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IRL Dark Worlds

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Since my Dragged Downs finally arrived. =D


3 Grapha
3 Snoww
3 Broww
2 Beiige
1 Malefic Cyber End


3 Dark World Dealings
3 Dragged Down
3 Gates of Dark World
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Upstart Goblin
1 Foolish Burial
1 Card Destruction
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Book of Moon


3 Reckless Greed
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Skill Drain
1 Dark Deal
1 Mind Crush
1 Return from the Different Dimension
1 Solemn Judgment


1 Spirit Reaper
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Leeching the Light
2 Dust Tornado
2 Rivalry of Warlords
1 Skill Drain
1 Mirror Force
1 Dimensional Prison
1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus
1 Deck Devastation Virus


1 Cyber End Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Photon Papilloperative
1 Gem-Knight Pearl
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

Limited as f*** resources.


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> Leeching the Light

Win. It's been a while since I've seen that one used.

Anyway, the build is obviously great, but I'm in the same boat on thinking a second Mind Crush might be worth it. It has the potential to dead draw, but when it goes off, especially after a Dragged Down play, it's f***ing fantastic.

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[quote name='Neo Galaxy' timestamp='1342449486' post='5979805']
> Leeching the Light
Win. It's been a while since I've seen that one used.
Anyway, the build is obviously great, but I'm in the same boat on thinking a second Mind Crush might be worth it. It has the potential to dead draw, but when it goes off, especially after a Dragged Down play, it's f***ing fantastic.
Leeching smashes Chaos Dragons so hard it's not even funny.

Should come to no surprise that I have actually been testing extensively between the two. I just had too many occasions where Crush was dead, and Dark Deal's such a good card in the deck anyway.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342450577' post='5979817']
Leeching smashes Chaos Dragons so hard it's not even funny.

Should come to no surprise that I have actually been testing extensively between the two. I just had too many occasions where Crush was dead, and Dark Deal's such a good card in the deck anyway.

I guess if you've been testing it, then all the power to ya. What's up with the random D-Prison in the side?

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[quote name='Neo Galaxy' timestamp='1342451850' post='5979831']
I guess if you've been testing it, then all the power to ya. What's up with the random D-Prison in the side?

I don't own many good card IRL and it's good in the mirror and vs Chaos Dragons.

Might swap it for a BTH, but I like it since it deals with threats already on the field.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342451999' post='5979832']
I don't own many good card IRL and it's good in the mirror and vs Chaos Dragons.

Might swap it for a BTH, but I like it since it deals with threats already on the field.

Have you considered Fiendish? I was down on it for a while but it's been testing amazingly for me lately.

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[quote name='Neo Galaxy' timestamp='1342452377' post='5979834']
Have you considered Fiendish? I was down on it for a while but it's been testing amazingly for me lately.

No point when I side the second Drain tbh. If anything I'd side another Drain before a Fiendish. I'd rather removal than attack stopping, too.

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This is when I mention maxing Upstart and running 3 Hopes for Escape, which at the worst is a free Reckless. You also need another Skill Drain in the main, I'm picking up Dark Worlds myself this week for pretty cheap so I've been messing with the deck as well.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342452576' post='5979836']
No point when I side the second Drain tbh. If anything I'd side another Drain before a Fiendish. I'd rather removal than attack stopping, too.

That's true; I didn't even notice the second Drain in the side so that's my fault. I'm at work so I only sort've half read, lmao. It looks really solid though.

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[quote name='Shadius' timestamp='1342452680' post='5979837']
This is when I mention maxing Upstart and running 3 Hopes for Escape, which at the worst is a free Reckless. You also need another Skill Drain in the main, I'm picking up Dark Worlds myself this week for pretty cheap so I've been messing with the deck as well.

I'll be maxing Upstarts when I get more of them.

I've tested Hope For Escape, and all I can say is it's such a dead card, I'd much rather be playing Reckless and there's nothing else I'd want to drop for it.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342453478' post='5979847']
I'll be maxing Upstarts when I get more of them.

I've tested Hope For Escape, and all I can say is it's such a dead card, I'd much rather be playing Reckless and there's nothing else I'd want to drop for it.

Its good when you have maxed skill drain and upstart, you know when its more consistant since you have modulation over lifepoints outside of attacking

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[quote name='Shadius' timestamp='1342453808' post='5979851']
Its good when you have maxed skill drain and upstart, you know when its more consistant since you have modulation over lifepoints outside of attacking

But maxing Drain is so stupid. ._. Drawing multiples is one of the worst things the deck can do.

[quote name='Kenji Inuma' timestamp='1342454051' post='5979854']
Dark Deal seems quite nice with this build.
Still...maybe +1 Trance Archfiend and +1 Solemn Warning? Though I don't know what to -...

Trance Archfiend sucks. Warning is really bad, I'll be taking a lot of damage anyway in a lot of games, it's a dead draw late game, and it actually costs 2000. In most decks, that's fine, but in DWs you can't afford to be paying so many Life Points when you have Drain, Judgment and RftDD.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342454666' post='5979869']
But maxing Drain is so stupid. ._. Drawing multiples is one of the worst things the deck can do.

Trance Archfiend sucks. Warning is really bad, I'll be taking a lot of damage anyway in a lot of games, it's a dead draw late game, and it actually costs 2000. In most decks, that's fine, but in DWs you can't afford to be paying so many Life Points when you have Drain, Judgment and RftDD.

Well by max I ment two, sorry bit tired from always working

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342458287' post='5979931']
Doesn't change the fact that drawing multiple Drains is a terrible thing.

Two drains make it more consistant and make it easier for you to lock down the opponent depending on your local.

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[quote name='MK-ultra' timestamp='1342580314' post='5981542']
have u given 3 TGU any though
just to open up levi leviathan and zenmaines (alot of $$$ i know)

TGU isn't good in DWs anyway. Clogs with Dragged Down. Dead with Skill Drain. Makes their Veilers live.

Not that I can spare the money for even 1 TGU along with the rank 3s that go with it anyway.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342581155' post='5981550']
TGU isn't good in DWs anyway. Clogs with Dragged Down. Dead with Skill Drain. Makes their Veilers live.

Not that I can spare the money for even 1 TGU along with the rank 3s that go with it anyway.
seems good enough to me
so this is the draw half youre deck in a turn varient isnt it?
also maybe something to help so u arent so crippled by macro cosmos when u dont draw MST/heavy or S/T destuction?

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342581155' post='5981550']
TGU isn't good in DWs anyway. Clogs with Dragged Down. Dead with Skill Drain. Makes their Veilers live.

Not that I can spare the money for even 1 TGU along with the rank 3s that go with it anyway.

Uh Chris, if you can't afford TGU now that their 20$ something tells me you have nothing for trades lol. Honestly would offer to let you borrow tour guides once I got them if you lived here.

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[quote name='Shadius' timestamp='1342582792' post='5981561']
Uh Chris, if you can't afford TGU now that their 20$ something tells me you have nothing for trades lol. Honestly would offer to let you borrow tour guides once I got them if you lived here.
[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1342445294' post='5979777']

Limited as f*** resources.

yea the OP kinda sys that
ah well
they deck isnt terribad without TGU
i can play
just doesnt have the leviair laviathan or zenmaines plays
still leaves a good deck

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