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Domination Soul! -Take Control of Destiny- [Started|Not accepting|PG16]

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[topic='287331']Domination Soul! has begun. Click here.[/topic]

[spoiler='Talents of the Soul Database, Block X (Accepted Characters)']
[spoiler='DaWeirdGuy - Nigel Utori'][b]Name:[/b] Nigel Utori
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 19
The one with black hair/eating the ice lolly. [/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Nigel is a pretty relaxed soul; a procrastinator with a nonchalant attitude towards life. He cares little about the goings on of the world - watches little tv, reads few magazines and newspapers, listens to little radio - and would rather just watch the clouds roll by on their travels through the sky than listen to gossip about the latest trends, or catch up on recent deaths or elections. He enjoys merely listening to music and staring at the sky than doing most sorts of activities. The only exception to this appears to be martial arts classes, which he takes up to defend himself in the world and yet enjoys quite a bit.
That's not to say he doesn't do anything. Since his brother's contraction of a strange, unknown disease, and the ensuing death of his sibling, he has gained an improved sense of duty, and will go out of his way to help another, though only if they are in dire need. He will often intervene in a mugging or crime, and will defend whoever he can, though he can often be sarcastic and chide himself while doing so.
He regrets very little about his actions, saying that 'what's done is done' and moving on. Despite this, he doesn't like to make mistakes in life, for he does not wish to end up regretting them.
He dislikes his power a lot due to the destructive and lethal force of it, and will refrain from using it where possible. However, due to his lack of control over it, when he is in mortal danger, it may activate of its own accord and attack anything surrounding him.
[b]Bio:[/b] Nigel was born to a single parent - his mother - and an Elder brother by 3 years, named Shin. Having different fathers, Nigel and Shin were technically half-brothers, but each treated the other like not only a brother, but a best friend.
They were raised quite well. It was a slightly poor estate in Osalia, which, although rather poor, provided the essentials for life, and there was enough money to buy supplies, and also buy entertainment things for the children. The Education was decent, and they were raised to be respectable teens, earning decent grades and making decent friends. They avoided the thug/chav culture that was rife in various estates - both converging more on the rock and metal culture - which while often lead them to be singled out and targetted by the local gangs, did keep them out of a lot of trouble. Nigel, while a large procrastinator, learnt to play the guitar quite well and Shin could play drums decently and they toyed with the Idea of making a band, but the Idea didn't get very far.
Altogether, life was good. They were happy and weren't in a position to complain about much.
But, of course, all good things come to an end. And in this case, it was literally Shin's good life. At aged 18, Shin was diagnosed with an lethal illness that left devastating effects on his body, and no doctor could figure out what is was or how to cure it. The family was distraught, and Nigel was often sent out to work, aged only 15, to provide for the family while his mother took care of Shin.
While normally a procrastinator, Nigel took up this mantle well, and the family was able to survive well for the next 6 months, while Shin slowly died.
For the entire 6 months, Nigel Idolised Shin. For not once did he complain, and he even ended up dying with a smile on his face, though Nigel couldn't find out why. And the household was left devastated, cold and alone from the death.
At 16, Nigel moved out, for he couldn't stand to live in the house any more. He somehow scraped together a little bit of money for a cheap flight to Mercadio, rented a cheap apartment in (a City), and worked as a janitor at a cafe for the next few years, earning just enough money to live.

He discovered his powers while being mugged (City Name).
He was merely walking down the streets, minding his own business, when he was jumped upon by a small gang of 3 teens, roughly his own age, who reeked of Alcohol. Refusing to give them money, Nigel attempted to run, but was shot in the shoulder by the leader and fell to the floor, blood spilling from the wound. Scared for his life, with the teens approaching, Nigel started to panic. As this happened, three totally black spheres appeared above him, stopping the three would-be thugs. Before they could flee, the spheres moved and rammed into the teens and exploded, tearing each in half. Nigel was shocked for a moment before he started to flee, running to avoid being associated with the scene.

In the next 3 years he has only used his powers twice more, and is scared of them. Not a massive fan of 'Talents of the Soul', he was rather surprised to recieve a letter, and frightened when they described his power, for he had been sure he had not revealed it to anyone. Curious as to how they found out about it, and scared that they could know more, he decided to visit the Island and compete.
[b]Equipment:[/b] ~A watch on his left wrist which not only tells the date and time, but contains a compass and a small amount of pepper spray.
~A smartphone with various apps and unlimited internet connection (Along with hundreds of songs).
~A backpack containg an assortment of items, such as: A small first-aid kit containing bandages and weak anaesthetics, a small knife, a spare set of clothes and a flashlight/torch.
[b]Ability:[/b] Name: Kuro-Kyu (Black Spheres)
Description: Nigel has the ability to summon small spheres of a dense and highly explosive material(yet un-named) within 4 metres of him, and can control these spheres telekinetically. This spheres can be launched with mediocre force and will explode upon touch with an object. This explosives can blow holes roughly 3 times the diameter of itself in wood, and contains enough explosive potential to 3rd degree burn a human from 2 metres away, and can be lethal with a direct explosion.
These spheres will disintegrate after 4 metres and are extremely difficult to control, and Nigel currently only possesses the skill to summon the orbs, and cannot control the direction nor the time of explosion. However, he is unaffected by the explosions.

When more skilled, he will be able to expand the radius of summoning and control the substance to a much greater extent; not only controlling direction and explosion, but being able to manipulate the appearence to create weapons out of the substance, which can be flung as explosive projectiles.
[b]Skills:[/b] A brown belt in various martial arts. Not an expert, but well versed enough to defend himself against ordinary thugs.
Does have training with a gun, but lacks ownership of one.
[b]Other: [/b]N/A [/spoiler]
[spoiler='~Renegade~ - Halt Mason (*)']
[b]Name[/b]: Halt Mason
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Age[/b]: 18
Halt stands at about 5’11”. He is athletic, but by no means does he have a muscular build. His face and lower arms and peppered with freckles, which really stand out against his otherwise pale, white skin. Halt has caramel colored hair, complimenting his dark blue eyes quite well. He has an unsightly scar that cuts across the top of his lower, right arm and ends just before the knuckle of his pointer finger. Halt tends to wear solid colored T-shirts, carrying his scar like a badge of honor. Depending on the weather, Halt will wear blue jeans or solid color cargo shorts with his T-shirt. Around his neck is a [url="http://itsbetterhandmade.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/2012_0225Pictures170027.jpg"]necklace[/url]. Halt tends to wear a [url="http://www.leadapparel.com/catalog/Augusta-1920-BlackBlackWhite.jpg"]backpack[/url], with an [url="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT34N-sBbb6XJ9FCf8ZllpSW8WfZf-2R2s-_HM9OwIEOC_SqKSd"]insignia[/url] stitched onto it in golden thread, when he is traveling…which is often.
[b]Personality: [/b]
Halt is a very honorable person. He carries honor high, and does not tolerate anyone questioning his own. He was picked on a lot as a child, so hates bullying and will gladly step into a situation on the weaker man’s behalf. He is fairly withdrawn and only puts his trust in a few people. Halt does not like the spotlight, and is only attending this show because of the financial troubles he is facing. Because he carries his honor in such high esteem, Halt does not like to ask for help. Those that can call Halt their friend, usually call him Hal.

Halt does not talk about his family. He hates his father and is embarrassed by his deceased mother. Born an only child, he doesn’t have any brothers or sisters
Halt grew up in a middle class family. He went to public school and got good grades. He was often bullied at school for being a nerd. In truth he isn’t really all that smart but…perceptive. Nonetheless, at school he was an outcast. As bad as things were at school though, home was worse. He lived with an abusive father and a drunken mother. When Halt was still in elementary school, he owned a dog. He had found her on the side of the road, and named her Pepper. Three years after finding her, she died of a snake bit. Halt lost his only friend and was crushed by it.

During one of his father’s fits of rage, Halt received the scar on his arm. The official story was that during a camping trip he fell and cuts his arm on a sharp, rock outcropping. In truth though, his father had attacked him with a kitchen knife. It was during this incident that Halt discovered his ability.

Several months later, his mother died due to her drinking and unable to stand his father’s abusive tendencies Halt ran away. He took his parent’s car and rented an apartment, miles away from his father. He of course had to drop out of high school and as a result got a menial job as a waiter. He made just enough money to get by, but with the restaurant closing he is now starting to enter debt.

