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~Sorin Vs Newhat~

Sorin Markov

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[spoiler=Rules] 1. No Spamming, Flamming, and/or Trolling
2. No Cursing
3. No posting cards other than what is permited[/spoiler]

Make a Level 10 Zombie Lord.

First one to 4 Votes.
Winner get 3 Likes from the loser.

[spoiler=Sorin's Card][img]http://i.imgur.com/Xymn1.jpg[/img]
Lore: Requires 3 Zombie-type Tributes to Normal Summon (cannot be Set). This card cannot be Special Summoned. All face-up Zombie-type monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF. Once per turn you can activate one of these effects:
- Tribute 1 face-up Zombie you control: Until end of turn, Increase Brimstone, The Inferno Demise ATK by half of the tributed monsters ATK.
- Tribute 1 face-up Zombie you control: Destroy 1 card on the field.
- Special Summon 1 Zombie-type monster from either players Graveyard.

[spoiler=Newhat's card][img]http://yugico.com/customcard/98373.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]

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Brimstone: Why would you use this? Zombies are quick graveyard special summoning spammers. To have a zombie boss that you can't special summon seems to go completely against their theme. Second...unless there is some Zombie Atlantean out there that I don't know of you would never really use his first two options. The third however...well that's pretty nice. In short its a giant beatstick.

PhDead: The name is funny I like that much. So really its a one sac beater since you can easily target one of the creatures you used as a tribute and get it back immediately. I like the blatant xyzing, I love the subtle stealing this card does with zombie world on the field. While I feel the beatsticking effect is hilariously broken if you activated one of those attribute changing cards I do think it is unneeded.

my vote goes to PhDead.

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