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Elemental Hero Deck

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[quote name='~Dark Soul~' timestamp='1341438014' post='5967410']
Netdecking is a term that means to copy someone else's deck
OT: very appropriate posting this on Jaden Day
Haha yeah, got the idea from Jaden.
But i made this list myself, i mean do netdecks even have a marshmallon?

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[quote name='CharlesScene' timestamp='1341439413' post='5967428']
Haha yeah, got the idea from Jaden.
But i made this list myself, i mean do netdecks even have a marshmallon?
not as far as i know since the non-casual HERO decks don't run alot of monsters, and i really don't see alot of casual HERO decks around

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1341439981' post='5967441']
Beyond terrible: Check.
Doesn't run staples: Check.
No Alius: Check.
Running more than like 10 monsters: Check.
Fusions that aren't the omni-Heroes: Check.
Polymerization: Check.

Yup, terrible and unfixable.
Dude king of the swamp....
No staples, it does?
whats alius
and what are omni-heroes

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[quote name='CharlesScene' timestamp='1341440400' post='5967448']
Dude king of the swamp....
No staples, it does?
whats alius
and what are omni-heroes
Elemental HERO Neos Alius, a 1900 ATK Gemini
the Omni-Heroes are a set of 6 E-HERO fusions that need a HERO + 1 monster of a certain attribute
- Absolute Zero (WATER)
- Nova Master (FIRE)
- the Shining (LIGHT)
- Escuridao (DARK)
- Great Tornado (WIND)
- Gaia (EARTH)

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[quote name='~Dark Soul~' timestamp='1341440530' post='5967449']
Elemental HERO Neos Alius, a 1900 ATK Gemini
the Omni-Heroes are a set of 6 E-HERO fusions that need a HERO + 1 monster of a certain attribute
- Absolute Zero (WATER)
- Nova Master (FIRE)
- the Shining (LIGHT)
- Escuridao (DARK)
- Great Tornado (WIND)
- Gaia (EARTH)
Hmm, thanks for the help instead of the other guy
Wait, i dont need that card at all 0-0
Those omni heroes are usefull though

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[quote name='CharlesScene' timestamp='1341440995' post='5967453']
Hmm, thanks for the help instead of the other guy
Chris probably assumed you knew what those cards were, but he is of great help

[quote name='CharlesScene' timestamp='1341440995' post='5967453']
Wait, i dont need that card at all 0-0
except, HERO decks run that @3 along with Gemini Spark

[quote name='CharlesScene' timestamp='1341440995' post='5967453']
Those omni heroes are usefull though
yes, yes they are

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[quote name='~Dark Soul~' timestamp='1341441168' post='5967455']
Chris probably assumed you knew what those cards were, but he is of great help

except, HERO decks run that @3 along with Gemini Spark

yes, yes they are
I already runned 4 of them, didn't know about the other 2 so many thanks!
Hmm, might think about running that neos card then and - the marshmallons

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I'd advise not just saying I'm someone who is of no help. I'll help those willing to learn but I'd rather those people have a relative idea of how to use a deck first... This is just a mish-mash of bad cards.

[spoiler=Hero Beat]3 Neos Alius
1 Stratos
2 Thunder-King Rai-oh
1 Crusader of Endymion
0-2 Barbaros
0-1 Bubbleman
0-1 Honest

3 Gemini Spark
3 Miracle Fusion
3 Pot of Duality
2 E-Emergency Call
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Dark Hole
1 Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Book of Moon

2 Skill Drain
2 Hero Blast
2 D-Prison
2 Solemn Warning
2 Torrential
1 Judgment
1 Starlight Road

Extra consists of 3 Shining, 2 Ab0, 2 Nova Master, 1 Gaia, 1 Great Tornado, rank 4 Xyzs. If you're playing with OCG cards too then main Super Poly and have Escuridao in the extra too. Card numbers aren't set in stone and I'm not bothering counting how many I listed, but it's the standard cardpool regardless.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Bubblebeat]3 Neos Alius
3 Bubbleman
1 Stratos
0-2 Photon Thrasher (idg why people use it since imo it's bad... but some people use it.)