Things are looking bleak and he views the invitation to participate in the “Talents of the Soul” as his only way out of the current predicament.
[b]Equipment: [/b]When traveling, Halt carries his drawstring backpack filled with a few essentials. Among these things is a hunting knife, a box of matches, $20 dollars, a few bandages, and a picture of his deceased dog, Pepper. Along with these items, Halt carries a smartphone. He only uses this phone to make calls and listen to music; he has no apps on it, or a texting a plan.
[b]Ability: [/b]Halt has discovered that he can sense the intentions and emotions of anyone around him. When he is around too many people, he starts to get a headache. As he gets more skilled in this, his ability will evolve into telepathy. When his telepathy is at its most matured state, he will be able to read minds, communicate through minds, take memories from other people, and even be able to modify memories in another person’s mind.
[b]Skills: [/b]With his ability, Halt has become good at judging a person’s character. He is also fit and athletic.
[b]Other: [/b]N/A
[spoiler='Otaku-sama - Kiri Dewrock']
[b]Name:[/b] Kiri Dewrock, the Explorer
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 22
[b]Appearance:[/b] 5’ 6”, athletic frame, tanned skin. Her face seems to be stuck in a cocky yet charming expression, drawing in all but the most disinterested people to her. Her face is marked with several scratches and scars, most notable of the scars being one that goes from her cheekbones, crossing the bridge of her nose. Kiri often wears heavy black eye shadow and black strips on her cheekbones (like football players) to block glare from the sun during her expeditions in hot climates. Her long raven black hair reaches her lower back and is almost always tied up, making her look like she has short hair. Her figure is very athletic, sporting a six-pack and defined musculature, but her chest is quite flat. Her normal outfit is one fit for exploring anywhere from the open desert to ancient tombs. She wears a cargo jacket with short sleeves with many pockets, a pair of long canvas trousers made to protect legs against the harshest sandstorms and sharpest thorns of the jungle, a safari style helmet with tinted goggles to protect against the sun and the sand alike, a silk and cotton muffler that can also serve as a face wrap to protect against dust and sand, a belt with many pouches that hold much of her equipment and heavy leather boots with metal plates in the sole and toe to protect against traps. She also wears a few of the magical artifacts that she has found in her expeditions as keepsakes: a silver amulet with a topaz in the centre and a steel armband with an arrow pattern in gold. Often times, Kiri neglects to button up her jacket, exposing her cleavage and midriff to the embarrassment of those around her.
[b]Personality:[/b] Kiri is a very brazen and adventurous girl whose wanderlust knows no bounds. Whenever there is a place she hasn’t explored yet, which are few and far in between, she can’t help but take a look for herself, leading her to all sorts of trouble. However, she is intelligent and cunning enough to get herself out of almost any sticky situation she might have gotten herself into. Kiri has little concern for following social conventions, leading her to dislike the rich nobles the longer she has to stay in the same room with them. Being an excellent cartographer, she often deals with the military, making maps of the land for them. She feels no loyalty to either nation and judges each person she meets individually. However, to earn her trust and comradeship is no easy task, requiring that the other be more or equally athletically capable. This attitude combined with her lack of social tact can often lead people to believe she is arrogant or outright mean, but earning her respect means earning a friend for life.
[b]Bio:[/b] Kiri was born to the wealthy merchant family House Dewrock as an only child after her mother had two miscarriages. Being an only child led her to be watched over obsessively by her mother, who rarely let her leave the walled estate. Despite living a sheltered existence, Kiri managed to be a rambunctious child who would cause mayhem among the servants when she would climb the brick walls of the manor, often discarding her dresses when they got in the way of her exploring. Every time Kiri was caught, her mother responded by trying to shelter her more, which only lead to more resistance and daring escapes.
Kiri’s most treasured times of her childhood were when her father would tell her stories of the great cities of the world he visited during his trading trips. Inspired, Kiri eschewed her manners and elocution classes to study the geography of the world, much to the disdain of her mother. Her wanderlust revitalized, Kiri sought new places to explore and map. Leaving the estate in the dead of night, her nocturnal adventures brought her farther and farther each time, exploring the old sewers and ancient catacombs of the city.
Despite her young age, Kiri’s talent for exploring uncharted areas was impressive. Her exploration of the city catacombs uncovered a vast number of ancient magic artifacts that were thought to be lost to time, including her amulet and armband. Her invaluable contributions to archaeology earned her many commendations and a reputation as one of the great explorers of her time. As her fame grew, more people took interest in her work and began offering her positions in expeditions in different provinces and even nations. However, Kiri’s ambitions were constantly being restricted by her parents, most notably her mother. After a long expedition exploring a sunken city in a swamp, Kiri returned to find that she was betrothed to man from another house, with her parents intending for her to give up her adventurous life to join the two houses. Kiri refused the proposal, but her parents did not take no for an answer. After trying to lock her up, Kiri escaped with a sack full of her family’s wealth and lived on the run.
After escaping her parents, Kiri made her living exploring the various ruins of the old cities of magic, selling the artifacts she found within to the highest bidder. Receiving a letter for an all expenses trip to an island she hasn’t visited before, Kiri didn’t think twice before accepting the proposal.
[b]Equipment:[/b] Kiri carries a large amount of exploring equipment with her; a grappling hook, climbing spikes with rope, a torch/flashlight and a machete are among the equipment she has at her disposal. Her amulet and her armband appear to activate and glow when exposed to a magical power source, but Kiri has not been able to find out how to keep them active long enough to find out what they do.

[b]Ability:[/b] Kiri can provide magical energy to any magic-powered device she touches. The longer she powers an artifact, the more tiring it is to keep powering it, leading to exhaustion.

[b]Skills:[/b] An excellent cartographer, Kiri can map out an area in her mind with only a quick glance. Although not acquainted with combat, she has a good eye for traps and is very agile from years of escaping the traps she did not see.
[Spoiler='InSaNiTyVoid - Kuri Nyotei']
[b]Name:[/b] Kuri Nyotei
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age[/b]: 17
[b]Appearance[/b]: [Spoiler=Picture I drew of her][img]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p572/InsanityVoid/Kuri-1.png[/img][/spoiler]
Kuri is 5' 7" inches, with a lean figure, she is in shape and she has good muscle tone. She has jet-black hair that she lets fall over her face a little, and she has longer bangs on either side of her face that fall to her shoulders. The rest of her hair falls back, and stops around the middle of her back. Everyday, she has two skulls that she wears in her hair. She usually wears t-shirts, tang tops, and either skirts or shorts. The heaviest piece of clothing she wears is a sweater, and even then it has to be very cold for that. Her breasts are on the large side, but it's not a thought that crosses Kuri's mind often if ever. The only time this is a problem is when she catches someone staring, she'll get angry at them quickly.

[b]Personality[/b]: Kuri is blunt, she says what is on her mind, often without thinking. This has been a problem for her from when she was little, and has lead to her not trying too hard to interact with others. She has no problem being alone, and others see this as her being shy, but she often uses the time to sort her thoughts or to just relax. She is very observant, she tends to pick up little things that most other people would miss. She uses this advantage, making plans to work things to her advantage, tricking people around her, or using it against someone to save her own skin when she screws up. She likes to have a plan, but when things don't go how she expects, she gets annoyed quickly and tends to throw the rest of the plan out the window.

[b]Bio:[/b] Kuri grew up in a pretty average home, with just her mother and father and her older brother Takai. Their parents were very successful in comparison to their neighbors, but they were not overly rich. Kuri's mother enjoyed pointing out the flaws in the actions of others, and Kuri, having been her mother's "baby" picked up on this very quickly. To a young Kuri, it was more of a game, to see if she could spot the problems before her mother. After a few years she could do just that, and she didn't learn it was wrong until someone at school caught her at it. She got pushed to the ground, and a playground scuffle began. Afterwords her parents were called in and her father, having a clear idea of where she got the habit from, started to be more active in his daughter;s life. He took her on little trips, usually just the two of them and her brother, and she learned a lot. In fact on a hunting trip when she was 11, she killed her first animal, but she cried for the poor creature afterwords. Her parents were relatively strict with her when it came to school, but Kuri never had a problem with school work. But for all of her sucesses, she had never been able to shake her bad habit she had learned from her mother. This did cause her to remain closed-off to most of her classmates, but otherwise it did not affect her negatively.

Her life remained this way for a while, a mundane and practiced daily ritual, she would go to school, her dad would work for extra hours and come home late, but happy to be with his family. This stopped when her father returned a day early from a buisness trip, he had wanted to surprise his family, but he walked in to find another man in his bed with his wife. He roared in rage and attacked the man, but it was to no avail, the younger man was much stronger, and put him down rather easily. Unfortunately this meant Kuri's father would have to go to the hospital for his serious wounds, he needed life support just to survive. After that incident, the man was far more bold about coming to their house, and disgusted, Kuri and Takai constantly escaped to the hospital to see their father. He would smile at the sight of them, and he would keep reminding Takai that he was the man of the house while he was stuck in the hospital. This put massive pressure on Takai, but he didn't show it until he turned 18, and told Kuri they were leaving the house. Kuri protested for only a moment, then she agreed but decided that she would have one last word with the man that had crushed their family. She finally let loose the snide comments and rude remarks she had been holding in for years, and it felt great. But he did not appreciate the words and he proceeded to try to literally throw them out, that is until he put his hands on Kuri. Takai blew a fuse and attacked him with a chair, but could not bring him down. As he pushed Takai over and reached over to grab a kitchen knife, Kuri made a desperate dash to stop him, never noticing the purple glow around her hands. On contact, he went rigid, and he began shaking, and much to Kuri's wonder and disgust, his arm began to wither under her touch, muscle and bone literally disappearing before her eyes, he screamed at the exact same moment she did, but her scream became strangled as she was suddenly struggling for breath and she felt herself passing out. She awoke in a small apartment a few days later her brother silently moving about. He explained he had purchased this place with money he had saved from his job, and that they would live here from now on. Kuri made the best of it, but her life would never return, the purple glow now showed up completely out of her control; she made holes in fences, and machines, even in the walls of the apartment. Kuri was aware she was begining to cause her brother serious problems by constantly destroying things, and she considered running away but she knew it would break his heart. She was getting very desperate but then she discovered that when she had gloves on, nothing happened. This was more of a temporary solution however, as there was the occasional slip-up. Then she recieved a letter from Talents of the Soul, and she was shocked to see they knew about her "power". She agreed almost immediately, hoping to learn how to keep it under control.

-Two skulls she wears in her hair
-Her gloves that she wears all the time; they are black leather and the band on the wrist of each glove glows green
-A backpack contaning: Her hunting knife that has her name on the handle, food (mainly grapes and other snacks), water bottles, and couple sets of clothes.

[b]Ability[/b]: Shi Naginata - Kuri hands are deadly. When Kuri focuses, or when she not paying attention, a purple glow shows up around her hands and when she touches someone, it slowly starts to hyper-accelerate their aging process. This works on both living and non-living things and is very hard to keep under control. The main way Kuri keeps this under control right now, is to only to take off her gloves when she's alone, since it doesn't affect her and it requires direct contact, just in case it starts up randomly. This process is heavily draining, and Kuri usually passes out after a short usage, and she has a high fever until she recovers each time. She will be eventually be able to channel this into a halberd form, after she gets more acustomed to her power, assuming she can concentrate long enough to shape the energy.

