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The Beginning of Light and Darkness [PG-13]


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With all the commotion that's occurring on deck, even Lex's patience was nearly on edge. He started to manifest a sort of headache, and wanted everyone to shut up. He wanted to get away from the noise. Of course, he let out a small series of coughs and a sniffle before coming to a possible conclusion that he might be sick, and it's effecting his mind. Perhaps he might've caught something while he was out on the market, or at the Crystal Tavern. Maybe there's something on board? If it was contagious, it'd probably be better that he secluded himself for a bit.

Walking up to Captain Etxarte, but keeping a safe distance from her - didn't want the captain of the ship to get sick - and strained a question out of him. "You got a dark and-" before he could finish, a small cough escaped, but regained composure.

"Ahem, you got a dark and quiet room I can sleep in? I'd prefer to keep from others at the moment."

The sudden sickness was bearable to say the least, but what was the problem was whether or not it was easily transmitted or how it would affect the others. It would be better if one was temporarily sick then have the whole ship sick with whatever got on ship. Still, the noise that was consistent was irritating at best to Lex. He wanted peace, quiet, darkness.

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Quickly noting the change of atmosphere, Helena created some distance her face tense with nervousness. She laughed to try and dissolve the tensions but Seth's expression didn't change. "Come on, you know I was joking. I wouldn't let you touch them. I mean, wouldn't want you having any extra fun and getting them dirty again." Knowing she would be visiting an early grave with that one she created even more distance. "If you don't loosen up every once and a while you're gonna explode." For emphasis she brought her hands together then separated them while making an "explosion" noise. Seeing that if she didn't take his earlier warning of leaving she would really be in serious trouble, and despite enjoying seeing Seth this way, having him really get angry wouldn't be a pretty sight. Helena was adventurous not stupid. "You just think about that." With those parting words she dashed away.

"What a tightwad-oh, hey." Having stopped her retreat from Seth, she found herself not far from Adrius. At the moment he seemed to be staring at something. She followed his gaze, 'oh'ing silently when she found what he was looking at. "That's the Necro-babe right? Uh, Noah? You gotta crush on her or sumthin? Cause you staring mighty hard."

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After boarding the ship, Titus took his place leaning against the edge. He scanned over his "Companions" once more. He once again came to the conclusion that most of them shouldn't be a problem for his 'cutthroat' tactics, if the time were to arise when he'd need to dispose of them, but assumed that that would not be necessary... except for perhaps the Necromancer. For all he knew, she would attack him before he set foot off the boat. Seeing as how no one was watching him, he edged his way along the boat, until he was within a straight line of the access to the lower deck. He calmly walked over to it, as to not draw attention to himself, and slipped inside and began to scout the area for any valuables that might be on the ship. While he looked, he started humming merrily, [i]"Ah, sometimes these dimwits make it TOO easy to steal" he mused to himself.[/i]

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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]"Ahem, you got a dark and quiet room I can sleep in? I'd prefer to keep from others at the moment." [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#008080]"Hm[/color]m?" Both Sophia and Captain Etxarte chimed out upon hearing Lex. "Aye, I have some rooms in the lower deck for ye all. I'll have Alley take ye. Alley! Take dis man to his room. Sea's already getting to this one already, it seems," Captain Etxarte let out a hearty laugh and patted Lex firmly on the shoulder, "Don't worry, ye'll get used to life on a ship in no time." Seeing as how the crew were handling themselves, Captain Etxarte walked over to Seth after his little episode with Helena, his anger still on face. Placing an arm on his shoulder, the Captain leaned against him softly, "Just take a deep breath, mate, the sea's air will calm ye. I've never seen a man get so worked up about washing a woman's delicates, especially one so spunky and free spirited. Ye must like ye woman like wine.. Classy."

Meanwhile, Alley had made her way to Lex and motioned her hand towards the door that lead to the stairs to the lower levels of the ship, "Follow me please," Alley said shyly before walking into the ship. Stopping at the second to last floor, since Lex wanted a dark quiet room, Alley stopped at the first door and opened it, revealing a simple room, "Get well soon." With that, Alley quickly left, not liking to be alone with one person for too long.

While everyone was left to their own devices, Sophia was at the nose of the ship, smiling softly with her eyes closed, enjoying the sea wind in her face as the ship was now only meters outside of the safety of the port waters.

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It wasn't the sea that got to him, he's was already familiar and fair with the sea. Since he lived in Lympha, Hibianya specifically, for most of his youth, he partook in the chances of sailing and such, riding the waves. It never bother him, so why would it now? When the Captain patted him on the shoulder, he felt a slight unease by the contact of humans, but didn't waver.

