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[Finished]CONCLUDED! Custom Starter Deck Contest! MAY NOW BE LOCKED!

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[b]Structure Deck - Evil Souls[/b]
Deep in the shadows, creatures made of pure darkness are waiting for a master to harness their power. This Structure Deck includes many DARK monsters that will fill your field with the powerful Rank 6 Xyz Monsters. Banish your own cards to get advantage, and swarm the field with Level 6 monsters. This deck includes many reprints of old cards, in case you didn't get them before, and five brand new cards!
You can also buy the new Twilight Edition pack, which comes with an Ultra Rare Honest and both Light and Dark monsters that will help you increase this deck's power!
Combos: Use the Necro Vacuum spell to set up banished cards, summon a DARK monster and use D.D.R. to summon the monster you banished, it's really easy to make Xyz this way. You can also use Foolish Burial to tutor your monster into the Grave.
Allure of Darkness is also a very powerful card that allows you to draw 2 cards and banish a DARK monster, which you can later Special Summon!

Monsters (20)
[b][spoiler='EN001 Iugolo Vice x1 - Ultra Rare'][img]http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6275/82397.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/b]
EN002 BLS - EOTB x1 - Super Rare Reprint
EN003 Chaos Sorcerer x2 - Common
[b][spoiler='EN004 Iugolo Sonic Dragon x3 - Common'][img]http://s15.postimage.org/92o44s755/82392.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/b]
EN005 D-Hero Malicious x2 - Common
EN006 M.Tomato x2 - Common
EN007 Mutant Mindmaster x1 - Common
EN008 Cyber Dragon x2 - Common
EN009 Armaggedon Knight x2 - Common
EN010 TGU x2 - Common
EN011 Effect Veiler x2 - Common Reprint

Spells (12)
EN012 MST x 2
EN013 D.D.R. x1
EN014 Monster Reborn x1
EN015 Foolish Burial x1
[spoiler='EN016 Necro Vacuum x2 '][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/x3bqzt.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
EN017 Heavy Storm x1
EN018 Allure of Darkness x1
EN019 Dark Hole x1
EN020 Book of Moon x1
EN021 Card Destruction x1

Traps (10)
EN022 Mirror Force x1
[b][spoiler='EN023 Shared Curse x1 '][/b][IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/2gy53ia.jpg[/IMG][b][/spoiler][/b]
EN024 Solemn Warning x1
EN025 BTH x1
[b][spoiler='EN026 Dimension Equilibrium x1 - ANIME'][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111020194414/yugioh/images/thumb/1/13/DimensionEquilibrium-TF06-JP-VG.png/300px-DimensionEquilibrium-TF06-JP-VG.png[/img][/b]
[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Activate"]Activate[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)] only if a [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Card"]monster[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)] you [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Control"]control[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)] is [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed_by_battle"]destroyed by battle[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)]. End the [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_Phase"]Battle Phase[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)]. Then, [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Special_Summon"]Special Summon[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)] the monster that was[/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed_by_battle"]destroyed by battle[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)] from the [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Graveyard"]Graveyard[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)], and [/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Banish"]remove from play[/url][color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=2][left][background=rgb(253, 253, 253)] the monster that destroyed it by battle.[/background][/left][/size][/font][/color][b][/spoiler][/b]
EN027 Fiendish Chain x1
EN028 Dark Illusion x1
EN029 COTH x1

Extra Deck (3)
EN030 Leviair x1
[b][spoiler='EN031 Animus the Soul Feeding Dragon x1 - Ultra Rare '][/b][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/1hunls.jpg[/IMG][b][/spoiler][/b]
EN032 Photon Strike Bounzer x1

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It might say you can only make 5 cards to put into your deck, I have no idea. I made 12... you can disqualify me, but I thought I might as well put them out on here, they took quite a bit of work.

Structure Deck: Mind and Soul
Control your opponent's cards with the power of the A-Counter! Whenever an opponents monster battles your Alien, or newly made Alien sub-archetype Cosmic monster, that monster loses 300 Attack and Defense points for each A-Counter. It may not seem like much, but when you swarm your battlefield with Alien and Cosmic monsters, nothing will be able to withstand the power of your Deck as you rule the universe! This structure deck comes with a 41 card deck souped up to beat the toughest foes in the galaxy. It also comes with a beginning instruction manual on how to play the game, for all the people out there who want to start by ruling with an iron fist. Finally, this offer includes a how-to pamphlet on all the secret tactics and technology this deck brings to offer, as well as the coolest play-mat you'll ever see for a century! Buy Now!

-Cosmic King Gren'gor - (NEW) Ultra Rare
-Cosmic Cat Iln'kaya - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Baron Hje'lis - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Archon Zion'ga - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Kaiser Ref'ral - (NEW) Super Rare
-Cosmic Sovereign Alf'gos - (NEW) Super Rare
-Alien Ammonite
-Alien Dog
--Alien Grey
-Alien Hunter
-Alien Hypno
-Alien Mars
-Alien Mother
-Alien Overlord
-Alien Psychic
-Alien Skull
-Alien Telepath
--Alien Warrior
-Effect Veiler

--Corruption Cell "A"
-"A" Cell Breeding Device
-Code A Ancient Ruins
-Mind Control
-Mysterious Triangle
-Otherworld - The "A" Zone
-Cosmic Purge - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Rush - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Invasion - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Drain - (NEW) Common

-Detonator Circle "A"
-Fiendish Chain
-Imperial Iron Wall
--Orbital Bombardment
-Planet Pollutant Virus
-Cosmic Wall - (NEW) Common
-Cosmic Release - (NEW) Common

-Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar

New Card Info:

[spoiler="Spoiler"]Cosmic King Gren'gor: Reptile-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2800/DEF 1500
Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by tributing 1 "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster on your side of the field, and 1 monster your opponent controls with an A-Counter. You can tribute 1 "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster: Destroy all cards on the field with A-Counters.

