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Hello. I believe you have seen the warning. The alien, of course, is me. My real name you cannot pronounce, but my human name is HyperHyper. GRIN.

I am new to the forum, but I'm afraid I am not new to making cards on here. I have used it as a ghost user for a long time.

Once again, hello. Or, in my native language, Firroasstii!


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Hello from a fellow alien living on the moon. My kind is known as the Lunarians. Apparently, I am the only Lunarian here on YCM, but I hope some of my friends at the Moon Capital would also join this site.

Jokes aside, welcome to YCM. Be sure to read the rules of each forum and make sure you know what you're talking about. Otherwise, people will think you're a retard. People here are quite nice, but be careful not to light the wrong fuse. (E.G: Posting something in the wrong forum, making a sh!tty card, etc. etc.)

You'll like it here. Trust me, a Lunarian is never wrong.

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