When the first mate led Lex to his room, and signaled to get better, he gave a small nod and quickly entered his room, closing and locking the door behind him. The room was quite dark, and he couldn't tell where his bed was definitely, so he used a light spell to see what his surroundings were. It wasn't just simple. It was really simple. Small room, large enough bed, small bedside dresser with a candle on top. Taking a small step over to his bed, and sitting on it, he ceased his spell and gave small breath of relief. He placed his hand over his chest and attempted to heal himself, giving a small and faint, but dark light; it couldn't be seen in the darkness anyways.

He wasn't fairly familiar with the idea behind the Moon Blood spell, being originally used for wounds and such, and heard of it being used for small poisons and sicknesses, so the idea of him using the spell to disperse the sickness was possible, if not an easy solution to it. It was dark, and the spell was significantly strong in this darkness.

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A soft gentle chuckle behind elegant lips, Jed smirked as he watched Sophia enjoying the breeze of the sea, and so walking up to her shrugged and said "It's a beautiful view, ain't it?" A soft yawn, he simply shook his bottle of wine nearby her in an offering, before taking a swig of it himself, needless to say in his currently bandaged hand. "I tell you something, Sophie..." Jed went on to say. "...I have to admire your persistence. You're chasing a myth which no-one's yet to have gotten close to proving true or false. Wherever you get your strength from I wonder." He then stretched his arms around his head as he yawned, not before of course offering the knight some bread, and turned back to the rest of the ship and said "Everyone to their own, I suppose." before walking back and having a glance around the vessel. Albeit not the most fanciest of things, but it worked.

Needless to say Jed went straight towards a drunken Helena and the ball & chain that was Seth, chuckling as he playfully kept the bottle out of Helena's reach, saying "You know, knighty, you really should loosen up. Now, don't get me wrong, in times like these it pays to be the tough, silent type, but right now there's no giant squid, nor humanoid great whites; there's no shame in letting your hair down now and again." before turning to Helena. "Am I right, or am I right?" he asked before offering the entire bottle to her, as well as a few bread rolls to the pair. Whether she took it or not, Jed would ponder the thought of going for a swim, but rather as he passed by the twosome, he found the one individual on the boat he actually looked up to, albeit only in the manner he conducted himself simply because Jed knew he was absolutely fabulous. This individual was, of course, Titus.

Smirking he tossed a bread roll in his direction before sitting down on the deck, glancing around before asking "What about you, hmm? Do you reckon this myth ain't a load of bull?" Chuckling he took a bite from a roll and sighed. "Personally, I see it as bull crap myself. Never been fond of the occult. But then again, if the King's interested in it, and he hasn't reached senility yet, I suppose when I've got the chance I may as well take it, no?"

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Seth continued to stare quietly and intently at Helena as she spoke from a safe distance which ended with her dashing off. Seth was then approached by Captain Etxarte who told him that the sea air would calm him as well as assuming that he prefers classy women. "I do not have the time for such things. What's left of this life will be devoted to my duties as a trusted knight of the King's court and to the people. It's the only thing I can do after all... Now, if you may excuse me Captain." Seth said before boarding the ship. On board, Seth took his place, far from the others, and stared out into the ocean. Honestly, it was quite a mesmerizing sight. Captain Etxarte was right, the cool, ocean breeze did calm Seth down. If no other time, this was the perfect time for Seth to reminisce about his past, The only thing he couldn't do is to ponder about his future. He already knew his future as if it were something to be set before hand and cannot be altered.

Seth's concentration soon broke when he was approached by Jed. Consequently, Helena was nearby as well. Seth wasn't quite ready to deal with Helena yet again. Jed on the other hand, Seth didn't mind, at least not yet. Although Seth finds Jed's mannerisms rather strange and the fact that he is a pirate only helps to be weary of the fellow, Seth would not want to act hostile towards Jed unless he has done something unforgivable by Seth's standards. Jed proceeded to advise Seth about letting loose, in his own unique style of course. To which Seth said, "First of all, please refer to me by a proper name or title, and thank you for your words but I don't think I would adjust to that very well. Especially not after the atrocities that have befallen upon my ears, courtesy of a certain someone." Obviously that last bit referred to Helena. Seth then turned his entire body towards Jed. "However, as a sign of mutual respect, I will have a drink or two... To 'loosen up' I guess would be the appropriate term for the situation." Seth said.

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During his observation of, quite possibly, the most dangerous person there, Adrius had been approached by the page. This shocked him, seeing as no one else had really tried to converse with him directly. With a slight jump at Helena's voice, Adrius needed to be quick to think of an answer. Hopefully, after given the conformation that Adrius had no infatuation with the necromancer, the page would leave. "No, I just don't trust her," he replied to the supposedly drunken women. He also made sure to add a little more distance between them by side-stepping a bit to the left. As he could faintly recall hearing just mere seconds before this lady disrupted his peace, Helena seemed to be trying to influence Sethen in some way. Adrius didn't want apart of anything even remotely similar, making the thought of her moving on to bug someone else all the more welcome.