-Very talented with knives
- Is a very experienced hunter
-Is in good shape so she can run
-Makes complicated plans
-Hates the cold
[spoiler='Piercer of the Heavens - Christ Golden']
[b]Name:[/b] Christ Golden
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 25
[b]Personality[/b]: Christ has bad social skills, do never having any friends. Still he has been slowly getting those people skills. He still tries hard to make friends, although he is rarely successful. He can be brutally honest at points when he needs to lie, but he doesn't know when. He loves music that comes from the piano, flute, ocarina, piano, and violin. Whenever he gets lonely he summons his golems and starts talking to them as if they could talk back. Whenever he was nothing to do he plays his ocarina. He also plays it to express his emotions to people, since that is the best he he knows how.
[b]Bio:[/b] Christ was born in a high class family, so he could get whatever he wanted. Yet he didn't, all he wanted was to play his ocarina. He loved playing it that when he would get home from school he would go straight to his room and play it. He completely ignored other people at school which made him have no friends. He didn't care anyways, he had his ocarina. That is until that age of 12, which is when he began writing his own music. He would get lonely and go outside to try to play with other people, but with no social skills he couldn't make any friends. So one day as he sat in his room writing music, he stared at his desk. He began to daydream about having friends. Next thing he know there was two golems on his desk, and hid desk had two holes in it. He didn't care where they came from though, he enjoyed his time with them. He kept it a secret from everyone though, he thought that if others found out that they would take them. Little by little he learned how to summon them, so he wasn't as lonely anymore. Although he still wants human companionship. By the age of 20 he was already a semi-famous musician. He would perform at many places, sometimes solo an other times with others.
When he got the invitation he was shocked at them knowing about his abilities. He knew that he didn't show anyone. Although he quickly got over, maybe someone saw him with the golems. He went for the reason of maybe being able to get some real friends.
[b]Equipment:[/b] He carries a pocket watch to know what time it is. He also carries an ocarina, with a pouch for it tied to the left side of his hip, which he plays on his spare time. He also has a small backpack where he keeps a blank notebook, pencils, and a notebook full of music sheets.
[b]Ability:[/b] For now Christ can only summon 2 golems out of any solid object; these golems resemble a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pileated_Woodpecker"]Pileated Woodpecker[/url]. They are made out of whatever substance Christ made them from, so their sturdiness depends on the solid they were made of. Ex: One made out of stone will be stronger than one made from paper. The golems do take the matter from whatever it is made of, so one made from rock will leave a hole in the rock equal to how much matter was needed. For now he needs to touch the object to make a golem, but later all he needs to do it look at it. Later on he can summon more golems and/or different types.
[b]Skills:[/b] He is a skilled Ocarina, piano, and violin player and a skilled music writer. Do to him playing the ocarina he can hold his breath for longer than the average person. Although he is not that athletic he still has stamina to run for a while.
[b]Other:[/b] N/A
[spoiler='HiveNet - Lucas Alexander']
[b]Name[/b]: Lucas Alexander
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Age[/b]: 23
[b]Appearance[/b]: Lucas is 5" 11' and thin with an athletic build. His untidy dark brown hair is cut loosely just above his hetrochromatic eyes, one green, and one blue and half hiding a scar running from his forehead to chin, cutting across his left green eye. Further scars lie across his chest and his back. The fingers on his left hand were lost in an accident during childhood, replaced with mechincal versions capable of working as efficiantly as his own hand would have. His usual choice of clothing involves a tore biege trencoat over a plain shirt with jeans. He always wears a pare of leather gloves to hide his mechanical implants. On his right hand he wears a ring with a emerald set in the centre.
[b]Personality:[/b] Lucas is a laid back man, rarely doing things until they are absoulutely necessary. He has often be called lazy, though Lucas prefers the term 'selectively active'. Despite his laid back attitude, Lucas can also be a serious, and dependable man when the situation calls for it. Thoughout childhood, he would be the one to stand up for others when they were in trouble, even if it meant Lucas would have to suffer, and the one to provide for the family. All this leads to him being able to keep his head in a fight, and out think his opponents rather than rely on brute strength. He was not the smartest man, but neither was he an idiot, and prefered to talk his way out of a fight where he could. Lucas has a sense of honour, and will help any who he feels need it. Whilst he tries to hold it in check and maintain his calmer exterior, he had been known to have moments of great rage, and previous history in crime lead him to commit actions without moral consequences on his end.
[b]Bio:[/b] Lucas was the youngest of five children raised by his Mother in the rough areas of [city]. His Father abandoned the family a few weeks after Lucas was born. Poverty was a constant struggle, and Lucas was forced to pull his wieght from age eight. Crime was second nature to him. Over the next ten years where his other siblings were caught, and put away for robberies, and two accounts of murder, Lucas alone provided for his mother. He had to, it was his duty. Eventually, Lucas was forced into a local gang performing a bank hiest. Although the hiest was performed without an icidents, a turf war began in Lucas's home street. The rival gangs used local houses for shelter during this fight, and amongst the fighting, a fire started. The flames tore through the poorly made homes like a wildfire, and soon the street was an inferno. where as the others all fled, Lucas stayed, running back into his own home when his Mother didn't exit. Struggling through the flames, Lucas soon found his Mother. She had been trapped in a room, and burnt alive. Lucas broke down, falling to his knees and the building broke appart around him. The flames scarred him, leaving him with an eternal reminder, and the house collapsed. It was at this moment Lucas's ability manifested. Lucas walked through the burncing wreckage, and disappered into the night, his life changed forever.
After that night, he changed. The life of crime he had known was no more. His reason to commit crimes were gone. He found himself a job at a mechanics as a banker, and a appartment, and he made do. His ability was forever on his mind, and he tested its extents, its limits. Twice more it saved his life. A muggers attempts to stab him failed, and a speeding car passed clean through his body. During one such trial of his ability, he lost his fingers, and rather than visit a hospital, where he knew he would end up being arrested, he cauterized his own wounds and fashioned mechanical replacements. His life was peaceful, and yet he missed the thrill that crime had given him.
One day, his world came crashing down when his Father visited him. Lucas hadn't met the man before, and expected him to be some kind of villain. He wasn't, he was a lawyer, and he had tracked Lucas down because he was dying. Relectantly, Lucas agreed to visit his father at his office later that day. At that time they discussed why the man had left. He had simply been stuck in a relationship with someone he had't had loved, and decided one day to change that. Lucas despite his hatred of what the man did, could understand his reasoning. After Lucas told the truth of the night his mother had died, the behind him opened. A pair of armed police officers. His Father had been a wire, and Lucas was being arrested on a charge on manslaughter. He had been partly responsible for the fire. Lucas snapped, and phasing through both Guards firepower, knocked them unconcious. he walked over to his Father, and upon finding out he wasn't dying, threw him out of the window in his office. A twenty story fall. Lucas dissapered back to his appartment, preparing to gather his things and leave abroad, and found a letter at a his home from Talent's of the Soul. With no where else to turn to, Lucas decided to give this show a try. It may turn out to be an intresting detour.
- Three Knives, one held in a compartment in the heel of his left shoe, and the other two attatched to his belt.
- A digital watch with in-built compass
- Various pencils, pens pieces of paper stored in the many pockets in his trenchcoat.
- The mechanical replacement fingers, and his gloves.
- A water flask.
[b]Ability:[/b] Phasing- Lucas has the ability to phase his body out of this dimension, allowing him to pass through solid objects and vice versa at will, or let enemy attacks pass through him. As the ability temporarly removes Lucas from this dimension, he is unable to be harmed by anything that would affect this dimension, and vice versa. The ability can only be used for seconds at a time due to the psyical strain it places on his body. It also requires Lucas to either will it to happen, or for it to trigger as a defence mechanism. The second may only be used if Lucas would actively be awear of the attack in question. As his power increases, Lucas will gain the ability to phase different parts of his body out at will, allowing him to pass through an object, and rephase whilst still inside that object. He will also gain the ability to phase other objects or persons out through touch, and possibly phase seperate parts of a persons body out at will and disperse them.
[b]Skills: [/b]
- Basic martial art skills.
- Skilled with numbers
- Agile.
[spoiler='Disposable Hero - Hikaru Kuroi']
[b]Name:[/b] Hikaru Kuroi
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Personality: [/b]Hikaru is a carefree person, he lives his life day by day, without thinking about his future. He likes to think that everybody agrees on his decisions, and tends to try and be the leader to everybody, which has costed him some friends. He can see wether someone is a good friend or not, and actually changes a bit to his real friends, who he doesn't let anyone harm. Althought life hasn't always been easy for him, he keeps his head up high at any moment.
[b]Bio:[/b] "During the first five years of my life, it was okay...I lived in a quiet neighborhood with mom and dad and my little newborn sister, Haruka. Soon after she was born, a rare disease was found on her, and mom started working as a maid, since all of dad's money went to her treatment. It wasn't enough. A year later, Haruka passed away and we were broken, both emotionally and economically. The mortgage was fallling on us, and we couldn't pay that year, so we ended up losing our house. We went to a shelter, and I was only allowed to bring my classic guitar, which I used to get money on the streets. This went on for some time, until the shelter couldn't keep us anymore, and we started living at an abandoded trainyard. Dad...he left that year, it was my eleventh birthday. I lost mom a year after that...and I was alone. I kept doing what I loved thou, and that was playing the guitar. It got me some money, at least to be able to eat and buy clothes once in a while. It was weird...even if unplugged, my guitar sounded like hooked on to a speaker, and I eventually learned to control that. A year ago, a man offered me a new guitar if I played for him, and that got me some extra money to live somewhere. Still, my situation didn't change much...until that letter appeared. A month, with everything payed? I immediately grabbed my few stuff, this journal, guitar, my music and the gun I got from dad when he left, and I left. As soon as I finish this last sentence, I'll be off to the island of Medin." - Resuming fragment taken from Hikaru Kuroi's Life Journal.
[b]Equipment:[/b] Dean Dimebag Darrell Showdown ML Guitar (not on picture) - Magnum Revolver - Life Journal - Noise-cancelling Headset and Mp4 player with 8 GBs of metal.
[b]Ability:[/b] Hikaru has the ability to manipulate the sound waves from his guitar, using himself as a full-power speaker. He can increase these waves as much as he wishes to, but he needs to wear his headset so he isn't harmed by the high sound. He can also make the frequency of his guitar match human brain waves, making his music affect people at a mental level, for example, making them angry, sleepy or soothed.
[b]Skills:[/b] He is really good at playing the guitar, and is a good shooter, able to hit faraway targets. His eyesight is also better than average (Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?)
[b]Other: [/b]He is pretty much useless at broad sunlight, as well as with an empty stomach. He hates running or any exhausting physical activity.
[spoiler='Actual Cannibal - Silva Katoki']
[b]Name:[/b] Silva Katoki
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler=][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/7/85770.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Silva is a level-headed and intelligent individual, possessing vast knowledge. Silva is reticent meaning he isn't one to open up to people easily and quite judgmental. Silva closes his heart to new people and remains introverted as to stay focused on whatever goal he is set on at the time. Silva's reserved demeanor makes him very ruthless and unreasonable, but his friends are the only ones able to slightly settle his seething enough for him to think rationally. Even so, he considers his friendships to be a weakness hindering him from succeeding in his aims, but rare occasions he will ask for help. Despite this, he has a rather short temper and seems to thoroughly enjoy violence, especially when he gets to take part in it. He does, however, have a sense of honor and respects strength and determination. In an ironic twist, Silva becomes flustered and embarrassed when a woman acts immodest.
[b]Bio:[/b] Silva was born and raised in a sleepy mountain village and was neighbors with his soon to be girlfriend, Rika. Due to having overprotective parents, Silva grew isolated from the rest of the village children. Because of that, he felt that he was somehow better than them, but he did long for friendship. He later developed a crush on Rika, but hated the her friends and the people she hung out with. When Silva was nine, Rika's parents where killed in a rockslide. Rika insisted that her parents were still alive, but where just trapped in the rock. Silva followed Rika by her request. While Rika was digging, some loose rocks fell and trapped her. Silva tried to move the rocks, but couldn't. This lead to him getting angry and awakening his ability. He hardened his aura around his fists and brokr the rocks trapping Rika. When all the rocks were removed, Rika had a broken arm and tattered clothing. Silva quickly took of his jacket to cover her up so she wouldn't get cold and so he couldn't see her with such revealing clothes. When they returned to the village, the townspeople thought the expedition up the mountain was Silva's idea and forbade him from coming near Rika. Silva blamed himself for what happened to Rika. As a result, Silva developed an anger problem, always getting into fights, not even caring who it was with, which later lead to him develop a craving for violence. Yet in spite of this new show of aggression, Silva was still just a quiet kid who rarely had much of anything to do with the other kids in the village. At the age of thirteen, Rika approached Silva saying if he would to be in a relation. He shrugged her offer off, disappointing her. Silva later saw some boys trying to hit on Rika which quickly angered him. He punched one of the boys which lead to fight. He eventually fought the other boys off though he was battered and bloodied. He turned to Rika and said he would like to be her boyfriend. She then patched him up and they maintained a secret yet stable relationship for seven years. Rika would patch him up after his fights, but was able to talk him out of some of them. Silva mysteriously got an invitation to Talents of the Soul. Rika pressured him to go and said she would be OK by herself.
[b]Equipment:[/b] His fists
[b]Ability:[/b] Silva's ability revolves around the aura that is constant emanating around his body which is normally invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen when he wants to show it. He is able to harden any part of his aura to do more damage with that part of the body or as an added defense. His aura enhanced punch can cause serious damage to someone without any form protection. Later on, Silva can solidify his aura around his fists and release them in a swift yet potent blasts or in a beam. He can also emit his aura in the shape of a dragon which is connected to his body, but is very energy draining.
[b]Skills:[/b] He is very athletic and is extremely capable fighter.
[b]Other:[/b] His biggest goal in life is to become stronger.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='AkatsukiPride! - Devin Kinzoku']
[b]Name:[/b] Devin Kinzoku
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 18
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/puppyfreak22/Anime%20Stuff/jorenshair.jpg"]http://i601.photobuc.../jorenshair.jpg[/url]
He wears a necklace with a small Level 2 Menger Sponge on it, and second necklace with the planet Saturn on it. He also wears white headphones around his neck. He has a bead bracelet on either hand, and a watch on his right. He wears white tennis shoes and a black hoodie.
[b]Personality:[/b] Devin maintains a mathematical exterior, as shown by the puzzles and calculator he keeps with him at all times. However, since traumatized by childhood appearances of his “ability,” he has slowly developed a second personality, slowly but surely becoming schizophrenic. His original personality has become more of a gloomy pessimist, doubting any ability he has or pushing the mere thought that it was him who caused those childhood events into the back of his head. He also believes that his mathematical skill is just another thing he can do. On the other side of the coin, he’s an optimist, positive that he’s gifted with those abilities and talents. The optimist side sees the best of things while the pessimistic side sees the opposite, often leading to arguments between the two. Ergo, both sides of him are aware of each other, coexisting in the same body. The optimistic half developed itself while the original personality was going through severe amounts of trauma in his childhood in order to comfort the original personality and encourage it. It slowly became more developed and defined; now causing Devin to most literally be two different people in one body.
[b]Bio:[/b] Devin grew up with his father and mother, along with an older sister. As a child, Devin was a mainly cheery boy, and developed his mathematical exterior at an early age because of his interest in puzzles. Whereas his few friends would spend hours upon hours on video games and computers, Devin would sit in his room with Rubik’s Cubes, Void Cubes, and countless other cube-based and three-dimensional puzzles. He excelled in math as a child, and was often looked at as a stereotypical “Nerd.” He had very few friends, but even so, was a very lonely child. As he became less and less liked and more and more lonely, he began to talk to himself when he was alone, starting his rode to split personalities when he was older.
On the faithful day his powers spiked, he was walking home with his father when the two of them walked in on a robbery in their own home. Three men with guns were ransacking their home. As Devin’s father slowly reached for his cell-phone, one of the men noticed them and pointed a gun at Devin’s father. Devin’s father began to dial 9-1-1, but the thieves weren’t taking any chances. When the phone started to ring, the man shot Devin’s father, and the bullet landed in his forehead, killing him instantly. Devin broke down and screamed, wishing the man dead out loud. The thief laughed and mocked Devin, saying that a normal kid like him couldn’t do anything. Amidst the laughing of the murderer, Devin only heard one thing. It wasn’t the man, nor was it his own voice. It was another voice in his head, his second personality, encouraging him to fend for himself; to kill the man. The three men began to run, but then something strange happened. The man who had fired the fatal shot was running through the kitchen when, all of a sudden, he handle of an outturned kitchen pot began to stretch out and change shape, turning into the shape of a human hand. It grasped the murderer by the neck and once again solidified, chocking him to death with no escape. The handle returned to its original shape and size, and the remaining two men ran away as fast as their legs could carry them.
When the police and Devin’s family finally arrived, Devin was rocking in a corner, talking to himself. His second personality was slowly developing even further.
For the rest of his life he has been haunted by the images of that day. Since then, he has become more gloomy and depressed, and slightly pacifist, evading all forms of violence fearing activation of his power. However, his “other half” has remained cheery, but is also a bit darker and violent at some points. Well the original half wishes to never be forced to use his power, as he doubts even halving it, his alternate personality wishes to see it in action more.
Until he received the letter, his family and he had been in a dead end, with a significant lack of money. Devin has been working at a burger joint, hoping for some change in his life. When he received the letter, he had extreme debate with himself whether or not he wanted to go. He finally decided on no, but changed his mind when his mom and sister found the letter and encouraged him to go. Devin packed only what he needed, and he was off.
[b]Equipment:[/b] He usually carries a red sack over his shoulder that contains the following:
-A Rubik’s 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4.
-A Void Cube.
-Other variations of puzzle cubes and such.
-A calculator.
-A notebook and pen.
-A few bandages.
-Metal eating utensils, such as forks, spoons, and knives.
-A water bottle.
He also carries a wallet, Smart Phone, and watch with him. He has an ID on him at all times.
[b]Ability:[/b] His ability allows him to manipulate the shape and properties of any metallic object. He can change the smallest of butter knifes into a katana or a spoon into a miniature Eifel Tower. He can also cause metal to melt or liquid metal to freeze. In other words, he can change the physical state of a metallic object. With a huge amount of concentration, he can even alter metal at a molecular level, gaining an ability to change one metal into another. However, he’s never been able to completely achieve this and he usually falls unconscious afterwards.
When he gains more control over his ability, he will be able to alter metal easier, and possibly manipulate non-metal objects. He will also be able to change physical [i]and[/i] chemical properties of metals, so long as he has a large amount of concentration and trust in his one ability.
[b]Skills:[/b] -Great Skill with Rubik’s Cubes and items of the sort.
-Not very fit, but long legs let him run fast.
-Artistic Ability.
-The first personalities doubt in himself leads others to underestimate him. Not really a skill, but leads others to believe the skills he does have to not be there.
[b]Other:[/b] His other half remains without a name of its own, but always liked the sound of the name “Ryoga.” However, Devin insists on him remaining unnamed. [/spoiler]

