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I was reading a thread on DGz about Trial and Tribulation the other day. In it, Byak posted an idea about trying it in Geargias. I liked the idea, and finally tried it out just now.

The cards that use Trial and Tribulation:

Ideal combo:
Activate Trial
Arsenal grabs Giano
Giano grabs Arsenal from Graveyard
SS Accelerator
Xyz Arsenal + Accel into Gigant X
Detach 1. Use Gigant to search Giano mk.2/Accel/Gearframe
End Phase: Return detached Xyz Material and Giano from Graveyard to hand.

In case I don't have Accel in hand to make the above combo, I can instead Arsenal into Armor, set it with it's effect, and get the free draw at the End Phase.

Giano mk.2 can turn a used up Giano into Zenmaines/Leviathan/Brilliant or bring back a Geargia to Rank 4 with Accel in hand.


The first test wasn't that amazing because it was a jobber, but I managed to try out Trial. I was only able to Tribute once, Arsenal into Armor because I didn't have Accel yet. At the End Phase, I drew into Accel. Next turn, I flipped up Armor and searched Giano mk.2, NS'd Giano, SS'd Arsenal, then Accel, and Xyz'd for Gigant and searched Gearframe. I searched Giano mk.2 so next turn, I could Rank 3 with the Giano in Grave. The opponent quit their next turn though.


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[quote name='Kabasaurus' timestamp='1341519375' post='5967986']
I don't like Peacekeeper at all, it's unneeded as the deck will be constantly needing its normal summon. I dunno if Iron Call is good in here, maybe give it a test?

I could drop Peacekeeper for a Scrap Recycler to foolish my Fortress, recycle my Geargias, and get a draw.

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[quote name='Kabasaurus' timestamp='1341519375' post='5967986']
I don't like Peacekeeper at all, it's unneeded as the deck will be constantly needing its normal summon. I dunno if Iron Call is good in here, maybe give it a test?
i know iron call is good in this deck
im not shure on trial and trib though when ure deck can just spam and XYZ so quickly dureing ure main
and also giargiano is not that great in geargia ure main engine is MK2 accel and armor cause that is the fastest way u can spam

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