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Started going to locals again since I'm back from uni for the summer. Somehow came first at my last event despite it being my first competitive tournamnt in about 6 months, and there being many Dinorabbit/Inzektor/Wind-Up players - I was simply using some random spy/hamster/ryko/caius/chaos deck, but hey.

Traded for some poor guides so I might bring this to the next tournament. What's good side deck stuff this format?


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Maybe? I suppose with Call available at 3 I can abuse the hell out of Goblin Zombie and fast. If I was going to make it chaos I'd probably lose the Caiuses for a start, never really liked the LS engine a lot though because it forces you to be monster heavy.

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1341861838' post='5972084']
Bottomless really is a giant saviour against Rabbit and Chaos Dragons so I would really prefer BtH here.

Oh yeah, kills dem dinosaurs right as they come out - good point. Might use those instead after all.

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[quote name='BehindTheMask' timestamp='1341954836' post='5973360']
2nd reaper?

also, obligatory OMGAKIRAISBACK post.

Thought you left too! I think 1 Reaper is enough, many ways to search it.

[quote name='Le Magician' timestamp='1341960008' post='5973433']
He lives.......

I haven't touched zombies is years....but I remember Turtle being good...can you find room for 2?

I like Turtle as well but it's not really necessary when maining Tour Guide.

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1341974366' post='5973605']
Nice to see Akira still exists.
I'd swap Mirror Force with Avarice.

But I want a Graveyard :P

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