Magic is dead.

So say many major scientists this day and age. Use of magic had been commonplace until about 100 years ago, when magic suddenly vanished. All the scientists and magicians of Osalia and Mercado joined together to find out exactly what happened. There had been no answers besides the obvious: No living soul could cast a single spell. Machines utilizing magic kept working, but soon they too lost all their magic power... for good. After all, humans could no longer recharge the magical cores the macic run off of.

Humanity is a resilient race, though. The world which once used both magic and science now came to depend on science alone. Technology raced forward, and though a little dangerous without magic there to back it up, peoples lives continue to improve. There is tension between the two superpowers Osalia and Mercado, as opposed to the world 100 years ago, which stood unified more or less. Despite this, the two countries try to work together to build a better future for everyone.

As for magic? The truth of what happened was only known to a few, and they all passed away already. But many people long for magic to make its return, to bring the spark of magic to the present day. The show "Talents of the Soul" plays on that, framing each ability as a magic of a sort. The show has been on for almost 10 years, so they are throwing a special anniversary show. Many people were invited to Medin to take part, including a select few that the producers have kept their eye on. For only those producers know the truth.

Magic is hiding, but magic still lives.

As one of those selected to appear on "Talents of the Soul", you have received a letter of invitation...
[spoiler="Open Your Letter"]Congratulations!

