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[Aggro Single] Light Beam


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Light Beam
Spell / Quickplay
Target 1 set card on the field; flip the card face-up. If it's not a Monster or Continuous Spell/Trap Card, return it to its Owner's hand. If the card is controlled by your Opponent, it's effects are negated until the End Phase.

Considering changing it to destroy.

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What is a continuous spell card that people would set? Also are the only things you can bounce are non-continuous spells? If so I'm assuming this just gets rid of quickplays that happen to be on the field.

All that aside I kind of like the card. That second sentence seems like it promotes empty jar shenanigans (which I don't know if that is a good thing yet lol) instead of just force flipping rykos.

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Well, yes, the original intent was to help with Flip effect monsters. Forgot about Empty Jar in the process, but hopefully that isn't something that breaks it.

Also, edited the card grammar, it can hit all traps aside from continuous as well.

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