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Bubblebeat? I think? Idk I got bored of regular heroes

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[font=courier new,courier,monospace]3 | Elemental HERO Bubbleman
3 | Elemental HERO Neos Alius
1 | Elemental HERO Stratos

3 | Miracle Fusion
3 | E - Emergency Call
3 | Pot of Duality[/font]
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]3 | Gemini Spark
2 | Mystical Space Typhoon
2 | Forbidden Lance
1 | Reinforcements of the Army
1 | Heavy Storm
1 | Monster Reborn
1 | Dark Hole
1 | Mind Control[/font]
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]1 | Book of Moon

2 | HERO Blast
2 | Torrential Tribute
2 | Solemn Warning
2 | Fiendish Chain
1 | Solemn Judgment

Side Deck

1 | Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 | Electric Virus
2 | Victoria
2 | Cyber Dragon

1 | Mystical Space Typhoon
1 | Super Polymerization
1 | Forbidden Chalice[/font]

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]2 | Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2 | Dark Bribe[/font]

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]1 | Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


3 | Elemental HERO The Shining
2 | Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
1 | Elemental HERO Gaia
1 | Elemental HERO Great Tornado

2 | Number 39: Utopia
1 | No. C39: Utopia Ray
1 | Gem-Knight Pearl
1 | Blade Armor Ninja
1 | Photon Papilloperative
1 | Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

This is basic enough, I think. I'm not too big on Gorz in here, but I'm considering it because of how often I end up with terrible fields. I'd also like to throw in The Warrior Returning Alive, if I can find it.

Another tech I considered is Salvage, because it's essentially a free Xyz depending on the field setup.[/font]

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-1 Honest
-1 Rai-oh

-1 Mind Control

+1 Duality
+2 E-Call

-1 Utopia
+1 Blade Armor

Everything else looks about right, though I like Bottomless over Chain.

Side two Super-Polys, too, and if you can find room for a Nova Master (vs. Dino Rabbit).

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1342462678' post='5980008']
-1 Honest
-1 Rai-oh

-1 Mind Control

+1 Duality
+2 E-Call

-1 Utopia
+1 Blade Armor

Everything else looks about right, though I like Bottomless over Chain.

Side two Super-Polys, too, and if you can find room for a Nova Master (vs. Dino Rabbit).

I actually don't have a second Blade Armor or Nova Master, which is why I'm running 2 Utopia instead.

I'm not a fan of Duality maxed in the main at all. I've tried it, and I don't like it, which is why I side the third. E-Call I can definitely agree with though, so I'll probably drop a Rai-Oh to the side and add a second one.

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3 Duality
3 E-Call

You should only be running 7-9 monsters in Bubblebeat. You need all the searching you can get. Duality's downside means little to nothing in any HERO deck. It's a necessity to run it for consistency's sake, no questions asked.

Rai-oh and Honest clog like crazy. You don't want a monster in your hand that you can't get out of it fast. This isn't HERO beat, this is just Bubblebeat. If you're going to run a HERO outside of Bubbleman, Alius, and Stratos, something that works with the other monsters in the deck like Photon Thrasher is your best option.

Also want to note, since this is IRL I presume, that you're siding a bit much against Chaos Dragons, are you not? Hieratics are not yet too much of a problem, though they've seen rise in play recently, I don't think siding TOO much against Chaos Dragons is needed. Perhaps keeping only a few of them would be a better choice while siding for something else.

Though this does all depend on your locals, I guess. I just don't see Chaos Dragons at mine or in YCS's, but perhaps your area is different.

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Book is actually in there. I just forgot to list it. I'll edit that. I wouldn't drop a Fiendish anyway. It's been testing extremely well.

Agro, Chaos Dragons are one of the most popular Decks around here. That, and there's a few Hieratic players, too, so the majority of what I face is Chaos Dragons, which is why I'm sided so heavily for them. I can understand the logic behind adding in the third E-Call for sure. But I'm still iffy on the Duality. What's the harm in keeping it sided and siding it in Game 2/3 if I need it?

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As has been said, less consistency. Turn 1 Duality is massively helpful most of the time, and later when you don't have any outs it can bring back the game. Bubblebeat is actually extremely versatile and Duality plays to the style extremely well. While a lot of the big beaters are going to be special summoned, you're going to be bringing out Alius a lot by itself too.

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[quote name='Neo Galaxy' timestamp='1342467395' post='5980115']But I'm still iffy on the Duality. What's the harm in keeping it sided and siding it in Game 2/3 if I need it?
[/quote]Because you'll never think you'll need it. Duality isn't a card that you think will be good or bad against a certain matchup. It's there for consistency and nothing else. You're better off maining it and siding a card that you'll side in because you KNOW you'll need it against a certain matchup. It's the same issue I have with Forbidden Lance. I KNOW it will always be useful, but I also KNOW that there's never a matchup where it's NEEDED. Therefore I never side it in. But in either case, Duality is a much better card for HEROs since it helps you get what you need when you need it. The only reason I won a few of my duels is because I Dualitied into EXACTLY what I needed. The Special Summoning "restriction" isn't a restriction here since really, HEROs don't need to SS every turn to stay ahead.

Duality's argument is the same as it is for E-Call.