You have been selected to go on an all-expenses paid trip to the island of Medin to participate in the anniversary episode of the show "Talents of the Soul"! If you are unfamiliar with the show, we travel the world, showcasing individuals who have honed skills, strange abilities, and unique talents. Your special ability has caught our eye, and for that we invite you to our show. You will stay on the island for one month, and all costs will be covered.

(The rest of the letter contains details about how to get to the island of Medin from your location, and a short overview of your ability. Even if you haven't revealed it to anyone. Also the envelope contains money and tickets that are to be used to get to Medin).[/spoiler]
Thus begins Domination Soul!, an RP about the second coming of magic. Fortunately the world did not fall apart when it lost its magic 100 years ago, as science was still there to support it. In fact, currently their tech level is pretty similar to Earth right now (2012 AD). Your characters will be among those who have come to Medin to appear on "Talents of the Soul", but unlike most of the others on the island, you can use magic.

Well, it would be more accurate to say that you have the potential to use magic. The reason you were selected was because of one simple skill, one parlor trick, one unexplained ability. This one skill is acually magical in nature; and there are people who want to tap into that magic. As such, expect things to be dangerous for your character, and they'll have to rely on mundane methods of defense until your character's magic matures. But magic - true, raw magic - is very powerful. With it, one can easily control the world...

But what is raw magic? Well, all magic in the world was derived from the Six Spheres of Influence. These are not physical spheres, but represent an ancient concept in this magical world saying that all of existence is made up of combinations of these six elements, or influences. In the past, archmages studied the spheres in order to make new spells, even though it could have gotten dangerous if he or she was inexperienced. Still, since while one can cast spells without knowing about the Spheres, one cannot cast an original spell without drawing power from the Spheres.

[spoiler='The Six Spheres of Influence']
1) The Sphere of [Life]:
[indent=1]The sphere of [Life] affects living things, obviously. It can bring life, but it can also decay, and take that life away. Modifying parameters of a living creature; as long as the result is still biological in nature, is possible. Basically anything concerning living creatures can be changed, created, or removed with [Life].[/indent]
2) The Sphere of [Creation]:
[indent=1][Creation] is an analog to [Life]. As [Life] works on living things, the sphere of [Creation] works on non-living things. Commonly used to create things, it can also modify things, change their physical properties, and even outright destroy things. [Creation] can also have some minor interations with living creatures that are under [Life], but that requires higher level power.[/indent]
3) The Sphere of [Power]:
[indent=1]Now we're getting into more conceptual spheres. The sphere of [Power] is basically... energy. Telekinesis is a common [Power] ability, for example (as well as its subcatergories like pyrokinesis, etc.). [Power] can manifest visually as well, you'll just need to know a bit about what science has taught us these last hundred years. For example lightning and electricity can be used when channeling [Power].[/indent]
4) The sphere of [Glamour]:
[indent=1]The sphere of [Glamour] involves more than just charming others, though that definately is one of its abilities. [Glamour] governs anything about the mind and intellect. Make someone angry, cause them to be stupid, or even calm their rage or boost their intelligence. Against those immune to [Glamour], one can use [Glamour] to give a form of satience to other things; Necromancy was once a popular [Glamour] ability, after all.[/indent]
5) The sphere of [Knowledge]:
[indent=1][Knowledge] governs all information. Clairvoyance, fortune-telling, mind-reading... all fall under the sphere of [Knowledge]. Much of what is inside the human brain is information as well, so [Knowledge] can affect that as well. It may seem to overlap with [Glamour] here, but think of it this way, [Glamour] deals with *how* the mind works, while [Knowledge] deals with what is inside said mind.[/indent]
6) The sphere of [Chaos]:
[indent=1]Not much is known about this sphere. [Chaos] is known to affect luck and probability on some level. [Chaos] can also mimic the effects of other spheres, but it is much, much harder to control. Usually when using the [Chaos] sphere, one just aims for a general effect and hopes for the best. The results are often spectacular, though.[/indent]

Note on magic: A mage cannot directly influence another mage without their consent. So if a mage doesn't want to get healed, magic healing would have no effect. But this only covers a direct influence. If you want to burn another mage, create a fireball and fling it at them. They'll get burned that way. This affects your starting ability as well, but remember that normal people have no resistance.

Note on NPCs: They all are normal people, unless otherwise stated

Note on Medin: The island of Medin itself is mostly self-sufficient; a sprawling metropolis lies in the center, which also holds the building where the minds behind "Talents of the Soul" reside. The city is also called Medin, being the only city there. On the outskirts are farming communities, and forests take up most of the island's space. A peculiar island, to be sure.
[spoiler='Further Details]From a birds-eye view, the isle of Medin looks kind of a... forest donut. The few rivers that do run through the island do not reach the center, and are not very large in of themselves. Instead, in the center of the island one could see the metropolis that is Medin City, with a population of about 3 million strong. Overall, the city is... very clean, even though most of the buildings were built around 50 years ago. In the center stands a 30-floor skyscraper, the Crystal Building, standing in the center. Within this building resides a branch office of Cross Border TV, or CBTV. It is commonly known as the office of "Talents of the Soul", however. In the area around the center of the city is heavily commercialised, filled with various offices, shopping centers, and the like, and seems to be always bursting with life. As one moves further away from the center, there shopping centers change into neighborhoods, each one with their own look.

The exception to this is the western area of the city, where the city's sole airport resides. There are hotels and general tourist attractions there, to keep the attention of travelers and to siphon them of their cash. It was the latest addition to the city, and it shows. Being built to capitalize on the success of "Talents of the Soul", many shops do sell goods dedicated to the show. Travelers tend to stay there or enter the central commercial zone, rarely travelling into the other neighborhoods.

Going further out from the center and one will start encountering the aformentioned forested areas. Parts of the forest is gated off for one reason or another, with people often speculating why those areas have been sectioned off. The strange thing is that there are no natural predators in the forest. It is suspected that magic from the past had something to do with it. Even so, there have been a few areas where farms have popped up and yet others where suburban communities are form. These get less and less common the further out from the center you get at... and eventually one would reach the coast. Much of the coast is steep cliff which drops off into the water, but there are a few beaches, and even a small, nameless port town at the northern end of the island (They pretty much identify themselves as Median). It doesn't get as much use nowadays, but there is enough work for those who live there.

[spoiler='Rules']1)All YCM Rules apply, including the Advanced Clause.
2)No Godmoding, Power Playing, Meta Gaming, etc. The nature of magic means that there may be some blurring of this rule later on, but remember rule 5.
3)As of now, only 1 character per person.
4)Stay Active, especially if you're in a group. If you are inactive, I may take control of your character to help move the story along.
5)GMs have final say. Your spells can get pretty powerful, but GMs will be there to step in if they are too powerful.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Application'](Erase everything in parentheses. While I do not have hard and fast rules about how much description I want, make sure there is enough to imagine your character in the world. Don't make him or her too much of a blank slate.)

Age: (Between 15 and 29, please)
Appearance: (pic or description)
Personality: (as much description as you want)
Bio: (as much description as you want)
Equipment: (Any gear the character carries with them.)
Ability: (The magic ability that you start with. A minor ability, that either is kept secret or not easily identified as magic.)
Skills: (Any mundane skills the character has you want to point out.)
Other: (Any other info you want to add goes here.)[/spoiler]

See you in Medin!

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My magical potential shall be unleashed, methinks. And I dont have the patience to wait. (It's magic for crying out loud!)
Though the word magic looks boring. How about Magick, or Magicka. They look much better.

[spoiler=Aaaanyway, my app is here!][b]Name:[/b] Nigel Utori
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 19
The one with black hair/eating the ice lolly. [/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Nigel is a pretty relaxed soul; a procrastinator with a nonchalant attitude towards life. He cares little about the goings on of the world - watches little tv, reads few magazines and newspapers, listens to little radio - and would rather just watch the clouds roll by on their travels through the sky than listen to gossip about the latest trends, or catch up on recent deaths or elections. He enjoys merely listening to music and staring at the sky than doing most sorts of activities. The only exception to this appears to be martial arts classes, which he takes up to defend himself in the world and yet enjoys quite a bit.
That's not to say he doesn't do anything. Since his brother's contraction of a strange, unknown disease, and the ensuing death of his sibling, he has gained an improved sense of duty, and will go out of his way to help another, though only if they are in dire need. He will often intervene in a mugging or crime, and will defend whoever he can, though he can often be sarcastic and chide himself while doing so.
He regrets very little about his actions, saying that 'what's done is done' and moving on. Despite this, he doesn't like to make mistakes in life, for he does not wish to end up regretting them.
He dislikes his power a lot due to the destructive and lethal force of it, and will refrain from using it where possible. However, due to his lack of control over it, when he is in mortal danger, it may activate of its own accord and attack anything surrounding him.
[b]Bio:[/b] Nigel was born to a single parent - his mother - and an Elder brother by 3 years, named Shin. Having different fathers, Nigel and Shin were technically half-brothers, but each treated the other like not only a brother, but a best friend.
They were raised quite well. It was a slightly poor estate in Osalia, which, although rather poor, provided the essentials for life, and there was enough money to buy supplies, and also buy entertainment things for the children. The Education was decent, and they were raised to be respectable teens, earning decent grades and making decent friends. They avoided the thug/chav culture that was rife in various estates - both converging more on the rock and metal culture - which while often lead them to be singled out and targetted by the local gangs, did keep them out of a lot of trouble. Nigel, while a large procrastinator, learnt to play the guitar quite well and Shin could play drums decently and they toyed with the Idea of making a band, but the Idea didn't get very far.
Altogether, life was good. They were happy and weren't in a position to complain about much.
But, of course, all good things come to an end. And in this case, it was literally Shin's good life. At aged 18, Shin was diagnosed with an lethal illness that left devastating effects on his body, and no doctor could figure out what is was or how to cure it. The family was distraught, and Nigel was often sent out to work, aged only 15, to provide for the family while his mother took care of Shin.
While normally a procrastinator, Nigel took up this mantle well, and the family was able to survive well for the next 6 months, while Shin slowly died.
For the entire 6 months, Nigel Idolised Shin. For not once did he complain, and he even ended up dying with a smile on his face, though Nigel couldn't find out why. And the household was left devastated, cold and alone from the death.
At 16, Nigel moved out, for he couldn't stand to live in the house any more. He somehow scraped together a little bit of money for a cheap flight to Mercadio, rented a cheap apartment in (a City), and worked as a janitor at a cafe for the next few years, earning just enough money to live.

