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IRL and Stuff

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[center]Won the last 4 locals I went to with this, before that I would usually place in the top 4...so I'm pretty satisfied with the main deck (but i'll still take improvement suggestions)[/center]

[center]I mostly need help with the side deck....my current side deck is mostly for Chaos Dragons, Inzeks, Six Sams and Hero...since that makes up most of my Meta with a few Wind-Ups, Dark Worlds and Rabbits running around.[/center]

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I do summon it quite a lot actually, but I can find room for Reaper on the Nightmare.

I'll drop a magician for a 2nd Reaper.

I ran 3 because it gave me the opening nuts more often...and I can still have explosives plays after I've looped if I leave one in deck....but it does clog sometimes so I'll make the change.

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