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[color="#000000"]Noah maintained her distance. She didn't want to converse with anyone... more to the point, she didn't even [i]like[/i] anyone. Instead, she took to the bow of the ship, and stared out over at the sea. She never moved from that location since she got there... not even for a quick break.[/color]

[color=#800080][i]'How the hell am I supposed to trust [b]anyone[/b]?'[/i][/color][color=#000000] Noah thought to herself, [/color][i][color=#800080]'They're all a bunch of randoms for all I know. I don't even know who's worth sparing, or who can make good meat shields out of the lot of them or [b]anything[/b] like that! And as for that [b]one[/b] [/color][/i][i][color=#800080]woman... does she even know what she's doing?'[/color][/i]

[color=#000000]She sighed, not entirely expecting to be answered soon. Then again, that [i]was[/i] just a thought that came across her mind. She didn't say anything, which meant that even if anyone was nearby, they couldn't have overheard her or answered accordingly.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Maybe I'm better off doing this whole thing on my own..."[/color][color=#000000] Noah muttered.[/color]

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Helena chuckled at Adrius‚ more so because of his reaction towards her rather than his answer. Guess he didn't like her that much, which was fine with her. A lot of people found her personality to be a bit much. No one could tell whether she was serious or not, but that was the fun part. "Well, I wouldn't stare too hard because it might be misenturperted as something else. Maybe you should talk to her, even if you feel weary about her I mean we are supposed to be a team. We sh-Jed!" Her attention changed to the ever exuberant man as he spoke to Seth dangling a bottle of wine. She bounced over attempting to snatch the bottle but he held it over her head - curse his height - as he talked to the still annoyed Paladin.

Finally he gave her the bottle as Seth agreed to have a drink. Hearing that she froze, bottle halfway to her lips. [I]'He's actually gonna drink? How come he never accepts when I as-Wait! This could be my chance to see him drunk!'[/I]

"Hey I second that idea!" She exclaimped happily, catching the bread roll. "Hope you're not a light weight Seth-" She was praying he was.

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Titus glanced over to Jed, who had approached him. Putting his hands behind his head, he leaned back, "Well," he began, "I'm not really sure what to think about it. I suppose you could say I'm using this as an opportunity to help myself" Titus answered. [i]'Though I won't be helping myself any time soon, not with literally nothing on this ship to take' [/i]he thought silently. "Truth be told, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that with all these other guys as my only allies" He admitted, "But hey, I've not known any of these guys for long, so I'll try and remain optimistic, I suppose" he shrugged, and chuckled.

Titus turned around to face the ocean. It felt weird, acting like he was. His emotions were mostly feigned, for the purpose of not being suspicious to the rest of the group. Cracking jokes and smiling were things that were commonly considered normal in socialization, so by copying these actions, Titus figured, he would blend in. In truth, his emotions were more full of disappointment and annoyance. He still had the thought that perhaps his emotions would change, and his allies wouldn't be so annoying or seemingly useless later on. But, he still kept the charade that he was enjoying himself and the presence of the others. At least he was doing better than the Necromancer woman.

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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]"It's a beautiful view, ain't it?"[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#008080]"Indeed it is,"[/color] Sophia said before she took the bottle, took a sip and handed it back. [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]"I tell you something, Sophie,"[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#008080]"Sophia,"[/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]"...I have to admire your persistence. You're chasing a myth which no-one's yet to have gotten close to proving true or false. Wherever you get your strength from I wonder." [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#008080]"Well.. To be honest, the only reason why I'm doing this quest is because the King asked me personally to do it.. But I will not be without a reward for this quest.." [/color]Sophia paused for a moment, only long enough to turn around and face the rest of the group, [color=#008080]"He says that along this journey, I will have answers. Answers to what, I'm not sure.. Maybe finally learn who my parents are? Who knows.."[/color] Sophia simply shrugged before turning from the group again, facing the sea breeze once more, leaving everyone to their own devices once more. But before the merriment could start with the wine drinking, a loud roar could be heard just before the ship shook violently from something bumping into it from underwater.

