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Deck Rate/help? Nurse/Simochi "Reverse Burn"

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I'm building a Reverse Burn deck w/ Nurse Reficule and Bad Reaction to Simochi
Any help and suggestions will be appreciated.

Monsters (15):
x3 Nurse Reficule the Fallen One
x2 Mystic Tomato
x1 Sangan
x2 Cat of Ill Omen
x2 Stealth Bird
x2 Lava Golem
x2 Mask of Darkness
x1 Marshmallon

Spells (8):
x3 Upstart Goblin
x2 Soul Taker
x1 Messenger of Peace
x1 Level Limit Area B
X1 Swords of Revealing Light

Traps (17):
x3 Bad Reaction to Simochi
x3 Gift Card
x1 Cease fire
x2 Magic Cylinder
x3 Dimension Wall
x3 Path of Destiny
x1 Gravity Bind
x1 Mirror Force

Side Deck (15):
x1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
x1 Morphing Jar
x1 Des Koala
x1 Spirit Reaper
x1 Allure of Darkness
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Lightning Vortex
x1 Book of Moon
x1 Monster Reborn
x2 Rain of Mercy
x1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
x1 Secret Barrel
x1 Torrential Tribute

Any help would be great :)

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My major concern is your lack of staples. I.e all of them.

Staples are staples for a reason. Onto how to fit them in:

-2 Gift card (3 is to much, you are giving out so many life points anyway, you dont need all 3 copies)
-2 path of destiny (same as above)
-1 dimension wall.

- 1 Simochi (You have 6 ways of reversing heal. You don't need 3 simochi when after the first one or refecule, they are dead draws)
-1 Nurse Refecule
-1 Stealth bird
- 1 Messanger of peace/ Lower limit area B (One or the other, you won't need both of them, the wouldn't stay on the field that long, and cutting the other out means you can fit protection for the other in.)

+ 1 Solemn Judgement
+2 Solemn Warning
+ 2 Torrential tribute

+1 Dark hole.
+ 2 Mystical Space typhoon.(Main deck 3rd Copy)

I would also try and work 3 pot of duality if you own 3 into it. You dont seem to have any special summoning, and Duality will increase your consitency hugely. Otherwise, good luck with an intresting burn deck.

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[quote name='HiveNet' timestamp='1342831339' post='5984231']
- 1 Simochi (You have 6 ways of reversing heal. You don't need 3 simochi when after the first one or refecule, they are dead draws)

Burn Decks don't need staples.

And Reficlue and Simochi stack. Not two Reficules, or two SImochis, but one of each does. And even if they are dead draws after the first go, I'd much rather dead draw and still win than not draw them and simply not win.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1342840766' post='5984356']
You don't know how this deck works, do you?
There's no reason to bother with staples. Either you've won in 1-3 turns or you've lost.
Consistency increases are marginal.

Solemn Warning could hold off Prime Material. A burn deck that can't burn isn't that great has no hope. Clearing the field with torrential buys time for the rest of the burn. Judgement helps keep Simochi in play in case you haven't quite burned them yet. Every one of them has a say of being in there. If you say they shouldn't thats your opinion. I have mine, and i was offering it.

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My main idea for this deck was definitaly Nurse/Simochi with Gift Card. Then some of the other cards fell in place. I really appreciate the suggestions so far, and I'm considering messing with the main a little more and fixing the side deck.

Would anyone agree that starlight road might be a good card for the deck? Counters Heavy Storm well and bring out a Stardust Dragon.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1342844436' post='5984407']
You could, though my suggestion was [i]not to use the deck at all.[/i]

So your suggestion is everybody just plays meta?

Anyway you should kinda be maxing out Soul Taker, it's too good not to run at 3.

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[quote name='Kabasaurus' timestamp='1342855189' post='5984498']
So your suggestion is everybody just plays meta?
But decks like this, where you just activate 1 trap and then spam more don't exactly make for a fulfulling game.
I played one of these once, it got boring fast.

If you still want to use it, I agree that you should main Secret Barrel instead of other, non-burning traps.

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