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Strikeman vs. newhat vs. Scrooge

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Carbon Titan
ATK 1000
DEF 1300

Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your hand. The Special Summoned monster cannot be used as a Xyz Material. When this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your Graveyard to your hand except this card.

EDIT: Alright Scrooge.

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[b]Lore:[/b] If this card is destroyed, you may Special Summon it from the Graveyard during your next Standby Phase. If this card is used as Synchro Material, the Synchro monster gains the following effect: if this card is destroyed you may Special Summon it during your next Standby Phase by destroying cards on your field of number equal to this monster's level.

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newhat's turn.
[spoiler="Lore:"]Once per turn, by returning 1 banished Beast-Type monster to your Graveyard, you can have this card gain 600 ATK. If you do, it is no longer treated as a Tuner monster, and its Level is increased by 2.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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Carbon Titan is awful. It's completely outclassed in the hand-to-field area and what it calls can't be used for Xyz? Why NOT? Not like it helps Wind-ups loop, or you'd see Marauding Captain used in them. At that, it misses the timing, so the latter effect will hardly ever be used, so it's completely extraneous.

Undefined Mass Creature is, at the very least, badly designed. Its SS effect isn't game breaking, but, like Treeborn Frog, it's a constant +1, provided it's destroyed. At least once you use it as a Synchro, that's no longer an issue, as it's gone for good. The Synchro effect, however, is completely and totally pointless. Why would I give up 4-10 cards just for the sake of gettign a monster back from the grave? NO monster is worth wasting resources. Being a Lv. 3 DARK Fiend doesn't even redeem it, though it makes the first effect even worse design.

Gaialoth... Doesn't DO anything. Sure, it's an easy 2000 Lv. 5 beater, but that's it. You don't generate advantage, you just put your monsters back in the Grave, which, more often than not, you don't even WANT to do because Leviair exists. In the 2000 department it's outclassed by Photon Sabre Tiger. In the level edit, multiple cards outclass it. And as for the banished recycle, that's not even that great because of the specific TYPE it's stuck to.

All in all... I have to give it to Gaialoth. At least it's somewhat balanced, doesn't waste resources, and I can see what it was meant to support.

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Carbon Titan: yeah...The tour guide is just so much better and if it is supposed to be a synchro engine then Marauding captain is so much better. Also as it was stated before the effect misses timing meaning its sole redeeming factor is no longer a factor.

UMC: Its Fox Fire with a completely unusable second effect. Nothing is worth bringing back that would require such immense sacrifice. I don't even think people commit that many resources to the field at one time.

Gaialoth: Its cute. I mean boosting itself for an odd cost like that isn't really good design because your cost is getting resources back to the graveyard. That being said all of his good qualities are undermined by the type he is supporting. I mean what beast deck hybrid is going to be using him?

All in all Gaialoth may be purposeless but it makes sense to me so it gets my vote.

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