3 Gemini Spark
3 Miracle Fusion
3 E-Emergency Call
3 Duality
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Reborn
1 Book of Moon

2 Hero Blast
2 Warning
2 Torrential
1 Judgment
1 Starlight Road

Again, Extra will be similar, has to include 2 Blade Armor Ninjas though. Deck shouldn't total 40 from what I've listed, those are basically tech choice slots since there is no remaining standard.[/spoiler]

Other builds aren't as good as those 2.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1341441607' post='5967462']
I'd advise not just saying I'm someone who is of no help. I'll help those willing to learn but I'd rather those people have a relative idea of how to use a deck first... This is just a mish-mash of bad cards.

[spoiler=Hero Beat]3 Neos Alius
1 Stratos
2 Thunder-King Rai-oh
1 Crusader of Endymion
0-2 Barbaros
0-1 Bubbleman
0-1 Honest

3 Gemini Spark
3 Miracle Fusion
3 Pot of Duality
2 E-Emergency Call
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Dark Hole
1 Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Book of Moon

2 Skill Drain
2 Hero Blast
2 D-Prison
2 Solemn Warning
2 Torrential
1 Judgment
1 Starlight Road

Extra consists of 3 Shining, 2 Ab0, 2 Nova Master, 1 Gaia, 1 Great Tornado, rank 4 Xyzs. If you're playing with OCG cards too then main Super Poly and have Escuridao in the extra too. Card numbers aren't set in stone and I'm not bothering counting how many I listed, but it's the standard cardpool regardless.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Bubblebeat]3 Neos Alius
3 Bubbleman
1 Stratos
0-2 Photon Thrasher (idg why people use it since imo it's bad... but some people use it.)

3 Gemini Spark
3 Miracle Fusion
3 E-Emergency Call
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Reborn
1 Book of Moon

2 Hero Blast
2 Warning
2 Torrential
1 Judgment
1 Starlight Road

Again, Extra will be similar, has to include 2 Blade Armor Ninjas though. Deck shouldn't total 40 from what I've listed, those are basically tech choice slots since there is no remaining standard.[/spoiler]

Other builds aren't as good as those 2.
Sorry for that, thought you were some random dude insulting my deck.
But these other 2 just sound boring to play imo, i'll rather play hero beatdown...

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Then idk what you want. Bubblebeat's the fastest hero build out there (Faster than Fusion Gate due to consistency) and the Hero Beat that I listed is their best way to play anti-meta.

Your way of playing the deck is absolutely horrible in comparison. So if neither of those builds really look fun to you then I'd just say don't bother running Heroes.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1341442065' post='5967465']
Then idk what you want. Bubblebeat's the fastest hero build out there (Faster than Fusion Gate due to consistency) and the Hero Beat that I listed is their best way to play anti-meta.

Your way of playing the deck is absolutely horrible in comparison. So if neither of those builds really look fun to you then I'd just say don't bother running Heroes.
Well, im gonna play for fun and not for beating up meta tbh, and i never ever will play XYZ monsters.
So yeah, thanks for your help, but i dont want to play your decks sorry.
Guess i will post it on some other side and see if people want to help with THIS deck.
But with this can i kill em in 2 turns

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1341442888' post='5967476']
Having the potential to win in 2 turns means nothing when it's as inconsistent as this is.
- parallel world
+1 super poly
This makes it less inconsistent.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1341443332' post='5967483']
No matter what you do, if you stick to the same premise then this can't be consistent.
Then i end up with 1 or 2 wins from the 7 at the tourney, but then i had fun and thats why i play yu-gi-oh.
So yeah,if you can help me with this deck that would be great, but otherways yeah... can't convince me sorry.

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For fun... my friend usually run a E-Hero Polymerization deck... it not too good as Bubblebeat but it is good.
E-Hero Poly is level far below than Bubblebeat, run fusion hero that use specific materials (non-onmi heroes) is very more weaker...
yes, as said Cris, your deck sucks... this is a true. sorry.
For fun, but you still not want lose (obvious).
You can win some neighborhood Tornaments with it, but Bubblebeat various users wins Nationals Tornaments this year.