He discovered his powers while being mugged (City Name).
He was merely walking down the streets, minding his own business, when he was jumped upon by a small gang of 3 teens, roughly his own age, who reeked of Alcohol. Refusing to give them money, Nigel attempted to run, but was shot in the shoulder by the leader and fell to the floor, blood spilling from the wound. Scared for his life, with the teens approaching, Nigel started to panic. As this happened, three totally black spheres appeared above him, stopping the three would-be thugs. Before they could flee, the spheres moved and rammed into the teens and exploded, tearing each in half. Nigel was shocked for a moment before he started to flee, running to avoid being associated with the scene.

In the next 3 years he has only used his powers twice more, and is scared of them. Not a massive fan of 'Talents of the Soul', he was rather surprised to recieve a letter, and frightened when they described his power, for he had been sure he had not revealed it to anyone. Curious as to how they found out about it, and scared that they could know more, he decided to visit the Island and compete.
[b]Equipment:[/b] ~A watch on his left wrist which not only tells the date and time, but contains a compass and a small amount of pepper spray.
~A smartphone with various apps and unlimited internet connection (Along with hundreds of songs).
~A backpack containg an assortment of items, such as: A small first-aid kit containing bandages and weak anaesthetics, a small knife, a spare set of clothes and a flashlight/torch.
[b]Ability:[/b] Name: Kuro-Kyu (Black Spheres)
Description: Nigel has the ability to summon small spheres of a dense and highly explosive material(yet un-named) within 4 metres of him, and can control these spheres telekinetically. This spheres can be launched with mediocre force and will explode upon touch with an object. This explosives can blow holes roughly 3 times the diameter of itself in wood, and contains enough explosive potential to 3rd degree burn a human from 2 metres away, and can be lethal with a direct explosion.
These spheres will disintegrate after 4 metres and are extremely difficult to control, and Nigel currently only possesses the skill to summon the orbs, and cannot control the direction nor the time of explosion. However, he is unaffected by the explosions.

When more skilled, he will be able to expand the radius of summoning and control the substance to a much greater extent; not only controlling direction and explosion, but being able to manipulate the appearence to create weapons out of the substance, which can be flung as explosive projectiles.
[b]Skills:[/b] A brown belt in various martial arts. Not an expert, but well versed enough to defend himself against ordinary thugs.
Does have training with a gun, but lacks ownership of one.
[b]Other: [/b]N/A [/spoiler]

[s]WIP Just doing the bio.[/s] Done... I think.

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Cool. Reservations noted.

I was just sitting here today and thought of something... Here I am promising your characters the chance to gain untold power... but you know nothing about it! Well, I figure I should tell everyone about the Six Spheres of Influence, the method of which you'll be using any spells outside of any abilities you may have or gain in the future. Of course, remember that these Spheres cannot be used directly on other players either (without consent), since... they can get crazy powerful.

As for how to use the Spheres, I'll wait until they're introduced in the RP proper ;p

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Well my power seems to fall into pretty obvious categories there. Power and Chaos methinks.
Anyway, working on the Bio now. Should be done by midday(Gmt) if my Inspiration is decent and my writing's any good.

Sorry. Been surprisingly busy today. Actually going to do it now.

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[b]Name[/b]: Halt Mason
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Age[/b]: 18
Halt stands at about 5’11”. He is athletic, but by no means does he have a muscular build. His face and lower arms and peppered with freckles, which really stand out against his otherwise pale, white skin. Halt has caramel colored hair, complimenting his dark blue eyes quite well. He has an unsightly scar that cuts across the top of his lower, right arm and ends just before the knuckle of his pointer finger. Halt tends to wear solid colored T-shirts, carrying his scar like a badge of honor. Depending on the weather, Halt will wear blue jeans or solid color cargo shorts with his T-shirt. Around his neck is a [url="http://itsbetterhandmade.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/2012_0225Pictures170027.jpg"]necklace[/url]. Halt tends to wear a [url="http://www.leadapparel.com/catalog/Augusta-1920-BlackBlackWhite.jpg"]backpack[/url], with an [url="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT34N-sBbb6XJ9FCf8ZllpSW8WfZf-2R2s-_HM9OwIEOC_SqKSd"]insignia[/url] stitched onto it in golden thread, when he is traveling…which is often.
[b]Personality: [/b]
Halt is a very honorable person. He carries honor high, and does not tolerate anyone questioning his own. He was picked on a lot as a child, so hates bullying and will gladly step into a situation on the weaker man’s behalf. He is fairly withdrawn and only puts his trust in a few people. Halt does not like the spotlight, and is only attending this show because of the financial troubles he is facing. Because he carries his honor in such high esteem, Halt does not like to ask for help. Those that can call Halt their friend, usually call him Hal.

Halt does not talk about his family. He hates his father and is embarrassed by his deceased mother. Born an only child, he doesn’t have any brothers or sisters
Halt grew up in a middle class family. He went to public school and got good grades. He was often bullied at school for being a nerd. In truth he isn’t really all that smart but…perceptive. Nonetheless, at school he was an outcast. As bad as things were at school though, home was worse. He lived with an abusive father and a drunken mother. When Halt was still in elementary school, he owned a dog. He had found her on the side of the road, and named her Pepper. Three years after finding her, she died of a snake bit. Halt lost his only friend and was crushed by it.

During one of his father’s fits of rage, Halt received the scar on his arm. The official story was that during a camping trip he fell and cuts his arm on a sharp, rock outcropping. In truth though, his father had attacked him with a kitchen knife. It was during this incident that Halt discovered his ability.

Several months later, his mother died due to her drinking and unable to stand his father’s abusive tendencies Halt ran away. He took his parent’s car and rented an apartment, miles away from his father. He of course had to drop out of high school and as a result got a menial job as a waiter. He made just enough money to get by, but with the restaurant closing he is now starting to enter debt.

Things are looking bleak and he views the invitation to participate in the “Talents of the Soul” as his only way out of the current predicament.
[b]Equipment: [/b]When traveling, Halt carries his drawstring backpack filled with a few essentials. Among these things is a hunting knife, a box of matches, $20 dollars, a few bandages, and a picture of his deceased dog, Pepper. Along with these items, Halt carries a smartphone. He only uses this phone to make calls and listen to music; he has no apps on it, or a texting a plan.
[b]Ability: [/b]Halt has discovered that he can sense the intentions and emotions of anyone around him. When he is around too many people, he starts to get a headache. As he gets more skilled in this, his ability will evolve into telepathy. When his telepathy is at its most matured state, he will be able to read minds, communicate through minds, take memories from other people, and even be able to modify memories in another person’s mind.
[b]Skills: [/b]With his ability, Halt has become good at judging a person’s character. He is also fit and athletic.
[b]Other: [/b]N/A

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Well, it should work fine. I have an idea of what motivates Nigel at least. Accepted, though feel free to change things if you get a sudden insight or something. (Feel free to name the city as well, Osalia and Mercado are crazy huge, so there are plenty of cities to go around, haha).

(Well, there are a few named cities in canon; Eldwund in Osalia... and Nesland and Capital City in Mercado)


Looks good. I can't wait to see what he does in the RP proper. Anyway, accepted.

2 down. I think 5 or 6 people are good enough to start the RP with. I'll update the main post with character information in a little bit as well.

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My app.

[spoiler=Kiri the Explorer]

Name: Kiri Dewrock, the Explorer

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Appearance: 5’ 6”, athletic frame, tanned skin. Her face seems to be stuck in a cocky yet charming expression, drawing in all but the most disinterested people to her. Her face is marked with several scratches and scars, most notable of the scars being one that goes from her cheekbones, crossing the bridge of her nose. Kiri often wears heavy black eye shadow and black strips on her cheekbones (like football players) to block glare from the sun during her expeditions in hot climates. Her long raven black hair reaches her lower back and is almost always tied up, making her look like she has short hair. Her figure is very athletic, sporting a six-pack and defined musculature, but her chest is quite flat. Her normal outfit is one fit for exploring anywhere from the open desert to ancient tombs. She wears a cargo jacket with short sleeves with many pockets, a pair of long canvas trousers made to protect legs against the harshest sandstorms and sharpest thorns of the jungle, a safari style helmet with tinted goggles to protect against the sun and the sand alike, a silk and cotton muffler that can also serve as a face wrap to protect against dust and sand, a belt with many pouches that hold much of her equipment and heavy leather boots with metal plates in the sole and toe to protect against traps. She also wears a few of the magical artifacts that she has found in her expeditions as keepsakes: a silver amulet with a topaz in the centre and a steel armband with an arrow pattern in gold. Often times, Kiri neglects to button up her jacket, exposing her cleavage and midriff to the embarrassment of those around her.

Personality: Kiri is a very brazen and adventurous girl whose wanderlust knows no bounds. Whenever there is a place she hasn’t explored yet, which are few and far in between, she can’t help but take a look for herself, leading her to all sorts of trouble. However, she is intelligent and cunning enough to get herself out of almost any sticky situation she might have gotten herself into. Kiri has little concern for following social conventions, leading her to dislike the rich nobles the longer she has to stay in the same room with them. Being an excellent cartographer, she often deals with the military, making maps of the land for them. She feels no loyalty to either nation and judges each person she meets individually. However, to earn her trust and comradeship is no easy task, requiring that the other be more or equally athletically capable. This attitude combined with her lack of social tact can often lead people to believe she is arrogant or outright mean, but earning her respect means earning a friend for life.

