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What are you afraid of?

Simping For Hina

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[quote name='Dae' timestamp='1342301308' post='5978192']
I am scared of these things (insert video that I can't bear to look at) and dodgeball.

f*** you. Seriously f*** you, you just made me jump out of my skin. <_<

Those things completely terrify me. I mean genuinely, absolutely terrify me something awful. Probably sound stupid, but I defy anyone to watch that episode and not be scared sh*tless. Never watching it again. Nothing else I can think of does it like those damn things.

My four hours sleep after work is now going to be extremely uncomfortable. Thanks.

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[quote name='Majestic Star Bahamut' timestamp='1342327488' post='5978654']

f*** you. Seriously f*** you, you just made me jump out of my skin. <_<

Those things completely terrify me. I mean genuinely, absolutely terrify me something awful. Probably sound stupid, but I defy anyone to watch that episode and not be scared sh*tless. Never watching it again. Nothing else I can think of does it like those damn things.

My four hours sleep after work is now going to be extremely uncomfortable. Thanks.
[/quote]I made my mom watch it today on BBC America. She went a way for an hour 30 minutes into it. I am beyond scared of it too. I can hardly put that picture up. I had nightmares because of it when I took a nap.


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[quote name='Dae' timestamp='1342328718' post='5978682']
I made my mom watch it today on BBC America. She went a way for an hour 30 minutes into it. I am beyond scared of it too. I can hardly put that picture up. I had nightmares because of it when I took a nap.


Not really. I used to watch it regularly when Tennant was the Doctor. Haven't really taken to Mr. Smith.

Watched an ep before I came into work which was quite good, with them trapped in some kind of 80's hotel prison thing Hotel California style, being chased by some Minotaur. Was pretty interesting.

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[quote name='Majestic Star Bahamut' timestamp='1342331483' post='5978754']

Not really. I used to watch it regularly when Tennant was the Doctor. Haven't really taken to Mr. Smith.

Watched an ep before I came into work which was quite good, with them trapped in some kind of 80's hotel prison thing Hotel California style, being chased by some Minotaur. Was pretty interesting.
[/quote]The God Complex.
I know that episode

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I have too many fears to name. But here are 5 of them.

1. Death (The thought of not existing, the thought of being nothing truly terrifies me beyond words.
2. Spiders (I really don't know why, but them and most bugs seriously creep me out. I must've had some sort of trauma.)
3. Getting raped in a walk-in closet (I really hate walk-in closets, and I find rape frightening. Especially since I'm a guy. There aren't any woman rapists, are there...?)
4. Being seen naked on international television. (It'd be so humiliating...)
5. Tragic video games. (I know this one's weird, but, blame Cave Story for this one. Poor Toroko.)

And there you have my 5 biggest fears or dislikes.

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[quote name='Dae' timestamp='1342301308' post='5978192']

I am both scared as f*** and in love with those things. I'm a sucker for horror related stuff so nothing feared me as much as the X-files opening theme..seriously, I was maybe 5-6 and when the opening theme played on the tv, I just run.

Yup, still scary.

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[spoiler=Things that terrify me][list=1]
[*]Amnesia: The Dark Descent
[*]Slender Man
[*]Afraid Of Monsters
[*]Amnesia: The Dark Descent
[*]Horror Movies
[*]Creepy Ghosts
[*]Creepy old dudes on Omegle
[*]Amnesia: The Dark Descent
[*]Looking under my bed

Yeah, a lot of things terrify me.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1342372621' post='5979088']
I don't want to say I'm "afraid" of insects, but I can say for sure they [u][b][i]bug[/i] [/b][/u]the hell out of me.

Ooo I see what you did there.

But, hmm, suppose there are only a couple of things that I'm afraid of, but very few are tangible.

[spoiler=Puttin' 'em in a spoiler for some reason]
'Heartbreak' (unsure of whether or not this is a real thing)
Not having some degree of control over my own actions / situations
Developing feelings for someone that I'm friends with (like legit, that scares me when that happens)
Being late to Psychology
Friends / family dying
The unknown

I don't get the whole fear of spiders and whatnot that most people get. Generally speaking I often don't show that I'm scared of anything to be fair, even when walking over bridges. But fears are an interesting topic of discussion, often leads me over to the more psycho-dynamic area of thought, surely a lot of these are caused by events in your childhood? Hmm.

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[quote name='The Sky Emperor' timestamp='1342339230' post='5978872']
I have too many fears to name. But here are 5 of them.

1. Death (The thought of not existing, the thought of being nothing truly terrifies me beyond words.
2. Spiders (I really don't know why, but them and most bugs seriously creep me out. I must've had some sort of trauma.)
3. Getting raped in a walk-in closet (I really hate walk-in closets, and I find rape frightening. Especially since I'm a guy. There aren't any woman rapists, are there...?)
4. Being seen naked on international television. (It'd be so humiliating...)
5. Tragic video games. (I know this one's weird, but, blame Cave Story for this one. Poor Toroko.)

And there you have my 5 biggest fears or dislikes.

1. Sooner or later, you have to accept it, because everyone has to go through it sometime.
2. I know how you feel bro. The way they move their legs and go in the most inconspicuous places where you don't expect to look but look at frighten me.
3. There are women rapists and rapists who go for the other side if you want confirmation on that.
4. Don't know how to respond to that.
5. If you feel that way, NEVER PLAY MOTHER 3. That game is considered the most tragic game in existence.

I'm afraid to watch suffering. I'd rather watch a process that is quick, painless, or the combination of both.

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[quote name='Koloktos' timestamp='1342377410' post='5979143']
1. Sooner or later, you have to accept it, because everyone has to go through it sometime.
2. I know how you feel bro. The way they move their legs and go in the most inconspicuous places where you don't expect to look but look at frighten me.
3. There are women rapists and rapists who go for the other side if you want confirmation on that.
4. Don't know how to respond to that.
5. If you feel that way, NEVER PLAY MOTHER 3. That game is considered the most tragic game in existence.

I'm afraid to watch suffering. I'd rather watch a process that is quick, painless, or the combination of both.

Thanks for the advice. And I'm glad somebody understands the fear of bugs and spiders. They really are creepy.

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[quote name='Brushfire' timestamp='1342377092' post='5979139']
I don't get the whole fear of spiders and whatnot that most people get. Generally speaking I often don't show that I'm scared of anything to be fair, even when walking over bridges. But fears are an interesting topic of discussion, often leads me over to the more psycho-dynamic area of thought, surely a lot of these are caused by events in your childhood? Hmm.

Same here; I'd die before letting my friends see me squeal because a bee flew in front of me.
As for insects, nothing directly related to childhood, though I was terrified of dogs for a few years until I got counseling for it. Apparently a dog jumped through the car window on to me when I was 3 and the fear stuck another 5-6 years after.

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The Slender man is honestly the only horror character to really get under my skin. The uncanny appearance, the manifestation through video tears (at least in Marble Hornets).
Oh, and then there's SCP-439. Body horror in its truest form and one of the more underrated SCPs.
Moreover, heights.

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