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YCM Undermeta Agency

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[center][color=#FF0000][size=8][b]=YCM Undermeta Agency=[/b][/size][/color][/center]

See, I’ve always wanted to build something like this. A place where people can constantly gather and talk about their ridiculous deck ideas and combos, where we can just stop thinking about cuddly furballs that evolve into pure-white dragons surrounded by green auras, or Kamen Riders roaming the wastelands, carrying yellow missiles, glancing around to look for future victims.

If you wished for that, this is your place: The YCM Undermeta Agency.
[b][size=6]=What We Do=[/size][/b]
In short:
1. Discuss on undermeta decks. It can range from Frognarchs or Crystal Beasts where they’re semi-competitive, to Armityle or B.E.S. where the real deal isn’t in winning. Even decks like my “I tribute Obelisk and Gadget Soldier to Tribute Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon” is fine. As long as it has a concept, and it’s not tournament-level, it can be discussed here.

2. [b]Make the idea of a “Undermeta Deckdex” possible.[/b] Many people have tried to make threads listing all the good deck recipes, but they never worked. This time, we WILL do it. Experts at deckbuilding, gather here. We’ll make this dream come true.

3. Host Undermeta Tournaments. Undermeta Tournaments will be sorted in four groups: Semi-Competitive, Casual, Very Casual, and Zerowin. Will explain later.
[b][size=6]=Rules of This Club=[/size][/b]
1. All YCM Rules DO NOT APPLY. I repeat, THEY DO NOT APPLY. Feel free to spam whatever you want. Posting porn links results in reps, too, of course.

…Okay, actually, forget everything I said. All YCM Rules DO apply.

2. If you’re making a deck and discussing it with us, you should tell us what the deck does, its win conditions (or the conditions it wants to achieve – for example, “Summon VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon”), the Undermeta Deck Group it belongs in (one from the above four), and a detailed article on its moves.

To make it easier to understand, I’m gonna sort these four out.

[b]Semi-Competitives[/b] are stuff that are overall consistent and can win against tournament-level decks if used by a skilled player. The aforementioned Frognarchs/CBs etc. belong here. Some call these “Tier 3s”.

[b]Casuals[/b] are less consistent compared to Semi-Competitives. Most either revolve around a single monster (Number 11: Big Eye or Ocean’s Keeper, for example), or an undersupported archetype/concept (Cyberdarks, Gradius, Sphinx, Golem Control). They may be able to win, but can rarely against competitive decks.

[b]Very Casual[/b] Decks don’t really need to win. They just go for what they want to do and have fun. Character Fan Decks, The Kick Man.dek, etc. belong here.

[b]Zerowins[/b] are similar to Very Casual Decks, but were so far from competitive that it became nearly impossible to gain victory. For instance, my “I Attack Worm King with Raging Earth.dek” can consistently pull off its combo (if you can actually call it so), but can never win unless my opponent is using Armityle.

[b]A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE-When posting Undermeta Decks here, still DO try to make it as strongest as possible in that theme, as long as its concept stays firmly intact.[/b] For instance, not running Dark Hole/Heavy Storm etc. because it’s Undermeta is unallowed, unless that deck really doesn’t need those. However, if you want to win using the Wicked Gods, running only 1 Wicked God and 3 LADDs is well, unacceptable on the other side. You get my point, right?

Well, there is just one notable exception for this – Character Fan Decks. If you want to construct your deck using only cards a particular character used, that is allowed, but besides that…please do follow this rule. Having fun IS more important than winning, but too much of one side isn’t healthy.

[b]ANOTER IMPORTANT NOTE-Decks that are meant to irritate the opponent using heavy destruction/heavy counters/stall/self-kill/time-ups/consistent burn/alternate win conditions – the things known as “Troll Decks” – should NOT be posted here unless it’s REALLY inconsistent. [/b]This means decks like Exodia, Final Countdown, Counter Fairies, Chain Burn and the latter are NOT allowed to be discussed in here. I believe undermeta is fun because both players can truly enjoy, and the above-listed aspects are head-on contrary. However, Skull Flame, Exodius, Spirit Board, and other things like that are allowed. You can probably see the notable and rather obvious difference.