[right][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzeNlmE3D_E"]♪[/url][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBITwDfPags&feature=related"]Boss Fight Theme[/url][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzeNlmE3D_E"]♪[/url][/right]

Quickly turning around, Sophia yelled out, [color=#008080]"Just what the hell was that?!"[/color] "I don't kno-" Captain Etxarte was cut off when on the port side, a [url="http://safebooru.org//images/875/c0e4b295a5094f8437ac94c2684df104d6f6aa4e.jpg?880915"]dragon's[/url] head began to emerge from the sea, letting out another roar. "I-IT'S UNDA!" One of the shipmates yelled out in shock and awe. "Unda?! That' can't be! He's just a myth!" Captain Etxarte exclaimed in disbelief. [color=#008080]"Unda?! Explain please! And group, help out somehow!"[/color] Sophia demanded as she ran towards one of the shipmates that was passing out [acronym=firearms have been recently introduced into the world, only a few people and ships have them and are testing them out, so your characters should act surprised by the sound of the guns and cannons, the site of them and what they do]rifles[/acronym] to those that weren't busy readying the cannons for battle. "Aye lass! Unda is one of three Lothadon's designated protectors of the seas and oceans! But something doesn't seem to be right! Out of all the myths and legends.. They never said anything about his forehead gem having a black aura," a third shipmate said, pointing at the said head gem. "And it seems like he's wanting to sink us! Protector or not, I'm not letting anything destroy this ship! Are the cannon's loaded?!" Captain Etxarte asked as she ran to one of the deck cannons with a torch. As Unda brought a claw back, readying to slam it into the boat, Sophia was shocked by his size. One of his talons was easily the size of a large man. "Top deck, FIRE!" Captain Etxarte yelled as the lit her cannon.

A barrage of cannon balls flew at Unda as he swing his claw forward. Luckily, a few of the cannon balls impacted his arm and torso, stopping his attack and forcing him back a little bit. "KEEP IT UP! Rifles, FIRE!" Sophia, still recovering from how loud the cannons were, watched at how the rifle men fired these new mysterious weapons. After a few seconds, Sophia posed like they were, she aimed her gun like they did and pulled the trigger, caught off guard by the recoil and ended up falling to her behind, while her bullet, like many, simply bounced off of the creature. Shaking her head, trying to wear the shock off, Sophia watched and listened closely as one of the shipmates showed her how to reload. Meanwhile, Captain Etxarte ordered for the lower deck cannons to fire and they did. Before they could impact Unda, however, he dove back under the water, his tail smacking a cannon ball back at them. Jumping out of the way, Captain Extarte and a few shipmates narrowly dodged the cannon ball as it took out of the cannons. Sophia, now standing up with a newly loaded rifle, looked around at the water, trying to spot Unda, [color=#008080]"Keep your eyes open, everyone! I doubt this is over so quickly!"[/color]

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While instead his small room, laying on the bed-he finished healing after ten minutes-he pondered about the whole group. These thoughts were recurrent before, not much changed. He still couldn't overcome some of the problems that would arise. After several moments of thought, he was interrupted by a loud roar, similar to that of a dragon's.

Shocked by the possibility of meeting a dragon, Lex quickly ran out of his room, and made his way up to the deck, where he saw Unda, He didn't so much as pay attention to the rest, despite having such peculiarly odd weapons.

"I can't believe it, Unda! Who would have thought we'd see you?" he muttered.

Seeing as it was now useless to keep the dirty, dusty, old cloak on, Lex quickly ripped off of his body, revealing the incredible armor that lied underneath it, and prepared his weapons. Taking scythe in hand, he swirled the scythe around him multiple times to harvest energy around him, and integrated his focus into his spell. Sword would be useless at this point, he can't attack at close range, yet.

Charging his Bind spell, he waited Unda to reappear; at that moment, Lex would unleash the Bind spell, hoping to limit, if not completely halt, Unda's movements so that everyone else can take their chance and attack. Lex doubt the possibility of such a spell working on a dragon, but he needed to try and see if it would work. Otherwise, there's Plan B.

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Titus stumbled backwards when the massive Dragon burst forward from the waters, and nearly fell onto his backside. He listened in to the conversation between the captain and Sophia, and then stared at the dragon's black glowing gem. His face showed him deep in thought for a second, then his eyes opened wide. He dashed over to the captain, "That shipmate said that it's gem isn't normally depicted like that, right?" Titus asked, "Then take aim at it! If it looks like something is wrong with it, then something probably is! Even if that doesn't help him, the gem is probably a big part of him, and taking it out might take him down!" Titus explained. [i]'And then, if that doesn't work, there's always good old fashioned stabbing in the face' [/i]he thought, drawing his daggers, and watching where Unda submerged.