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1342467922' post='5980120']
As has been said, less consistency. Turn 1 Duality is massively helpful most of the time, and later when you don't have any outs it can bring back the game. Bubblebeat is actually extremely versatile and Duality plays to the style extremely well. While a lot of the big beaters are going to be special summoned, you're going to be bringing out Alius a lot by itself too.

I guess I can understand that. I just know that I've been in situations where Duality is useless, and when I use it, I get something that could set up a big combo, but ends up costing me the game instead.

[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1342467973' post='5980121']
Because you'll never think you'll need it. Duality isn't a card that you think will be good or bad against a certain matchup. It's there for consistency and nothing else. You're better off maining it and siding a card that you'll side in because you KNOW you'll need it against a certain matchup. It's the same issue I have with Forbidden Lance. I KNOW it will always be useful, but I also KNOW that there's never a matchup where it's NEEDED. Therefore I never side it in. But in either case, Duality is a much better card for HEROs since it helps you get what you need when you need it. The only reason I won a few of my duels is because I Dualitied into EXACTLY what I needed. The Special Summoning "restriction" isn't a restriction here since really, HEROs don't need to SS every turn to stay ahead.

Duality's argument is the same as it is for E-Call.

E-Call I don't mind, because it doesn't stop your ability to Special Summon, which is what Bubblebeat strives to do by utilizing Bubbleman's hand ability. That said, E-Call is also an awesome topdeck when you have nothing else, to proceed to +1 off Bubbleman, but that's beside the point.

I'll consider putting the third Duality back in the main, I suppose. -_-;

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[quote name='Neo Galaxy' timestamp='1342470832' post='5980146']
E-Call I don't mind, because it doesn't stop your ability to Special Summon, which is what Bubblebeat strives to do by utilizing Bubbleman's hand ability.
[/quote]Except it doesn't, and the deck doesn't try to do that every move it gets, and if it does, it probably means you're doing something wrong.

Bubblebeat is a control and anti-meta beat deck first. Going into the Xyz is only after you've done setup, which is what you have Duality for. If you're not using Duality, it probably means you blindly rush into plays. Duality is safer because it actually makes you think before you make a play. It gives you a good mindset to duel, as well as being a good card.

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You have to cut the Honest, it leaves you with dead Bubblemen in hand and hinders you more than it helps. 3 ECall is essential in Bubblebeat as it allows easy Blade Armour and with 7 monsters you need a good amount of search power. You should be maxing out Spark as well, it's not brilliant to draw Alius without it and getting Alius when you draw it is pretty easy.


-1 Honest
-1 Thunder King
-3 MST (maybe, I just don't really see you needing it)
+2 ECall
+1 Duality
+1 Spark

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Oh, right. Kaba is right about the MST, can't believe I missed it. HERO's don't really care about the backrow Game 1. They have Spark for any problems. It's Game 2/3 that you side in MST to deal with problems you know the Opponent will side in/already have against you.

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Took everyone's advice and made some changes.

I'm still a fan of keeping the MST's in the main, but I cut it down to 2. Having them allows Blade Armor plays to go off much more smoothly, while at the same time remaining a nice bait card against Six Sams and stuff, which is actually quite popular around here. Having the MST's mained allows me to hit Gateways and United before they become a problem, so I feel safer keeping that mained if that makes any sense.

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I've had some people tell me that MST is "bad" in Bubblebeat because you have Spark/Lance, but I've found that's almost never the case. It's only ever useless against DinoRabbit (which might be maining Macro) and Chaos Dragons (which might be maining Decree). Anti-Meta like GK/Malefics and TG Skill Drain give Bubblebeat some trouble and you need as much backrow hate as possible to stand a good chance at winning game one.

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That's basically my thinking too. Rabbit should be a good matchup for Heroes, and I wouldn't want to rely on Spark to get rid of things like that.

Side deck could use some work, btw.

-1 Rai-oh (when are you ever going to side in three?)
-1 Spark (same thing as siding in third Duality, if you want 3 then main 3.)

+1 Super Poly (2 is just too good against decks that it can hit, I'd say 3 but you don't have room.)
+1 Parallel World Fusion (against Macro/Fissure decks. Even if you side in a third MST, best to have another out just in case.)

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1342631100' post='5981934']
That's basically my thinking too. Rabbit should be a good matchup for Heroes, and I wouldn't want to rely on Spark to get rid of things like that.

Side deck could use some work, btw.

-1 Rai-oh (when are you ever going to side in three?)
-1 Spark (same thing as siding in third Duality, if you want 3 then main 3.)

+1 Super Poly (2 is just too good against decks that it can hit, I'd say 3 but you don't have room.)
+1 Parallel World Fusion (against Macro/Fissure decks. Even if you side in a third MST, best to have another out just in case.)

I've fixed the Deck so there's 3 Spark in the main now. Rai-Oh I believe is @1 in the side, as well. Unfortunately though, I only have 1 Super Poly; that, and I don't have Nova Master, so most of the situations in which I'd side it (against Evolzars), I'd only side one, anyway.

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1342632037' post='5981954']
Your deck is only 36 cards, meaning:

+1 Book of Moon
+3 changes from other people

Or 37, if there are 3 Spark. I can't tell when you last updated.

Yeah, I'm confused as to why it's like that myself. I've edited the side a bit so it's current, but I'm not sure what the three cards are that I'm missing.

With that in mind, I think I'm going to try and include a couple of Photon Trashers and a Warrior Returning Alive.

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