3. This sorta overlaps with the Club Section Rules, but if a post is totally unrelated to the subject, it is considered spam. However, even if you post random funny pictures or make stupid meme remarks at a deck, it’s fine as you also give some CONSTUCTIVE advice on it. I repeat: CONSTRUCTIVE. “*Insert unfunny meme* nice deck, good job” isn’t constructive. “*Insert unfunny meme* OT: Seems nice. Well, I personally think X is a good idea for this, and I advise taking out the As and a B for 3 Cs to…” is constructive. Well, the latter actually makes up a majority of my TCG posts.

4. Isn’t forced, but I’d like it if you guys put the logo of this club in your siggies with url coding. What? It isn’t up there? Well, duh, that’s because it isn’t made yet. When it is, please do. I want lots of people to join and talk about the good stuff.

5. Please do enter Dueling Network. If you don’t know what it is, Google it. It’s needed for when we wanna use it for test-duels.

6. Of course, even if you like competitive, you can still join as long as you like casual play too.
[b][size=6]=Entry Form=[/size][/b]
DN Name:
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s):[/code]

Max 5 for Favorite Undermeta Decks, because I have over 100, and maybe others are like that too. Really.

[b]1. Darkplant - VENOM/Darkplant[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Dark Gigavise, Gradius, Zeta Reticulant, Frognarchs, Dark Gaia
[b]2. Agro/DrRED[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Disaster Dragon, or for seriously undermeta, Draw-Your-Deck-Just-Because-You-Can
[b]3. Yuzuru Otonashi/Marsuvees Black[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Fableds, Frogs, Thunder Family, Geargia Rabbit, Incas
[b]4. God Machismo!!!!!/King Crouton[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Monster Mash
[b]5. Circus Freak/Ojama Knight[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): [s]Granblue[/s] Zombies, Etranger
[b]6. Kanade Otonashi/Kazooie[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Fableds, Morphtronics, Frogs, X-Sabers, Underground Control
[b]7. Damage Incorporated/Stellar Kaust[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Skull Flame, Fabled, Batteryman, Kuriboh, Planetman Lockdown
[b]8. Bringerofcake/Bringerofcake[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Macro Trap Monster Xyz, Chronomaly, Gaia Knight.dek, Cloudian Herald, Lemuria Xyz
[b]9. ~Call of the Haunted~/CDDRodrigo[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Junklands, Cyberdarks, Chaos Herald
[b]10. Armadilloz/Armadilloz[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Scraps and Gallis variants
[b]11. Kabasaurus/iHop[/b]
Favorite undermeta Deck(s): T.G. Stun, Morphtronic, Gemini Effects, Stall Burn if it doesn't count as too annoying
[b]12. Koloktos/ZeroChill[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Volcanics/Volcanic Flamvellsworns, Spellbooks, REDMD-less Hieratics, Almost every single DT-based Deck except for Dragunity and X-Sabers
[b]13. Light Yagami/ByakuyaKuchiki6[/b]
Favorite undermeta Deck(s): X-Saber, Fableds, Mist Valley (Lockdown and Genex Variant), Tempest Magician FTK, s**tloads of others
[b]14. EmpoleMew/empolemew[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Madolche, Fortune Ladies, Skull Servants, Yubel, THE TYRANT NEPTUNE, Granel
[b]15. ~Dark Soul~/silversalamence11[/b]
Favourite Undermeta Deck(s): Dragunity, Chronomaly, Frog the Jam.dek
[b]16. Chris/Hounds of Anubis[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Monarchs, any deck that uses the Frog engine, any form of Fairy/Darklord turbo, Van'Dalgyon control, Vylons, Old Classics.dek
[b]17. ~Renegade~/~Renegade~[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Jam Breeding Device(All Spells/Traps), Fortune Lady, Dragunity, Crystal Beasts(Hamon), Black Valley
[b]18. Sleepy/Sleepy17[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Flamvell+Divas Synchro, Highlander, Level 1 Normal Monsters, random attempts at non-Elemental HERO and non-Gemknight Fusions, LVs.
[b]19. Hayate Ayasaki~/Darklink401[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Gusto, Cloudians, Batterymen
[b]20. newhat/newhat[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Madolche, Enchanted Ritual Art (Sonic Deck), Steelswarm Chaos
[b]21. The flying penguin/Sirluke99[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Mokey mokey beat down, Penguin, Naturia,Moray frogs, Ice counter
[b]22. Pacman/-Pacman-[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Chaos Kuriboh, Thunder Family, Shark fanboy, Fiend's Mirror.dek, Naturias
[b]23. .Rai/ArcticBush[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): CeremonialBell.dek (i.e. Dolphin Control lookalike)
[b]24. Dusk Neph/aracinid[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Yubel, Gem-Knights, Jam, Gallis, Van'Dalgyon
[b]25. Simon Belmont/00DuelistKingdom00[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Red Eyes Meteor HEROES
[b]26. HSektor/HSektor[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Zombies, Skull Servant, Worms and Gladiator Beasts
[b]27. Simdoggy/Simdoggy[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Arcana Force, Dyson Sphere, Fabled, Rocket Arrow Express, Metaion centred decks
[b]28. Mr Spaz/Mr Spaz[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Machu Mech Abuse, Vylon, Arcana Force, Level 2 or Lower Normal Monster Swarm
[b]29. Hasemeow[/b]
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s):Ancient gears, crystal beasts, machinas (before this set), and crane control. [/spoiler][hr]
Let it begin.