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[color=#000000]Noah could only watch from the bow as the [s]rejected Cloverfield monster design[/s] legendary sea dragon Unda launched a full-scale assault on the ship, mesmerized by the sheer power of the creature. A little... [i]too[/i] mesmerized, as she never even made a move. Luckily, Unda was heavily focused on the ship itself, and not so much on any specific member of the group, even [i]more[/i] specifically Noah herself. Still, that was [i]enough[/i] admiration of Unda's powers. It was time to show these guys what Noah was [i]really[/i] capable of. She defeated a dragon before, and if Unda was gonna have to be her second, then so be it.[/color]

[color=#800080]"I was [i]just [/i]about to say that!"[/color][color=#000000] Noah remarked to Titus' words, before sighing, [/color][color=#800080]"Not that I have problem with it, I guess. Alright, I've got air support if you need it!"[/color]

[color=#000000]With that, Noah cast her bone reconfiguration spell on herself, enabling wings of pure bone to take shape on her back, before lifting off, and soaring well above the ship, hovering there so she could ideally stay out of Unda's range. Predicting Unda would once again concentrate on the ship when it popped out of its little hiding place, Noah planned to swoop down and slam the Snipe Ripper right into the dark gem in its forehead, aiming to expel the dark magic within.[/color]

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Bumping his head hard on the ship from the vicious bump, Jed stumbled to his feet and shook his head, holding the back of his skull as he cussed loud, the blow definitely a bruise the next day. He eventually got shoved a gun, to which he looked at funny and ended up just throwing it away and snatching the man's knife instead, the sailor barking to Jed and complaining, threatening him, to which Jed rolled his eyes and dealt his nose a head butt, simply to get him off his back, flooring the irritating sailor as he shook his head. "My knifey." he simply said, looking at it with a smirk, already growing accustomed to the weapon, before realizing something: he had a sailor with a broken nose on his hands. Cussing again, he had to hide him somewhere, so his first reaction was simply to get a cover, wrap it around the sailor, and toss him down to the lower deck: surely someone would take care of him there.

Taking a sigh he caught Titus' words, before remembering what he saw of the dragon: it had exposed enough of its flesh for him to know exactly where to hit it, and unfortunately the damn sailors were aiming the wrong way. So, he decided to make his way to the captain as he began to explain that "That...thing...is a dragon, right? Well, Cap'n, in case you didn't quite see it, did you notice its neck was slightly coloured darker than its hide? That's called the underbelly, its a dragon's weakspot: have your men and women fire there already...also, nice hips, very desirable." before getting a little distance as fast as he could, waiting for no response, he had no time to! Holding on to some wood as he fiddled around with the knife, looking for an opportunity to throw the knife for that tender khaki flesh on the beast.

When Unda would rise again, this would end up a moot effort, because, though throwing it off the boat, the knife simply arced into the water. In this instant, he hid from its sight and decided to have a swig of wine.

...well done Jed, well done.

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With everyone, or just about everyone, in place and ready to their own thing, Sophia was sure that they were going to win this battle without having to kill Unda hopefully. While everyone waited for Unda to resurface, who happened to be circling around under the ship in sea, a thought came to Sophia. [color=#008080]"Wait! If Unda is a legendary creature that's never really been seen, mostly talked about, then there's hope yet in our search for Asedriron's Votum,"[/color] Sophia yelled out in excitement, having had doubts about finding that legendary object herself.

Within the waters below, Sophia's words echoed softly. "-Votum.. [size=3]votum[/size].. [size=2]votum[/size].." Upon hearing that, Unda stopped in the water, looking up at the boat as he narrowed his eyes, "Drog Asedriron's zun..." Quickly raising to the surface, Unda appeared on the starboard side of the ship and let out a mighty roar as he charged his head forward, much faster than his attack earlier, aiming to smash through the ship. Luckily, Lex came in with his Bind spell. Though it didn't completely stop Unda, it greatly slowed him down and caused him to back away from the ship and try to get back down into the water, away from Lex's Binding spell. However, Captain Etxarte had other plans. Giving the necromancer a few seconds to do what she needed and get out, Captain Etxarte then order for everyone to fire their weapons, "FIRE!" The cannons and guns, now having an idea of where to aim, all mostly landed on or near his torso (where the 'underbelly' is) and the gem on his forehead, forcing him back and injuring him greatly. Lifting up a more personalized size cannon, Alley (First Mate) mounted it on her right shoulder and aimed it, "Light me up, boys!" Bracing herself, the cannon shot off, traveling faster compared to the cannons, right at Unda's gem. Landing just about dead center on the gem, Unda's head was sent back as he was knocked out from the final blow.

As the crew let out a loud cheer, Sophia couldn't help but get excited as well. "Bust out the alcohol, men, we've all deserve a drink," Captain Etxarte chimed out, proud of their victory. But before they could start celebrating, they all heard the loud crashing sound of Unda's body slamming into the water, causing a huge tsunami to form. "Strap yourselves down, quickly," Alley yelled out as she ran over to some rope and began to tight it to the boat and then herself and as many others as that rope would allow. Frantically looking around, Sophia didn't spot some rope until the wave was on them. Lifting the boat up and over, Sophia couldn't help but let out a yell of fear as her, the others and the boat came crashing down into the water, only to be quickly washed over by the wave as debris from the now destroyed boat threatened to take anyone out...