Fusion Gate or Polys, the two together not work, I think. (Fusion Gate is more Consistency)

-2 Marshmallow (waste time... )
-All your Traps (all your traps not is necessary, magic cylinder is only to finish (your own monster can finish to you), mirror gate is poor and senceless, Chain Material is poor too because you cannot attack and the fussion summoned monster is destroyed during End Phase.)
-1 Future Fusion (it in E-Hero not is necessary.)
-3 Sparkman
-3 Bladedge
-3 Wildheart
-3 Necroshade
-3 Prisma

+1 Hero Blast (return Neos Allius to hand to destroy 1 monster and re-use to Spark (or Polys) stratos said hello too.)
+3 E - Emergency Call
+1 Reinforcement of Army (it and E.Call, you always start with Stratos ¬¬)
+1 Heavy Storm
+X Bottomless Trap Hole / Solenm Warning / Solenm Jud. / Mirror Force (or all)
+3 Elemental Hero Bubbleman (with the large use of E-Hero in the Hand, this card can Sp.Summon very easy to perforn a XYZ summon.)
+3 Elemental Hero Neos Allius
+3 Gemini Spark
+2 or 3 Effect Veiler

If your remove Fusion Gate: (using Polys)
-1 Return from DD
-2 Parallel world
+3 Miracle Fusion
+2 or 3 Elemental HERO - Woodsman (maybe... it not is good but if you is using polys, it help much)
+2 or 3 Elemental HERO - Ocean

If your not remove Fusion Gate: (not using Polys)
+1 Fusion Gate
+3 Terraforming (or 2)
- all Polys...
-3 King of the Swap

+X XYZ Monsters +.+ (Utopia, Excalibur, Ninja, Black Corn...)
2 or 3 Absolute Zero (it is a main unit for attack, the main unit to destruction and the unit to stall (lock your opponent))
1 Nova Master
1 the Shining
1 Escuridao
1 Great Tornado
1 Gaia
Vison Heroes is good too.

the Decklist of my friend is: (remembering... it not is too good as the 2 decks that Cris posted, but it is good...)
[spoiler='the deck']
[1] - Elemental HERO - Stratos
[3] - Elemental HERO - Woodsman
[2] - Elemental HERO - Ocean
[3] - Elemental HERO - Bubbleman
[3] - Elemental HERO - Neos Allius
[2] - Effect Veiler
[3] - King of the Swamp
[1] - Goblindbergh

[3] - E - Emergency Call
[3] - Miracle Fusion
[3] - Polymerization
[2] - Super Polymerization
[1] - Reinforcement of Army
[1] - The Warrior Returning Alive
[1] - Heavy Storm
[1] - Monster Reborn
[3] - Gemini Spark

[1] - Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] - Mirror Force
[1] - Solemn Warning
[1] - Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck:
[3] - Elemental HERO - Absolute Zero
[1] - Elemental HERO - Escuridao
[1] - Elemental HERO - Gaia
[1] - Elemental HERO - Great Tornado
[1] - Elemental HERO - Terra Firma
[1] - Elemental HERO - The Shining
[1] - Vision HERO - Adoration
[1] - Vision HERO - Trinity
[1] - Blade Armor Ninja
[1] - Heroic Champion Excalibur
[1] - Number 17 - Leviathan Dragon
[1] - Number 39 - Utopia
[1] - Number 50 - Black Corn [/spoiler]

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[quote name='Eien no Unmei' timestamp='1341450768' post='5967536']
For fun... my friend usually run a E-Hero Polymerization deck... it not too good as Bubblebeat but it is good.
E-Hero Poly is level far below than Bubblebeat, run fusion hero that use specific materials (non-onmi heroes) is very more weaker...
yes, as said Cris, your deck sucks... this is a true. sorry.
For fun, but you still not want lose (obvious).
You can win some neighborhood Tornaments with it, but Bubblebeat various users wins Nationals Tornaments this year.

