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The task is relatively easy: Make a simple, but effective, LVL 1 monster. The prize is 1 Reps from the loser. The first person to 3 votes win.

[spoiler=.:Blu:.'s Card][center][IMG]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/AztechIdoloftheGodsSmall.png[/IMG]

[i]Lore: During your Main Phase: You can attach this card to an Xyz Monster as an Xyz Material. If you do: When this card is sent to the Graveyard; banish it instead.[/i][/center][/spoiler]

[spoiler=-Dharc-'s Card][center][img]http://yugico.com/customcard/46062.jpg[/img]

[i]Lore: Return 1 banished card to your Graveyard: Special Summon this card (from your hand).[/i][/center][/spoiler]

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The problem with Idol is that attaching it as an Xyz material is a -1, and Overlay Regenerate does basically the same thing. Granted, this being a Machine with less than 1500 ATK and is more easily recycled gives it SOME legs up on regenerate, but it eats up a Normal Summon... On the bright side, it does have Machine Duplication going for it, but... still. It's really weak and I'm not sure it would see any use in any current deck.

Yuki, on the other hand, is rather poor design. A lot of decks don't want to return banished monsters to the grave because they serve as resources. The only deck that really WANTS to return card to the grave is Zombies, where recycling a Mezuki can be clutch. Still, Xyz are on the rise, so maybe it's not as much an issue as it would've been in a slower game... But it's still badly designed on either end of the spectrum. It's an all-or-nothing card where the deck either never wants it, ever, or it will find some absurd level of abuse.

Gotta give the vote to Idol for being more balanced in the end, even if weak.

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Like Yuzuru said, the idol dude takes a normal away. He attaches to an xyz, okay...but with machine dupe, omg, 3 extra material *thinks of giga brilliant* His stats make me sad. 0/0 and s a dead draw.

Dharcs card isnt the best either. It has a better attack, but that wont matter. Again, like yuzuru, it is really only playable in zombies, or sided in darkworlds, incase of banish. But, with synchros dyieng, its all on xyz, and rank 1 monsters arnt the best...

Sorry dharc, im going with .:blu:. here. [s][size=1]Can i get credit in the rp for that [/size][/s][size=1]JK JK JK JK![/size]

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