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Psi-Gustos (IRL)

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At my locals, this deck is topping very well, going 4/2 or 3/2 and placing in top 10 (out of ~30). considering there's a full built inzektor, chaos dragon and wind-up deck that generally place in the top 4. The issue I'm having is deciding what to use as the main deck and what to side in, for a while I was running no MST or Heavy, but it often makes me lose because they toss out D-Fissure. Any advice would be good. This is what I'm currently running.

Monsters: 24
Caam x3
Gulldo x2
Egul x2
Winnda x2
Psychic Wizard x3
Psychic Witch x3
Psychic Commander x2
Esper Girl x2
Psychic Cleric x1
Overdrive Teleporter
Veiler x2

Spells: 11
Creature Swap x3
Emergency Teleport x2
Miracle Synchro Fusion x2
Monster Reborn
MST x2
Dark Hole

Traps: 6
Torrential x2
Bottomless x2
Solemn x2

Extra Deck:
Ultimate Axon Kicker x2
Psychic Nightmare
Black Rose
Eguls (to be replaced with Photon Strike Bounzer)
Mist Wurm (Probably will swap for Zenmais upon release)
Thought Ruler
Acid Golem
Magical Android
Psychic Lifetrancer (To access to Axon Kicker)
(trying to find a place for sphreez upon her release date)

Side Deck:
Forbidden Lance x3
Mirror Force
Psychokineses (Probably a swap for soul taker)
Musto (Upon release date)
Gemini Imps (swap for soul taker most likely)
Comp Evac (swap for Fiendish most likely)
Fiendish chain

As you can see, I have some updates I'm already looking into, but I'm very indecisive.

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I don't like Strike Bounzer in Gusto Psychics because it gets blown up with the Dark Holes and similar stuff your opponent's been holding back. I don't think it's worthwhile.

Musto doesn't straight-up run over Zenmaines; only if it's in ATK mode. I happen to like Mist Valley Soldier (makes Sphreeze much easier to make) but it's obviously not optimal. Go for what fulfills your needs.

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