Fusion Gate or Polys, the two together not work, I think. (Fusion Gate is more Consistency)

-2 Marshmallow (waste time... )
-All your Traps (all your traps not is necessary, magic cylinder is only to finish (your own monster can finish to you), mirror gate is poor and senceless, Chain Material is poor too because you cannot attack and the fussion summoned monster is destroyed during End Phase.)
-1 Future Fusion (it in E-Hero not is necessary.)
-3 Sparkman
-3 Bladedge
-3 Wildheart
-3 Necroshade
-3 Prisma

+1 Hero Blast (return Neos Allius to hand to destroy 1 monster and re-use to Spark (or Polys) stratos said hello too.)
+3 E - Emergency Call
+1 Reinforcement of Army (it and E.Call, you always start with Stratos ¬¬)
+1 Heavy Storm
+X Bottomless Trap Hole / Solenm Warning / Solenm Jud. / Mirror Force (or all)
+3 Elemental Hero Bubbleman (with the large use of E-Hero in the Hand, this card can Sp.Summon very easy to perforn a XYZ summon.)
+3 Elemental Hero Neos Allius
+3 Gemini Spark
+2 or 3 Effect Veiler

If your remove Fusion Gate: (using Polys)
-1 Return from DD
-2 Parallel world
+3 Miracle Fusion
+2 or 3 Elemental HERO - Woodsman (maybe... it not is good but if you is using polys, it help much)
+2 or 3 Elemental HERO - Ocean

If your not remove Fusion Gate: (not using Polys)
+1 Fusion Gate
+3 Terraforming (or 2)
- all Polys...
-3 King of the Swap

+X XYZ Monsters +.+ (Utopia, Excalibur, Ninja, Black Corn...)
2 or 3 Absolute Zero (it is a main unit for attack, the main unit to destruction and the unit to stall (lock your opponent))
1 Nova Master
1 the Shining
1 Escuridao
1 Great Tornado
1 Gaia
Vison Heroes is good too.

the Decklist of my friend is: (remembering... it not is too good as the 2 decks that Cris posted, but it is good...)
[spoiler='the deck']
[1] - Elemental HERO - Stratos
[3] - Elemental HERO - Woodsman
[2] - Elemental HERO - Ocean
[3] - Elemental HERO - Bubbleman
[3] - Elemental HERO - Neos Allius
[2] - Effect Veiler
[3] - King of the Swamp
[1] - Goblindbergh

[3] - E - Emergency Call
[3] - Miracle Fusion
[3] - Polymerization
[2] - Super Polymerization
[1] - Reinforcement of Army
[1] - The Warrior Returning Alive
[1] - Heavy Storm
[1] - Monster Reborn
[3] - Gemini Spark

[1] - Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] - Mirror Force
[1] - Solemn Warning
[1] - Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck:
[3] - Elemental HERO - Absolute Zero
[1] - Elemental HERO - Escuridao
[1] - Elemental HERO - Gaia
[1] - Elemental HERO - Great Tornado
[1] - Elemental HERO - Terra Firma
[1] - Elemental HERO - The Shining
[1] - Vision HERO - Adoration
[1] - Vision HERO - Trinity
[1] - Blade Armor Ninja
[1] - Heroic Champion Excalibur
[1] - Number 17 - Leviathan Dragon
[1] - Number 39 - Utopia
[1] - Number 50 - Black Corn [/spoiler]

Personally i would have said no.... but i guess trying this cant do any harm.
Also, i already added mirror force and removed the marshmallons.
but i would like to remove number 50-black corn and blade armor ninja because of their prize.
1x Elemental HERO Stratos
3x Elemental HERO Neos Alius
3x Elemental HERO Bubbleman
2x Effect Veiler

3x Super Polymerization
3x Fusion Gate
3x Parallel World Fusion
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
3x Miracle Fusion
3x Gemini Spark
3x E- Emergency Call
1x Reinforcement of The Army
1x Heavy Storm
2x Terraforming
1x The Warrior returning alive

1x Hero Blast
1x Botomless Trap Hole
1x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck(15)
3x Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
2x Elemental HERO Escuridao
1x Elemental HERO Gaia
1x Elemental HERO Great Tornado
1x Elemental HERO The Shining
1x Vision HERO Adoration
1x Vision HERO Trinity
1x Blade Armor Ninja (want this one out,costs too much)
1x Heroic Champion Excalibur
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number 50: Black Corn (Same story, costs too much)

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I usually run Shining Flare Wingman and Tempest, use Tempest's immunity effect to make Shining Flare Wingman impervious to attack, use Bladedge and Necroshade as means of getting E-HERO's to the grave to power up Flare Wingman.
But a lack of Great Tornado saddens me.

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I would ask that you edit your original post with your updated deck. It's much easier to look there than search through pages of any minor or major changes you may have made.