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Username: Kanade Otonashi
DN Name: Kazooie
Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Fableds, Morphtronics, Frogs, X-Sabers, and lately I've been fond of Underground Arachnid... Control I guess. Not entirely sure what to call it.

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[color=#660066]Username[/color][color=#666600]:[/color][color=#000000] Damage Incorporated
DN [/color][color=#660066]Name[/color][color=#666600]:[/color][color=#000000] Stellar Kaust
[/color][color=#660066]Favorite[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]Undermeta[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]Deck[/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#000000]s[/color][color=#666600]): Skull Flame - Fabled - Batteryman - Kuriboh - Planetman Lockdown[/color]

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[quote name='Circus Freak' timestamp='1341817263' post='5971526']
I believe we need to have a serious discussion about Etrangers.
[/quote]We COULD, but then we'd all have to speak frog. And... well, whatever language that little mouse thing speaks.

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Okay, then, first topic: Which is better, Clockwork Gradius or Normal Gradius?

Pros are, each:

Clockwork - Obviously, Clockwork Shikigami. Also, Solidarity boosts all Spaceships to 2000, enough to take out most low-level threats.
Normal - Honest, and hand traps such as Maxx "C" or Effect Veiler. Not to mention, powerful Xyz such as Constellar Omega.


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I'm in.

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]Username: ~Call of the Haunted~ / CDDRodrigo[/background][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]DN Name: CDDRodrigo[/background][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]Favorite Undermeta Deck(s): Junklands, Cyberdarks, Chaos Herald[/background][/size][/font][/color]

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Username: Same as it always is.
DN Username: Same as my YCM one.
Favorite Undermeta Decks: Scraps and Gallis variants.

As far as Spaceships goes, I've always liked Solidarity builds. Not saying its the best option, but giving them more ATK to run over stronger threats and get equally as strong Tokens, can lead to some serious damage. But as you mentioned, they lose hand traps and other stuff that would work just as well, if not, better.

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So, Volcanic Flamvellsworn is just so fun to play, and it surprisingly works well.

Flamvells = Synchro Engine
Lightsworn = Milling Engine
Volcanic = Destructive Engine

I love how Counter works so well with the Lightsworn Variant. Thinking of replacing my Solemns with Decrees.

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