) are sort of linked to energy, each having a certain type of energy output (Fire, Destruction, Nature) which would have varying effects on the surrounding environmnent, or part of it (For example, the Nature Orb will end up making the plants around it grow out of control - useful defence tactics. Although he has absolutely no control over the plants, ever)
Another example would be that the Orb of Hacking(Grey Orb I guess, and he wont have this for a while) will be able to, initially, just ruin computer systems it flys into, but will eventually have a much more fine tuned effect, where it will be able to just lower the defences of any computer system, allowing Nigel access (Or destroy it again)

Stop reading my mind.


In any case it has begun. [topic='287331']Click here.[/topic]

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What do you mean? Did you have the idea already?

Just a note to the power, it isn't manipulating the Spheres themselves, but recreating a mixture of abilities using direct influence from the spheres. I wont make it incredibly powerful, and it'll probably end up incredibly hard to control.

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I apoligize if i am slow on posting. My internet is being temperamental as of late. It should be fixed fairly soon, but if i don't post for like a day, its becuase my internet has crashed.

Also, i would like to know about how my phasing interacts with other peoples powers, and with magic in general. Just to clarify before I mess something up accidentately.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1343932446' post='5995467']
What do you mean? Did you have the idea already?

Just a note to the power, it isn't manipulating the Spheres themselves, but recreating a mixture of abilities using direct influence from the spheres. I wont make it incredibly powerful, and it'll probably end up incredibly hard to control.
No seriously, you're pretty much in my brain right now. Spells and abilities can be mixed, and I expect people to be doing so once able.
[quote name='HiveNet' timestamp='1343940326' post='5995563']
I apoligize if i am slow on posting. My internet is being temperamental as of late. It should be fixed fairly soon, but if i don't post for like a day, its becuase my internet has crashed.

Also, i would like to know about how my phasing interacts with other peoples powers, and with magic in general. Just to clarify before I mess something up accidentately.
The big thing is that you cannot phase through mages (the PCs, and anyone else with magic power). Note that magical things are unphasable as well, like a conjured sword, or a thrown fireball. All things mundane are fair game, though.

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