Listen to Chris's advice. He is an ass sometimes but he is the the only person who has given you any useful feedback.

No one can give you any constructive criticism without you first defining what you want your deck to be. I can see you want an EHero deck but you'll need to be more specific. Fusion spamming is an acceptable choice should you chose that but there are also other ways to play EHeros and before I can help you improve your deck I'll need some idea of how you want your deck to play.

Judging by the new deck list you just posted it's safe to assume that the general idea of how certain variants play are going over your head. I'll give a brief overview of how the more popular decks are meant to be played.

[b]Bubble Beat[/b]: This deck runs a very small number of monsters in oder to special summon EH Bubbleman from your hand. It will run 3 E-Call, 3 Duality, and RotA to search out Stratos. From there you'll summon Stratos, search Bubbleman, set any excess spell and trap cards, special summon Bubbleman, and then make a Rank 4 Xyz. Since this deck runs so few monsters it important to make Miracle Fusion count. It's a one card investment to Make EH The Shining you then recycles your monsters. Additionally cards like Hero Blast and Gemini Spark are used in combination with Neos Alius to regain card advantage and recycle some monsters. Ideally you try to OTK with Double Blade Armor Ninja. Stratos -> Bubbleman gets your fist Ninja. Then detach Stratos for Ninja's effect, special summon him from the graveyard and get a second Bubbleman. Make your second Ninja and win.

[b]Hero Beat: [/b]This deck has fallen out of favor in the current meta. It runs the same four card Hero engine as Bubble Beat but doesn't need as many E-Calls, usually. This deck runs anywhere from 8-16 monsters depending on how much of an anti-meta focus you want. Thunder King Rai-Oh and Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo are the most common stun monsters used. Other monster such as Gravekeeper's Spy, Doomcaliber Knight, and King Tiger Wanghu can also be used but you might need to do some adjusting to make it work. This deck also EH The Shining, Gemini Spark, and Hero Blast to gain advantage and recycle cards. The major difference between Bubble Beat and Hero Beat is basically the presence of Bubbleman. It should also be noted that this deck is slower than Bubble Beat and more tempo oriented.

[b]Tour Guide Heros: [/b]Tour Guide is an amazing card and it should be no surprise that it found a home here. This deck runs thirteen to fourteen monsters. Stratos and Neos Alius are include as per usual. Unlike Hero Beat thought this deck plays a Tour Guide Engine over Anti-Meta monsters. I tell you now that this deck doesn't play TGU just for the sake of playing it. The Rank 3s TGU provides are important. They provide stand alone plays when you can't get you Hero engine working, give access to every atribute for your Omni-Hero (The Shining, Absolute Zero, Gaia, etc.), and lets you make Leviair the Sea Dragon. Leviair's synergies with Miracle fusion are fairly obvious: fetch your banished Stratos and search monster or kill backrow, bring back Neos Alius to make Sparks live, and get back select tech monsters should they find there way to the banish zone. This decks biggest problem is its limited Extra Deck space. It's somewhat troubling to find room for your Omni-Heros, Rank 4's, and Rank 3's.

These are the best options for Elemental HEROs at the moment, but they aren't the only choices available. If one of the condensed descriptions intrest you I'll give a basic skeleton for you to fill out and let you finish the rest. From there I'll refine the deck and explain my reasoning to the best of my abilities, should you wish.

Additionally, if you don't like any of the decks I listed above than please tell what you'd be more interested in. The more specific you are the easier it will be for me to help you. If you wish it to be fusion centric it can be. If you want to play certain EHeros just say so. The better idea I have of what you'd like to play the easier everything will be.

Should you not wish for my help than listen to the advice Chris gave you. You may not like what he had to say or how he said it but he is right in all regards. Or at the very least ignore what everyone else has said - for the most part it is quite awful.

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Interestingly enough, I find Tour Guide to be an interesting choice in certain builds due to the ability to go into Ignis/Leviathan and have a use for Nova Masters, but either way.

As a HERO player myself, I can tell you that everything Chris said is right. However, if you [i]don't[/i] want to play a Deck like this (which requires a good amount of skill no less), you could try Rabbit Heroes.

Running cards like Bladedge and Parallel World Fusion, though, aren't going to do you any favors at all.

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