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TV/Movie Prop/Screenshot guessing game


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[color=#000000][b]You post a Picture of a prop/Screenshot from a British/American/Japanese TV show/Movie, and the person who posts next has to Guess if it is from either a British, American or Japanese Show/Movie. Then they have to post a picture of a prop/Screenshot, the next poster must do the same (guess wether it's British, American or Japanese, Then post a picture of a Prop/Screenshot)[/b][/color]

[spoiler= 'Example'] User 1: [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kY1FppvwitM/TzlsbwXLFuI/AAAAAAAAKao/yauNUZyQ_U0/s1600/tardis+2.jpg[/img]

User 2: British,

[b][color=#000000]Rules: All Forum Rules Apply[/color][/b]


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