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Three Outdated Decks

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I just got back into playing the game online, but the decks I built I know suck big time. I have been winning quite a bit with some of them, but that's mostly because my opponents weren't the best players. These decks are also based on cards that I remembered, with a few extras I recently found by searching... but I really need help updating them and putting in the cards that fit best. Please, someone help me!

[spoiler="Deck 1 - Flower Power (Lily Ratbox)"]
Monsters - 19
[2]Cyber Dragon
[3]Giant Rat
[2]Injection Fairy Lily
[2]Psychic Commander
[2]Legendary Jujitsu Master
[2]Breaker the Magical Warrior
[1]Exiled Force
[1]Neo Spacian Gran Mole
[1]Spirit Reaper
[1]Hyper Hammerhead
[1]Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

Spells - 11
[2]Smashing Ground
[2]Creature Swap
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Enemy Controller
[1]Book of Moon
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 10
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[2]Dimensional Prison
[2]Call of the Haunted
[1]Mirror Force
[1]Chain Disappearance
[1]Torrential Tribute
[1]Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck - 15
[1]Flamvell Urquizas
[1]Orient Dragon
[1]Naturia Barkion
[1]Black Rose Dragon
[1]Naturia Landoise (Hasn't seemed to help me too much, sadly)
[1]Psychic Lifetrancer
[1]X-Saber Urbellum
[1]Colossal Fighter
[1]Stardust Dragon
[1]Thought Ruler Archfiend
[1]Zeman the Ape Master (Blackwing + Giant Rat)\
[1][b]Snowpeak Giant[/b]
[1][b]Wind-Up Zenmaines[/b]
[1][b]Fairy King Alverd[/b]

Would really like a way to get Naturia Beast summonable in this deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Deck 2 - Rock Stun"]
Monsters - 19
[1]Gaia Plate the Earth Giant
[2]Vanity's Fiend
[3]Koa'Ki Meiru Guardian
[2]Koa'Ki Meiru Sandman
[2]Koa'Ki Meiru Wall
[2]Thunder King Rai-Oh
[2]Legendary Jujitsu Master
[1]Neo-Spacian Gran Mole
(Really need to find ways to increase these numbers)
[1]Fossil Dyna Pachycelphalo (Sadly, I have only been able to use it effectively twice when I ran it at 2)
[1]King Tiger Wanghu
[1]Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[1]Breaker the Magical Warrior

Spells - 11
[3]Smashing Ground
[2]Pot of Duality
[1]Book of Moon
[1]Monster Reborn
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm

Traps - 10
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[2]Dimensional Prison
[1]Karma Cut [Testing]
[1]Solemn Warning
[1]Mirror Force
[1]Compulsory Evacuation Device
[1]Call of the Haunted
[1]Torrential Tribute

Extra - 10 (Untouched)
[1]Daigusto Emeral
[1]Evigishki Merrowgeist
[1]Evilswarm Ouroboros
[1]Steelswarm Roach
[6]Others [/spoiler]
[spoiler="Sanctuary! (Insect Deck)"]
Monsters - 20
[3]Doom Dozer
[3]Flying Kamakiri #1
[3]Infernity Beetle
[3]Magical Merchant
[3]Koa'Ki Meiru Beetle
[1]Cross-Sword Beetle (Needed some muscle, and only card I could think of)
[1]Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior
[1]Man-Eater Bug
[1]Bee List Soldier (Never used)

Spells - 11
[3]Verdant Sanctuary
[2]Forbidden Chalice
[1]Pot of Duality
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Monster Reborn
[1]Heavy Storm

Traps - 9
[3]Lair Wire
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[2]Magic Drain (testing)
[1]Mirror Force
[1]Return from the Different Dimension

Extra - 15
[2]Underground Arachnid
[1]Gaia Knight - The Force of Earth
[1]Orient Dragon
[1]Black Rose Dragon
[2]Scrap Dragon
[2]Stardust Dragon
[1]Infernity Doom Dragon
[1]Colossal Fighter
[1]Evigishki Merrowgeist
[1]Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
[1]Kachi Kochi Dragon

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Block Golem would be very useful if it weren't for the fact that I am using Vanity's Fiend, Thunder King, and a few other non-EARTH monthers. In my original build I ran Block, but I realized I needed other monsters in the deck as well. I guess it might be possible to run 1 or 2, but I don't want to have a card that could turn out a dead draw.

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