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Helena had seen many things during all of her escapades as a hired assassin, but never in her life would she had ever thought that she would be face to face with Unda. She had heard a few legends about the beast, and one of the shipmates confirmed what she already knew. However, he did point out that the gem on it's forehead was different then how it was depicted in the stories. Despite Unda being a feared legend, everyone was ready to go up against him. Since Helena didn't exactly have any good long range attacks, and she didn't want to waste her knives, she joined Sophia and the crew in firing the guns. Thanks to the quick thinking of the others, everyone aimed for the weak points of Unda, who then went under. Suddenly Sophia shouted that if Unda, who was a legend, was real than maybe their goal wasn't farfetched. Suddenly, Unda reappeared with a vengeance and things took a turn for the worse.

Before Helena knew it she found herself underwater, flipping and turning all about with the strong waves. [i]'Dam-What the!' [/i]When she tried to swim up she was suddenly tugged down. She then noticed that a rope had tied around her foot and was caught on a part of the destroyed, sinking ship. Desperately she tried to pull her leg free, but it wasn't working. She froze, mentally hitting her self before grabbing her knife and cutting herself free. Now free, she swam against the current, briefly breaking the surface before being pulled down again. As she continued to swim she hoped for the best not only for herself, but for the others as well.

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Titus chuckled, "Told you that would work" he said, rather smugly, and was about to go back to leaning against the edge of the ship, when Unda's body caused a massive wave to form, which began to wash over the ship. "Damn it!" Titus grumbled, wishing that there wouldn't be so many problems on a simple boat ride.
Thinking quickly, Titus grabbed a cloth around his right wrist, and tied it around his head, covering his mouth and nose, taking a breath before doing so, then bracing himself for the wave.

[i]'Damn it all! Stupid dragon!' [/i]he growled to himself, not being able to speak while being both underwater, and having a cloth covering his face to protect him from said water. He looked around for the others but couldn't see much through the roaring currents. [i]'Agh... struggling will just make it worse. I suppose the current will take us all to the calm waters or whatever anyway...' [/i]he thought, then braced himself, and let the current sweep him away.

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While Adrius did not due much in the confrontation with the great, mythical dragon Unda, he did find himself using the contraption called the rifle(which he almost could've sworn he had seen one on a burglary before.) against the possibly corrupted gem. He couldn't see himself taking another shot, however. He held too much respect for a creature of such majesty to even attempt to harm it further. It was then, when the dragon had been knocked out, that the crew began to celebrate their victory. All except for Adrius, who saw before most others the huge wave begin to approach. Fear grew among most of the crew, if not fear, frustration. To Adrius this was just an event. A rather important one, but still just an event. It was then he attempted to formulate some sort of a plan. He could dive off the boat early, take refuge in his room, or any number of other options.

That's when it dawned on him. Almost every other action resulted in a higher probaility of death. There was only one thing to do. Brace himself for the hit. When the wave smashed against the boat, Adrius did not scream, he did not flinch. He was not afraid of water. The tsunami grabbed most down and Adrius was no exception. Although disoriented, the splash did not do much else to him. The current moved him and he was no man to argue with free transportation. And so the waters carried him. Where? Only time would tell.

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Unleashing the Binding Spell on Unda, Lex only hoped for the best outcome, that Unda would be defeated; this only came to somewhat fruition. Unda was slowed heavily by the spell, but not immobilized. Luckily, the crew of the Mirajane and the group took the chance and attacked Unda while distracted. The dragon was defeated, and everyone celebrated. However, Lex couldn't believe the sight of Unda; he dared not think of other dangerous events that might come to unfold.

Lost in thought, he heard everyone shouting, and looked up; the impact of Unda's body caused an immense tsunami to form. While everyone was ready and strapped down to the ship, Lex quickly looked around to see everyone in a hectic state. Finally giving into the moment, Lex could only think of using a Bind Spell to bind himself to the ship's deck-a useless motion to be seen-yet this was not enough. The tsunami finally made contact with the ship, and everyone was consumed by the waters.


Lex couldn't keep contact with the time, he didn't know how much has passed. Perhaps he lost his sense of time from the impact of the wave. He was only thinking of the shocking events that occurred. It could have been minutes or hours. He didn't know. In fact, he didn't know he was still awake. Maybe he was just watching from above, and saw everything as an out-of-body experience. No. He was slowly drifting into a sleep, to stay awake, but he couldn't; he slowly starting to loss consciousness, his binding spell starting to loosen, and eventually, came undone, as was his attention to his surroundings. He saw black, the void. Perhaps he was dying? His body drifted in the sea with everyone else around him.

