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Machina Deck

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[size=5]Ok people this is my machina deck i hope you enjoy it.[/size]

[size="4"]Machina Fortress x3[/size]
[size="4"]Machina Gear frame x3[/size]
[size="4"]Machina Peacekeeper x2[/size]
[size="4"]Red gadget x2[/size]
[size="4"]yellow gadget x2[/size]
[size="4"]green gadget x2[/size]
[size="4"]Cyber dragon x2[/size]
[size="4"]Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon x2[/size]
[size="4"]Plaguespreader Zombie x1[/size]
[size="4"]Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1[/size]
[size="4"]Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind x1[/size]
[size="4"]Mystical Space Typhoon x2[/size]
[size="4"]Forbidden Chalice x2[/size]
[size="4"]Card Destruction x1[/size]
[size="4"]Pot of Duality[/size] x1
Foolish Burial x1
Monster Reborn x1
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Book of moon x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Magic Cylinder x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Starlight Road x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Mirror Force x1
Total cards 40
Total Monster 21
Total Spells 11
Total Traps 8

Now the extra deck. ok first I would like to say the deck is kinda cheap because i am only 13.
Xyz monsters
Number 39: Utopia x2
Gem-Knight Pearl x1

Now Synchros
Stardust Dragon x2
Iron Chain Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Scrap Archfiend x2
Ok guys I hope this deck list helps you guys and any way. Have a great day!

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