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Been a long time since I've done anything card-game related. My financial status has also taken a hit, but I'm not giving up the game completely!


I've researched around and theory-oh'd a little and I think just getting and protecting Junon is the best way to go (though any evidence to the contrary would be helpful).

I am wondering how Veiler and Maxx are currently seen in the meta. I would like to get BoM and I feel like I'm missing something important. :S

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Veiler is mained by many people and sided by a couple others. Maxx "C" is sided by almost everyone and mained every once in a while.

Spellbook of Power isn't terribly useful in this Deck due to a lack of targets. How about Book of Moon over one?

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Would you believe me if I suggested that you run 30 spells, 10 monsters?
Would you believe me if I suggested that you run all the Spellbooks because they work so perfectly in tandem with each other that it makes so many of the cards live at all times?
Would you believe me if I suggested that you run only one Temperance, one Batel, no veilers, and one of that elderly dude who can increase his level?
Would you believe me if i suggested that you run an E-Tele and InstaFusion engine that would give you access to the Naturia Trio (in which Landoise would be more live than several staples) AND Arcanite Magician?

But you probably wouldn't.

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Out of 15 games I've yet to need Hanged Man, so I see the point. However, Wisdom is also a good "waste" to use Temper, so I wouldn't want to go under 2.

Which means...
-1 Hanged Man
-1 Wisdom
+1 BoM (Power @2 is actually a cool thing against DWs, which I seem to love playing)
+1 ??? (I'm thinking Spirit Reaper or Goats, but if somebody has a cooler tech idea then I'm ears)

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been trying to think of a citadel build simliar to this, just using endy more instead of junon, because he has slighter higher attack and can revive himself efficiently for all that spellbooks care to look at. plus defender is funny as hell when you have nearly unlimited counter resources.

not to say the deck doesn't run junon. I just an obsessively wanting more than one strategy in the deck.

like I said, obessively wanting multiple ways out
deck in this form just sits on things till it's ready, then drops the bosses and takes out the opponent.

anyway, I would suggest that you tech one book of alma, because it is the only way in the spellbook cards to grab your field spell back to your hand to play again, plus, since your running " protect the boss" it would be prudent to play off it's once per turn effect no?

tried some testing, with a small amount of modification, and SAFE ZONE SAFE ZONE SAFE ZONE.
omg on high priestess it is so broken.
someone heavy stormed to get around it, and I used wisdom to make her not die, it works brilliantly.

my version of your build so far, hermit makes a great sub in for when I don't have junon, and then I can ditch him with wonder wand later

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