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FOR THIS LAB [Cross Gene]


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Dunno, what are your thoughts?
(and it's Europop/Pop music, just saying)

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXjxPgVKYJc&feature=relmfu"]Personal favourite, because aaahAAAHaaah[/url]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=konRawqZIYE&feature=related"]Debut stage, I LIKE THE MOVE AND THE CURVE AND THE LOOK ON THE FACE[/url] / [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KGS2NIy2dQ&feature=related"]Same song, but other performance[/url]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz8ZHckmLhY"]Other example of weird-a** dance[/url]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CpYzV4Nne0&feature=relmfu"]FOR THIS LAB[/url]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUstt-KUxvw&feature=relmfu"]My Lady[/url]

They're also known as the group with the weird-a** dances.
The Korean/general Asian industry tends to be over-saturated as hell with 500 new groups with <15-year-olds debuting every year and most tend to do the same thing.
So their attempt to stand out a bit goes by doing those choreos. (I personally just like their songs and the members)

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My thoughts:
*looks at title*
*looks at creator*
"Okay. What's should I be expecting?"

Are those the guys in your sig right now?
And I suppose I'll give the first one a listen.

... Too late for supposing, already clicked it. Now I have to watch it.

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I knew this would make the section a bit more active for the next few minutes.
And yeah, they are.:'D

Nothing too outstanding, but I tend to think they're pretty talented within their own genre.
The lead vocalist (one of the Chinese members) is thought to be one of the best debuting vocalists.
The one who talk-raps first in the first link should really stop it because it's weird. But I was impressed by his singing. Honestly, they should focus on his singing.=S
I like the break-dance too, it's one of the first groups that really focusses on that stuff.
The others are alright. None of them sing out of line (which happens in most K-Pop groups).

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