Bio: Kiri was born to the wealthy merchant family House Dewrock as an only child after her mother had two miscarriages. Being an only child led her to be watched over obsessively by her mother, who rarely let her leave the walled estate. Despite living a sheltered existence, Kiri managed to be a rambunctious child who would cause mayhem among the servants when she would climb the brick walls of the manor, often discarding her dresses when they got in the way of her exploring. Every time Kiri was caught, her mother responded by trying to shelter her more, which only lead to more resistance and daring escapes.
Kiri’s most treasured times of her childhood were when her father would tell her stories of the great cities of the world he visited during his trading trips. Inspired, Kiri eschewed her manners and elocution classes to study the geography of the world, much to the disdain of her mother. Her wanderlust revitalized, Kiri sought new places to explore and map. Leaving the estate in the dead of night, her nocturnal adventures brought her farther and farther each time, exploring the old sewers and ancient catacombs of the city.
Despite her young age, Kiri’s talent for exploring uncharted areas was impressive. Her exploration of the city catacombs uncovered a vast number of ancient magic artifacts that were thought to be lost to time, including her amulet and armband. Her invaluable contributions to archaeology earned her many commendations and a reputation as one of the great explorers of her time. As her fame grew, more people took interest in her work and began offering her positions in expeditions in different provinces and even nations. However, Kiri’s ambitions were constantly being restricted by her parents, most notably her mother. After a long expedition exploring a sunken city in a swamp, Kiri returned to find that she was betrothed to man from another house, with her parents intending for her to give up her adventurous life to join the two houses. Kiri refused the proposal, but her parents did not take no for an answer. After trying to lock her up, Kiri escaped with a sack full of her family’s wealth and lived on the run.
After escaping her parents, Kiri made her living exploring the various ruins of the old cities of magic, selling the artifacts she found within to the highest bidder. Receiving a letter for an all expenses trip to an island she hasn’t visited before, Kiri didn’t think twice before accepting the proposal.

Equipment: Kiri carries a large amount of exploring equipment with her; a grappling hook, climbing spikes with rope, a torch/flashlight and a machete are among the equipment she has at her disposal. Her amulet and her armband appear to activate and glow when exposed to a magical power source, but Kiri has not been able to find out how to keep them active long enough to find out what they do.

Ability: Kiri can provide magical energy to any magic-powered device she touches. The longer she powers an artifact, the more tiring it is to keep powering it, leading to exhaustion.

Skills: An excellent cartographer, Kiri can map out an area in her mind with only a quick glance. Although not acquainted with combat, she has a good eye for traps and is very agile from years of escaping the traps she did not see.

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To hell with it, reserving because I'm bored. I'll make my app now.

[spoiler=Applimicationz (WIP)]Name: Lisa Raikkonen
Gender: [acronym='She's heavily androgynous however, so much so that her voice sounds like one that would be expected from a guy.']Female[/acronym]
Age: 15
^the [s]ginger[/s] redhead (apparently her hair's supposed to be strawberry brown, but w/e). Image Credit goes to magickittykat

Standing at 5' 5" and having a medium build already, Lisa is pretty well developed for a 15-year-old, considering she still has a couple years' puberty to get through. Her breasts are actually of a respectable size, although they are too large for her personal liking, and she refuses to show them off in the typical girly manner. In fact, she tends to [i]strictly[/i] designate men's clothing as her personal attire, even down to the underwear, and wears combat boots on her feet. Lisa has a tattoo of a phoenix that covers her entire back, as well as a couple of snake tattoos; one of a rattlesnake that starts from the left shoulder and goes down the arm, stopping just before the elbow, and one of a boa constricter that goes around the neck. Her fourth and last tattoo is one of a crucifix, which is shown on the front side of the right shoulder.[/spoiler]
Personality: Ironically, the [i]best[/i] way to remind oneself that Lisa is a girl is to goggle at her breasts, or to allow her to undress in front of someone. Between her tomboyish ways, androgynous appearance and strangely guy-like voice, one would be hard-pressed to discern Lisa's true sex via any other method. A possibly [i]worrying[/i] thing is that Lisa won't even bother correcting anyone that [i]does[/i] in fact mistake her as a guy. However, Lisa is offended by sexist comments in general; so much so that one too many will cause her to fly into a rage. Lisa has no problem in speaking her mind, and in truth has [i]complete[/i] disregard in whether others dislike what it is she's saying, rendering it [i]their[/i] problem and not hers. She tends to have the habits of the typical guy; not always being able to see things that would be clearly visible if she were to "use her eyes", so to speak, being none too interested in doing things that she doesn't see other guys doing, getting nose-bleeds when she's sexually turned on... the latter even happens in her sleep. Despite this, Lisa would honestly rather not get involved with any loving relationship if she can avoid it; neither with a guy [i]nor[/i] another girl. But if sexuality [i]would[/i] play a part in her life, then she'd definitely be a lesbian; no doubt about it.
Equipment: Lisa carries very little on her, and most of what she [i]does[/i] carry is just the odd thing that she finds cool or would realistically help her in any giving situation. That's basically her wallet, keys to her house, a well-stocked first aid kit, a pocket knife... things like that. Interestingly, Lisa regularly carries a machete, which is holstered on one side of her jacket. This is rather unusual since she doesn't go out into jungles much, but she claims this to be handy for self-defence.
Ability: Lisa has the ability to distort her body to suit her needs or desires. Her body transforms very slowly, and only achieves one adaptation at a time, meaning the whole process could take [i]hours[/i] if she has too many things in mind. In addition, Lisa suffers a horrifying amount of pain during the transformation, and feels great discomfort with the fully transformed body. Maintaining it for a decent length of time, therefore, requires a lot of perseverance over the discomfort, a trait that Lisa just [i]doesn't[/i] have.
Skills: Adaptation with the way of the sword is one of Lisa's defining qualities. She can actually go as far as duel-wielding any two swords, even those that would normally take two-hands to wield and swing properly. She also has an outstanding level of strength for a 15-year-old girl. It takes twice as much stuff as one would expect to get Lisa overburden, and she can snap 2x4 planks with her bear hands... and maybe a knee. Not to mention she can un-wedge herself out of any situation.
[s]Other[/s] Theme Song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NPBIwQyPWE"]Complicated, by Avril Lavigne[/url][/spoiler]

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Hello, I'm reserving if I can, this seems pretty cool. I'll leave my app below, I would complete it but I'm drawing my character first.

[Spoiler=Kuri's App]
[b]Name:[/b] Kuri Nyotei
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age[/b]: 17
[b]Appearance[/b]: [Spoiler=Picture I drew of her][img]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p572/InsanityVoid/Kuri-1.png[/img][/spoiler]
Kuri is 5' 7" inches, with a lean figure, she is in shape and she has good muscle tone. She has jet-black hair that she lets fall over her face a little, and she has longer bangs on either side of her face that fall to her shoulders. The rest of her hair falls back, and stops around the middle of her back. Everyday, she has two skulls that she wears in her hair. She usually wears t-shirts, tang tops, and either skirts or shorts. The heaviest piece of clothing she wears is a sweater, and even then it has to be very cold for that. Her breasts are on the large side, but it's not a thought that crosses Kuri's mind often if ever. The only time this is a problem is when she catches someone staring, she'll get angry at them quickly.

[b]Personality[/b]: Kuri is blunt, she says what is on her mind, often without thinking. This has been a problem for her from when she was little, and has lead to her not trying too hard to interact with others. She has no problem being alone, and others see this as her being shy, but she often uses the time to sort her thoughts or to just relax. She is very observant, she tends to pick up little things that most other people would miss. She uses this advantage, making plans to work things to her advantage, tricking people around her, or using it against someone to save her own skin when she screws up. She likes to have a plan, but when things don't go how she expects, she gets annoyed quickly and tends to throw the rest of the plan out the window.

[b]Bio:[/b] Kuri grew up in a pretty average home, with just her mother and father and her older brother Takai. Their parents were very successful in comparison to their neighbors, but they were not overly rich. Kuri's mother enjoyed pointing out the flaws in the actions of others, and Kuri, having been her mother's "baby" picked up on this very quickly. To a young Kuri, it was more of a game, to see if she could spot the problems before her mother. After a few years she could do just that, and she didn't learn it was wrong until someone at school caught her at it. She got pushed to the ground, and a playground scuffle began. Afterwords her parents were called in and her father, having a clear idea of where she got the habit from, started to be more active in his daughter;s life. He took her on little trips, usually just the two of them and her brother, and she learned a lot. In fact on a hunting trip when she was 11, she killed her first animal, but she cried for the poor creature afterwords. Her parents were relatively strict with her when it came to school, but Kuri never had a problem with school work. But for all of her sucesses, she had never been able to shake her bad habit she had learned from her mother. This did cause her to remain closed-off to most of her classmates, but otherwise it did not affect her negatively.

Her life remained this way for a while, a mundane and practiced daily ritual, she would go to school, her dad would work for extra hours and come home late, but happy to be with his family. This stopped when her father returned a day early from a buisness trip, he had wanted to surprise his family, but he walked in to find another man in his bed with his wife. He roared in rage and attacked the man, but it was to no avail, the younger man was much stronger, and put him down rather easily. Unfortunately this meant Kuri's father would have to go to the hospital for his serious wounds, he needed life support just to survive. After that incident, the man was far more bold about coming to their house, and disgusted, Kuri and Takai constantly escaped to the hospital to see their father. He would smile at the sight of them, and he would keep reminding Takai that he was the man of the house while he was stuck in the hospital. This put massive pressure on Takai, but he didn't show it until he turned 18, and told Kuri they were leaving the house. Kuri protested for only a moment, then she agreed but decided that she would have one last word with the man that had crushed their family. She finally let loose the snide comments and rude remarks she had been holding in for years, and it felt great. But he did not appreciate the words and he proceeded to try to literally throw them out, that is until he put his hands on Kuri. Takai blew a fuse and attacked him with a chair, but could not bring him down. As he pushed Takai over and reached over to grab a kitchen knife, Kuri made a desperate dash to stop him, never noticing the purple glow around her hands. On contact, he went rigid, and he began shaking, and much to Kuri's wonder and disgust, his arm began to wither under her touch, muscle and bone literally disappearing before her eyes, he screamed at the exact same moment she did, but her scream became strangled as she was suddenly struggling for breath and she felt herself passing out. She awoke in a small apartment a few days later her brother silently moving about. He explained he had purchased this place with money he had saved from his job, and that they would live here from now on. Kuri made the best of it, but her life would never return, the purple glow now showed up completely out of her control; she made holes in fences, and machines, even in the walls of the apartment. Kuri was aware she was begining to cause her brother serious problems by constantly destroying things, and she considered running away but she knew it would break his heart. She was getting very desperate but then she discovered that when she had gloves on, nothing happened. This was more of a temporary solution however, as there was the occasional slip-up. Then she recieved a letter from Talents of the Soul, and she was shocked to see they knew about her "power". She agreed almost immediately, hoping to learn how to keep it under control.

