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Deck tweaking help


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[u]Monsters[/u] (20)
Gravekeeper's Guard
Double Coston
Dark Magicion
Card Guard
Brain Crusher
Ancient Gear Soldier
Jerry Beans Man
Power Invader
Princess of Tsurugi
Pitch-Black Warwolf
Penguin Soldier
Poison Mummy
Spirit Of the Harp
Sonic Duck
Turbo Booster
The Creator Incarnate X2
The Creator

[u]Spells[/u] (12)
Crashbug Road
LIghtning Vortex
Rush Recklessly
Monster Reborn
One Day of Peace
Swords of Revealing Light
Back to Square One
Magical Malley
Shield Crush
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge-Baou
Book of Moon
Fighting Spirit

[u]Traps[/u] (6)
Pharaoh's Treasure
Ordeal of a Traveler
Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor
Call of the Haunted
Magic Cylinder

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I assume you built this out of random cards you own. Here are some suggestions:

1. Don't run Tuners just so you can Synchro Summon, unless those Tuners support your Deck. Wattfox does not support your Deck.

2. Try to avoid cards that get "used up" without taking cards away from your opponent or allowing you to gain more cards than your opponent. Examples of this are Magical Mallet and Crashbug Road. They help put together combos, but if you hadn't drawn them you might have been able to put together that combo with the card you drew instead.

3. Don't use cards that get "used up" and help your opponent as much as they help you, like One Day of Peace. You lose and gain a card (you might as well have not drawn it in the first place), but your opponent gets a card for free!

4. Use cards that have huge impacts on their own with little or no set-up. If your hand is Dark Hole, Monster Reborn and Heavy Storm, you can do LOTS of great things even if you only use one of those cards. If your hand is Turbo Booster, Brain Crusher and Poison Mummy, your only option is to kamikaze Poison Mummy into a bigger monster and kill it with Turbo Booster (you see, Turbo Booster can't use its effect on your opponent's turn).

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