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That bit with Hawkeye always gets brought up, and to this day people sill argue whether or not he was using Haki at that point, we don't actually know.

Hawkeye is the best swordsman in the world and taught Zoro how to use haki. He was also fighting in a war with a bunch of powerful new world opponents. We have no reason to believe he wouldn't be using haki.

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Luffy's susceptible to slash attacks without Haki, and unlike those New World opponents, at that point in the story Luffy was hopelessly outclassed by a lot of the fighters there (and Buggy even more so). It's entirely possible Hawkeye felt he didn't need to use Haki against Luffy.


Though I'm just playing devil's advocate here, I think it's more likely that he was using Haki at the time, even if it's not confirmed.

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Luffy's susceptible to slash attacks without Haki, and unlike those New World opponents, at that point in the story Luffy was hopelessly outclassed by a lot of the fighters there (and Buggy even more so). It's entirely possible Hawkeye felt he didn't need to use Haki against Luffy.


Though I'm just playing devil's advocate here, I think it's more likely that he was using Haki at the time, even if it's not confirmed.

You have to imagine once you become proficient in haki use you just imbue your attacks with it on reflex.


And yea, I figured you were just playing devil's advocate but I feel like the assumptions that you need to make to get Hawkeye to not be attacking with haki more and less solid than those you'd make with him using it.

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On to another topic, aside from Pudding looking a lot like the three-eyed girl, there's also Nitro.



Given how close Chiffon looks to Lola it's also possible Pudding and the three-eyed girl are just really similar-looking sisters, but with Oda's propensity for never forgetting about any detail and linking everything and the kitchen sink together in some way, that seems less likely to me.

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I suppose it's possible Purin has a third eye under her bangs, but Lola and Chiffon do make me think they could just be sisters.

Since Big Mom's family is so big, I'm wondering how many of her subordinates we'll see fight in this arc. I guess the same amount as Doflamingo's, but hopefully this arc doesn't take over two years to finish.

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I'm not expecting a giant fight like we had in Dressrosa. We have no where near the number of supporting allies like we did then and I highly doubt we'll get anywhere near that. Not to mention Luffy is no where near strong enough to fight Big Mom alone. Based on how things have been built the next major fighting arc will be with Kaido.

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I kinda want Pudding to marry Sanji, they seem pretty perfect for each other

They really are a good match. Pretty sure it won't happen, but Oda is Oda.



Yeah, this was a really cool chapter, lots of neat info. I did not expect that guy to be Big Mom's ex-husband, and now Lola's finally been mentioned again.

They flirted around with it a few times already, so it is about time they came out and said it. Curious where that development will go.

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I was thinking.


Luffy went through hell right before the timeskip. He had his lifespan shortened by Ivankov and Akainu scarred his chest. Which is understandable since he went up against a bunch of the bigwigs.

Now in the New World, Luffy's going to tangle with the Yonko. Kaido defeated 3 Supernovas by himself, all of them around Luffy's strength (or at least Kidd is). Jinbe was a subordinate to Big Mom and Jinbe's pretty damn strong too and not too far behind Luffy, if at all. And Blackbeard scarred Shanks' face before eating Devil Fruit as well as taking down Ace.


What I'm getting at is I think Luffy won't be able to fight the Yonko unscathed. Like there will be lasting repercussions beyond just getting his ass beat like all of his other fights. Big Mom stealing some of his already shrunken life force seems like a grim possibility.

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Agree that Luffy's already shortened life might end up coming up this arc. Oda has drawn a lot of parallels between Roger and Luffy and we all know how he died young (relatively at least).


Though again, I don't think Luffy is going to fight Big Mom. At least not like most the arc ending fights we get.

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I had forgotten that she even had that vivre card, and it's interesting the interaction it's having with the various beings due to Big Mom's soul.


Also, 860 million bounty on Cracker, damn. But that's what comes with the higher ups under the Yonko.

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[spoiler=Chapter 837]Yup, Luffy had to pull out Gear Fourth to even put a dent in Cracker, things are definitely a step up from everything they've faced before. I highly doubt he's down after just that, but it was a pretty nasty sucker punch, so maybe.


Also, Cracker's Devil Fruit seems pretty interesting, I wonder what all it can multiply. I didn't notice it last chapter but his sword also multiplied with his arms according to Nami, so it can affect more than just his own body.


It was neat to hear about some of the other Worst Generation members, and I'm guessing his conflict with Big Mom's crew is why Urouge was so injured back when he saw Kaido jump off the sky island.


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[spoiler=New chapter]

Its kind of insane how powerful Cracker is. I get he is a general and one of the big 3, but Luffy having this much trouble against him REALLY shows how far out of his league the Yonko are. Still, Cracker doesn't seem as strong as Mingo since the punch at the end seem to have either KOed him or done a MASSIVE amount of damage. Mingo actually put up a hell of a fight against 4.


Also interesting to see them further drive home the point of how big a deal Sanji's family is. The way Cracker talked about him is REALLY telling.


Doesn't look like Brûlée is down since I figure taking her out should free Chooper and Carrot and neither are freed.


I did enjoy the big about Urouge. He is the super nova we've gotten the least out of, so finding out that he is strong enough to down a general is really interesting. Not to mention we know he did escape the forest, so I think that further speaks volumes to his power.



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What's also interesting about Urouge is that he's got the lowest bounty out of all of the Supernovas by far. Just goes to show that we really don't know much about him at all.


And with Doffy, something to take into account was that he in a 2v1 situation for a lot of the fight with Law and Luffy working together, and still put up that much of a fight when it came down to just him and Luffy in Gear Four.


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What's also interesting about Urouge is that he's got the lowest bounty out of all of the Supernovas by far. Just goes to show that we really don't know much about him at all.


And with Doffy, something to take into account was that he in a 2v1 situation for a lot of the fight with Law and Luffy working together, and still put up that much of a fight when it came down to just him and Luffy in Gear Four.


I'm honestly curious how much damage Law did to Mingo by the time he checked out of the fight. He did a decent number, but by the time the final battle started it seemed like Mingo had recovered at least a bit from the earlier damage. But the point that Luffy struggled so much even after some damage had already been clocked REALLY speaks volumes for how powerful Mingo is/was.


Seriously, I think Mingo is the best villain in the series atm. Blackbeard is likely to pass him, but that won't be for a long while. For as much pacing issues Dressrosa had, Mingo was a pure joy to watch. And by that I mean, dear lord do you hate him.

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I can't see myself liking Blackbeard more than Doffy, but I'm super interested in seeing more of Kaido after his amazing introduction. One thing I liked is that while Whitebeard was touted as the strongest man in the world, Kaido was introduced as the strongest creature in the world.

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I can't see myself liking Blackbeard more than Doffy, but I'm super interested in seeing more of Kaido after his amazing introduction. One thing I liked is that while Whitebeard was touted as the strongest man in the world, Kaido was introduced as the strongest creature in the world.


You don't have to like him more for him to be the better villain. I have very high hopes for when the series gets to that point.


I'm honestly curious what that means. Like, Shanks stopped him from intervening during the war and he has been captured multiple times. I feel like its more a comment on his sheer indestructibleness.


Can one of you help me identify a OP OST?

Always willing to try, but not sure how successful I'll be.

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