-Two skulls she wears in her hair
-Her gloves that she wears all the time; they are black leather and the band on the wrist of each glove glows green
-A backpack contaning: Her hunting knife that has her name on the handle, food (mainly grapes and other snacks), water bottles, and couple sets of clothes.

[b]Ability[/b]: Shi Naginata - Kuri hands are deadly. When Kuri focuses, or when she not paying attention, a purple glow shows up around her hands and when she touches someone, it slowly starts to hyper-accelerate their aging process. This works on both living and non-living things and is very hard to keep under control. The main way Kuri keeps this under control right now, is to only to take off her gloves when she's alone, since it doesn't affect her and it requires direct contact, just in case it starts up randomly. This process is heavily draining, and Kuri usually passes out after a short usage, and she has a high fever until she recovers each time. She will be eventually be able to channel this into a halberd form, after she gets more acustomed to her power, assuming she can concentrate long enough to shape the energy.

-Very talented with knives
- Is a very experienced hunter
-Is in good shape so she can run
-Makes complicated plans
-Hates the cold

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[spoiler='Devin Kinzoku '] Name: Devin Kinzoku

Name: Devin Kinzoku
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: [url="http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/puppyfreak22/Anime%20Stuff/jorenshair.jpg"]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/puppyfreak22/Anime%20Stuff/jorenshair.jpg[/url]
He wears a necklace with a small Level 2 Menger Sponge on it, and second necklace with the planet Saturn on it. He also wears white headphones around his neck. He has a bead bracelet on either hand, and a watch on his right. He wears white tennis shoes and a black hoodie.

Personality: Devin maintains a mathematical exterior, as shown by the puzzles and calculator he keeps with him at all times. However, since traumatized by childhood appearances of his “ability,” he has slowly developed a second personality, slowly but surely becoming schizophrenic. His original personality has become more of a gloomy pessimist, doubting any ability he has or pushing the mere thought that it was him who caused those childhood events into the back of his head. He also believes that his mathematical skill is just another thing he can do. On the other side of the coin, he’s an optimist, positive that he’s gifted with those abilities and talents. The optimist side sees the best of things while the pessimistic side sees the opposite, often leading to arguments between the two. Ergo, both sides of him are aware of each other, coexisting in the same body. The optimistic half developed itself while the original personality was going through severe amounts of trauma in his childhood in order to comfort the original personality and encourage it. It slowly became more developed and defined; now causing Devin to most literally be two different people in one body.

Bio: Devin grew up with his father and mother, along with an older sister. As a child, Devin was a mainly cheery boy, and developed his mathematical exterior at an early age because of his interest in puzzles. Whereas his few friends would spend hours upon hours on video games and computers, Devin would sit in his room with Rubik’s Cubes, Void Cubes, and countless other cube-based and three-dimensional puzzles. He excelled in math as a child, and was often looked at as a stereotypical “Nerd.” He had very few friends, but even so, was a very lonely child. As he became less and less liked and more and more lonely, he began to talk to himself when he was alone, starting his rode to split personalities when he was older.

On the faithful day his powers spiked, he was walking home with his father when the two of them walked in on a robbery in their own home. Three men with guns were ransacking their home. As Devin’s father slowly reached for his cell-phone, one of the men noticed them and pointed a gun at Devin’s father. Devin’s father began to dial 9-1-1, but the thieves weren’t taking any chances. When the phone started to ring, the man shot Devin’s father, and the bullet landed in his forehead, killing him instantly. Devin broke down and screamed, wishing the man dead out loud. The thief laughed and mocked Devin, saying that a normal kid like him couldn’t do anything. Amidst the laughing of the murderer, Devin only heard one thing. It wasn’t the man, nor was it his own voice. It was another voice in his head, his second personality, encouraging him to fend for himself; to kill the man. The three men began to run, but then something strange happened. The man who had fired the fatal shot was running through the kitchen when, all of a sudden, he handle of an outturned kitchen pot began to stretch out and change shape, turning into the shape of a human hand. It grasped the murderer by the neck and once again solidified, chocking him to death with no escape. The handle returned to its original shape and size, and the remaining two men ran away as fast as their legs could carry them.

When the police and Devin’s family finally arrived, Devin was rocking in a corner, talking to himself. His second personality was slowly developing even further.

For the rest of his life he has been haunted by the images of that day. Since then, he has become more gloomy and depressed, and slightly pacifist, evading all forms of violence fearing activation of his power. However, his “other half” has remained cheery, but is also a bit darker and violent at some points. Well the original half wishes to never be forced to use his power, as he doubts even halving it, his alternate personality wishes to see it in action more.

Until he received the letter, his family and he had been in a dead end, with a significant lack of money. Devin has been working at a burger joint, hoping for some change in his life. When he received the letter, he had extreme debate with himself whether or not he wanted to go. He finally decided on no, but changed his mind when his mom and sister found the letter and encouraged him to go. Devin packed only what he needed, and he was off.

Equipment: He usually carries a red sack over his shoulder that contains the following:
-A Rubik’s 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4.
-A Void Cube.
-Other variations of puzzle cubes and such.
-A calculator.
-A notebook and pen.
-A few bandages.
-Metal eating utensils, such as forks, spoons, and knives.
-A water bottle.
He also carries a wallet, Smart Phone, and watch with him. He has an ID on him at all times.

Ability: His ability allows him to manipulate the shape and properties of any metallic object. He can change the smallest of butter knifes into a katana or a spoon into a miniature Eifel Tower. He can also cause metal to melt or liquid metal to freeze. In other words, he can change the physical state of a metallic object. With a huge amount of concentration, he can even alter metal at a molecular level, gaining an ability to change one metal into another. However, he’s never been able to completely achieve this and he usually falls unconscious afterwards.

When he gains more control over his ability, he will be able to alter metal easier, and possibly manipulate non-metal objects. He will also be able to change physical [i]and[/i] chemical properties of metals, so long as he has a large amount of concentration and trust in his one ability.

Skills: -Great Skill with Rubik’s Cubes and items of the sort.
-Not very fit, but long legs let him run fast.
-Artistic Ability.
-The first personalities doubt in himself leads others to underestimate him. Not really a skill, but leads others to believe the skills he does have to not be there.

Other: His other half remains without a name of its own, but always liked the sound of the name “Ryoga.” However, Devin insists on him remaining unnamed. [/spoiler]

[s]Its a WIP. I have his entire character planned out, but I don't have enough time to write it all up right now.[/s]


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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=App][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Name:[/b] Christ Golden[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 25[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][/size][/font][/color][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Frederic.Francois.Chopin.full.1074853.jpg[/img][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][b]Personality[/b][size=3]: Christ has bad social skills, do never having any friends. Still he has been slowly getting those people skills. He still tries hard to make friends, although he is rarely successful. He can be brutally honest at points when he needs to lie, but he doesn't know when. He loves music that comes from the piano, flute, ocarina, piano, and violin. Whenever he gets lonely he summons his golems and starts talking to them as if they could talk back. Whenever he was nothing to do he plays his ocarina. He also plays it to express his emotions to people, since that is the best he he knows how.[/size][/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][size=3][b]Bio:[/b] Christ was born in a high class family, so he could get whatever he wanted. Yet he didn't, all he wanted was to play his ocarina. He loved playing it that when he would get home from school he would go straight to his room and play it. He completely ignored other people at school which made him have no friends. He didn't care anyways, he had his ocarina. That is until that age of 12, which is when he began writing his own music. He would get lonely and go outside to try to play with other people, but with no social skills he couldn't make any friends. So one day as he sat in his room writing music, he stared at his desk. He began to daydream about having friends. Next thing he know there was two golems on his desk, and hid desk had two holes in it. He didn't care where they came from though, he enjoyed his time with them. He kept it a secret from everyone though, he thought that if others found out that they would take them. Little by little he learned how to summon them, so he wasn't as lonely anymore. Although he still wants human companionship. By the age of 20 he was already a semi-famous musician. He would perform at many places, sometimes solo an other times with others.[/size][/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][size=3] [/size][/color][/font][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]When he got the invitation he was shocked at them knowing about his abilities. He knew that he didn't show anyone. Although he quickly got over, maybe someone saw him with the golems. He went for the reason of maybe being able to get some real friends.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Equipment:[/b] He carries a pocket watch to know what time it is. He also carries an ocarina, with a pouch for it tied to the left side of his hip, which he plays on his spare time. He also has a small backpack where he keeps a blank notebook, pencils, and a notebook full of music sheets. [/size][/font][/color]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][size=3][b]Ability:[/b] For now Christ can only summon 2 golems out of any solid object; these golems resemble a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pileated_Woodpecker"]Pileated Woodpecker[/url]. They are made out of whatever substance Christ made them from, so their sturdiness depends on the solid they were made of. Ex: One made out of stone will be stronger than one made from paper. The golems do take the matter from whatever it is made of, so one made from rock will leave a hole in the rock equal to how much matter was needed. For now he needs to touch the object to make a golem, but later all he needs to do it look at it. Later on he can summon more golems and/or different types.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Skills: He is a skilled Ocarina, piano, and violin player and a skilled music writer. Do to him playing the ocarina he can hold his breath for longer than the average person. Although he is not that athletic he still has stamina to run for a while.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Other: N/A[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

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@DaWeirdGuy: Her hair's supposed to be strawberry brown as far as I can tell.

As for the power, body distortion's supposed to be pretty damn versatile. I can give myself wings, a tail, some talons, all that fun stuff. Hence the heavy restrictions; so it doesn't turn out OP'ed compared to the [i]rest[/i] of the abilities.

Anyway, I'll move on. Still have to decide what equipment I want Lisa to run =/

EDIT: Also, screw the rules, I'm adding some actual description to the appearance as well. Something in my mind keeps telling me that she needs it.

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