Time passed. Thoughts passed. Eventually, when he least expected, Lex's body came into contact with someone. It was Sophia. He regained his sense of consciousness, and looked around. The crew and the gang were floating around in the water and were still tied to the ship. "[i]Everyone's still alive? At least they're still here.[/i]" But not a single one appeared to be moving, at least to what he could see. Could everyone be dead? Or could he be dead himself? "[i]No. I will not. I will not, I cannot, die here! And neither shall anyone else![/i]"

His emotions overcame his person, and fueled his ambitions to survive, an instinct that everyone had. To survive. Lex spread his arms outward, and chanted, "[i]Aesdriron, Dragon Lord of All, fill me with your energy![/i]" He emitted a radiant aura around him, his eyes glowed, an energy formed in his hands. This energy became Air, where he brought his hands together, closing his left hand over his open right hand, allowing the Air to become more powerful. Pouring his emotions and instincts to survive, he expanded the Air to engulf everyone around him, the crew, the followers, and the ship; pushing the water away from everyone, only Air surrounded them.

He motioned his hands upward, and the Air that surrounded everyone moved up, taking what was inside of it too. They rose and broke the surface of the water, and they found themselves within the air. Nearby, there was an island. Desiring to survive, Lex motioned the Air to towards the island, and they all moved towards the island. The grew closer. Then, Lex's power was drained. He couldn't contained his power anymore. The Aesdriron's Gate of Air closed; luckily, everyone was close enough to the ground, about ten feet. The ship was placed perfectly on the ground, and everyone crashed into the sand of the beach, Lex being the farthest from the shoreline after crashing.

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[center][i]With the closing of Chapter One, our hero's find themselves stranded on a mysterious island...[/i][/center]

[right][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#2f2f2f][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn1dW-Gqwu8"]♪[/url][/background][/size][/color][/font][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn1dW-Gqwu8"]Chapter Two Opening Song[/url][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn1dW-Gqwu8"][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#2f2f2f][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]♪[/background][/size][/color][/font][/url][/right]

[center][size=5][b][u]Chapter 2[/u][/b][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][b]The Giant Time Capsule[/b][/size][/center]

Similarly to Lex, Sophia also lost track of time. What didn't help was the fact that she had lost consciousness due to one of the sail poles slamming into her during the chaos of currents the waves caused. Lex bumping into Sophia did nothing to bring her out of her unconscious state, let alone the fact she was starting to drown. Fortunately for her, the rest of the group, the crew and the ship, Lex's Asedriron's Gate power kicked in, saving them all.

Landing hard on her back at the beach, Sophia went into a long coughing fit, the slam being what she needed to wake up and get the water out of her lungs. [color=#008080]"*Cough, cough. Deep breath* Oh Gods why?! *Another coughing fit, the last of the water coming out.* Dear Lords and Ladies.. Someone remind me to get a [acronym=here comes the large breasts jokes..]flotation device or something next time![/acronym]"[/color]

Standing up after finally having a lung full of air instead of water, Sophia glanced around,[color=#008080] "Looks like everybody made it.."[/color] She let out a sigh of relief, until she saw the ship.[color=#008080] "Oh Gods! Oh no! Oh no! Oh nononononononononono!"[/color] Sophia sprinted off towards the ship, where Captain Extarte, Alley and a few of the crew were already examining. "Lassie, calm down. It's not as.. horrible as it seems," Captain Extarte said as she looked up at the sky with Alley. Confused, Sophia looked up the sky as well, trying to see what they saw but all she saw was the sun, the blue sky and a few clouds. "Oh! S-sorry.. Captain and I are just figuring out how long it's been low tide." [color=#008080]"Low tide?"[/color] "Aye lassie.. I say it just started.. Which means the battle with Unda lasted longer than we all expected.." Stepping from the ship, Captain Extarte let out a loud whistle, "Aye, lads! We have a big job ahead of us! We only have about four hours before high tide comes in and ye Mirajane from us. Lets patch her up as best as we can with what we can salvage and get to the closest port for real repairs." Captain Extarte turned back to Alley and Sophia, "Alley, find a map as soon as ye can and figure out where we are.. Sophia, ye and ye group can go search for some fresh water.. If we don't get this salt water off of all us and our clothes, it'll be a misery like no other. And if ya have any healers, have them tend to the injured, if there are any.." Nodding, Sophia walked over to where the group mostly was.

[color=#008080]"Is everyone alright? If you're not, just stay seated and I'll tend to ya. Everyone else, we need to see if we can find a source of fresh water. The island doesn't seem [i]too [/i]big so if ya get lost, just keep traveling in one direction until ya reach the edge and just travel.. *looks at where the sun is* east-ward. Keep an eye out for fruit, vegetables and any other source of food, but water takes top priority. If ya don't wanna scavenge, you can always help with salvage and play in the sea water.. Either way, be careful."[/color] With that, Sophia tended to anyone that was hurt pretty badly with her Aibetta's Warmth ability, an ability that allows her to use her energy to speed up the healing process for a few moments, while the others worked on whatever it is that they did.

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[color=#000000]Noah slowly floated back down onto the ship, before her bony wings had shrunk into disappearance. If [i]this[/i] were a bit more of a normal situation, Noah would be gloating about how [i]she[/i] managed to completely evade the tsunami whilst everyone [i]else[/i] had to take the full brunt of it, but no... she was left wide-eyed and paralyzed. She heard false voices that seemed to "remind her" that this was all her fault, and damning her for allowing it to happen. Like any normal person in her shoes, Noah [i]thought[/i] they were coming from Sophia and Captain Extarte themselves. It certainly [i]sounded[/i] as such. But her ears have been misguided by a dark, corruptive magic.[/color]

[color=#000000]In truth, this magic was the very same as Noah had siphoned, into the Spine Ripper that she had slammed into Unda's gem, leaving a 2-3" stab wound in its wake. She managed to drain about 80% of this magic before she had to get out of the way of being shot in the back, and she would've managed to drained the remaining 20% or so if Extarte had waited just a [i]few[/i] more seconds before giving the cue for an all-out attack. Perhaps that was a good [i]thing[/i], then. Merrick had taught Noah to resist this type of magic, but it was [i]always[/i] when she was too close to a powerful source that Noah would end up succumbing to its effect. Having a flashback didn't help matters either, but this one was an illusion; one that was [i]also[/i] [/color][color=#000000]caused by the corruptive magic.[/color]

[color=#000000]It started back when Noah flew out of the way, while cannonballs and rifle bullets were slamming into the gem on Unda's forehead, as well as its underbelly. The illusional flashback proceeded as what [i]actually[/i] transpired in reality, but instead of merely flying out of the way of the incoming tsunami, Noah had managed to transform the entire wave into a water golem, consequently rendering Mirajane unharmed, and the entire crew celebrating, including the members of the group.[/color]

[i][color=#800080]'No, wait! That's not what happened!'[/color][/i][color=#000000] upon Noah reaching this epiphany, everything returned to normal again, [/color][i][color=#800080]'It's what [b]should've[/b] happened...'[/color][/i]

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Titus washed up on the shore, his head spinning, and salt water over his face. He began coughing, before realizing he still had his cloth mask on. Tearing it off, he dropped to his hands and knees and finished his coughing fit. "That's it" he groaned, "I officially DESPISE the sea". Getting up from his knees, he looked around for a moment. "Stupid water. I know I had my as... second outfit with me..." he muttered, searching his person for where he might've kept such an item. "No... Damn it! I must've left it behind!" he swore, scolding himself for forgetting it. [i]'Settle down, Titus, it's just a second outfit. You can probably recreate it with some crap from the next town anyways' [/i]he told himself.

He then looked over to the ship and sighed, "Here, let me see what I can do to help" he said, then went over and began working on finding anything in good enough shape to be used in repairs. "I'm not exactly one for the wilds, personally"

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Landing on the beach, smelling of the wine he had been guzzling, he managed to bring himself from the sandy ground as he lifted himself up and, rubbing his eyes, looked around the place. He remembered f*ck all from what he had experienced, save having made an absolute tit of himself by throwing a knife into the water in an attempt to do some damage to Unda, and of course drinking Helena under the table. What a lightweight, Jed thought, considering how she couldn't handle his drink as much as he, although being, essentially, raised on the stuff, he couldn't say much when he's naturally conditioned to a very unhealthy yet usual brain intoxication. He could hear her fond voice sounding now, albeit like a painful woodpecker ringing in his skull, his eyes heavy as his fingers continued their rubbing, ultimately parting from him as he dusted himself off, eyes opening before wincing shut again to the, seeming, tropical haven they had landed upon. It wasn't like his homelands at all, but then again not much other than wasteland, scraggy forests, and deserts made up his homelands.

He brought himself to his feet, staggering slightly as he continued to brush his clothes, of course to no avail due to them being absolutely drenched. Turning towards the woods he took off his eye-patch, finding its salty wetness painful to the eye, before noticing now that a few exotic flowers began to turn towards his direction. It was there and then he recalled precisely why he had the thing covered and, after closing the cursed thing and drying the eye-patch, placed the black barrier around his head again, tightly fixed around his skull. He couldn't risk it right now, he wouldn't, it'd just be damn awkward. Rather, Jed decided to look around the place as he spotted one Sophia leaning over to heal a comrade. Naturally, he simply opted for walking up to her and, leaning over to 'inspect' the 'wounds' he simply squeezed Sophia's plump, tender, yet tight buttocks, as he whispered to her "That brings me back." knowing how much she'd react to it, before, of course, bolting off, expecting a boot to the face at the least!

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