Cosmic Cat Iln'kaya: Reptile-Type/DARK/Level 3/ATK 1300/DEF 800
Effect: When this monster is Normal Summoned: Select 1 Level 4 or lower Alien or Cosmic monster in your hand; Special Summon it.

Cosmic Baron Hje'lis: Reptile-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1700/DEF 1100
Effect: You can discard 1 card from your hand: Place 1 A-Counter on one card your opponent controls. (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.)

Cosmic Archon Zion'ga: Reptile-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1600/DEF 1600
Effect: When this monster is sent from the field to the graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster from your Deck. (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.)

Cosmic Kaiser Ref'ral: Reptile-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1900/DEF 1300
Effect: Place 1 A-Counter on every monster your opponent summons. (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.)

Cosmic Sovereign Alf'gos: Reptile-Type/DARK/Level 5/ATK 2200/DEF 1700
Effect: Once per turn: Select 1 face up monster your opponent controls; place A-Counters on that monster equal to that monster's level. (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.)

Cosmic Purge: Normal Spell Card
Effect: Destroy 1 "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster you control: Destroy up to 2 monsters your opponent controls.

Cosmic Rush: Normal Spell Card
Effect: Remove 2 A-Counters from anywhere on the field: Draw 2 cards.

Cosmic Invasion: Quick-Play Spell Card
Effect: Discard 1 "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster in your hand: Tribute 1 monster your opponent controls with an A-Counter(s); Special Summon 1 "Alien" or "Cosmic" monster from your Deck with a level less than or equal to the combined levels of the discarded and tributed monsters.

Cosmic Drain: Normal Spell Card
Effect: Remove all A-Counters on the field: Your opponent takes 300 damage per A-Counter, and you gain 300 life points per A-Counter.

Cosmic Wall: Continuous Trap Card
Effect: When your opponent declares an attack: Place 1 A-Counter on the attacking monster.

Cosmic Release: Counter Trap Card
Effect: When a Spell/Trap/Monster Effect is activated: Negate that card's effect, and place 1 A-Counter on 1 face up card on the field.[/spoiler]

Good luck to everyone else.

[size=1]This structure deck is not real. Please, do not go out to any store and expect to see this, unless Konami is spying on me (again). [/size]

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I will have my deck up asap, working on it currently.

EDIT: Here is the structure deck.

[b]Rise of the Dead[/b]
Awake the monsters of the past, as the zombies are back! Use your zombies to fill your field with powerful cards that can finish your opponent off in a hurry! This deck comes with 40 cards, 4 of which are new tools to the Zombie deck. Now all you need is an extra deck, and you are ready to duel!

[b]Monsters [20][/b]
[b]SDRD-EN001: [/b]Elder of the Tomb (Ultra Rare/New)
[b]SDRD-EN002:[/b] Skull Maniac (Super Rare/New)
[b]SDRD-EN003: [/b]Zombie Master x2
[b]SDRD-EN004: [/b]Plaguespreader Zombie
[b]SDRD-EN005: [/b]Gernia
[b]SDRD-EN006: [/b]Regenerating Mummy
[b]SDRD-EN007: [/b]Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
[b]SDRD-EN008: [/b]Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
[b]SDRD-EN009: [/b]Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
[b]SDRD-EN010: [/b]Mezuki
[b]SDRD-EN011: [/b]Pyramid Turtle
[b]SDRD-EN012: [/b]Sangan
[b]SDRD-EN013: [/b]Phantom of Chaos
[b]SDRD-EN014: [/b]Spirit Reaper
[b]SDRD-EN015: [/b]Battle Fader x2
[b]SDRD-EN016: [/b]Ryu Kokki
[b]SDRD-EN017: [/b]Gallis the Star Beast
[b]SDRD-EN018: [/b]Card Trooper

[b]Spells [10][/b]
[b]SDRD-EN019: [/b]Timeline (Super Rare/New)
[b]SDRD-EN020: [/b]Solar Recharge
[b]SDRD-EN021: [/b]Call of the Mummy
[b]SDRD-EN022: [/b]Upstart Goblin x2
[b]SDRD-EN023: [/b]Enemy Controller x2
[b]SDRD-EN024: [/b]Deck Reload
[b]SDRD-EN025: [/b]Pot of Avarice
[b]SDRD-EN026: [/b]Burial from a Different Dimension

[b]Traps [10][/b]
[b]SDRD-EN027: [/b]Trap Hole
[b]SDRD-EN028: [/b]Call of the Haunted
[b]SDRD-EN029: [/b]Dust Tornado x2
[b]SDRD-EN030: [/b]Treacherous Trap Hole
[b]SDRD-EN031: [/b]Fiendish Chain
[b]SDRD-EN032: [/b]Spellbinding Circle
[b]SDRD-EN033: [/b]Bottomless Trap Hole
[b]SDRD-EN034: [/b]Zombie Stampede x2 (New)

[b]New Cards:[/b]

[b]Elder of the Tomb[/b]
[b]Level 8 | Zombie/Effect | DARK[/b]
Cannot ne Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 2 Zombie-Type Monsters from your Graveyard. Once per turn: discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard. It cannot attack and is banished during the End Phase.

[b]Skull Maniac[/b]
[b]Level 4 | Zombie/Effect | DARK[/b]
When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a Zombie-Type monster; Draw 1 card.

[b]Normal Spell Card[/b]
Target and banish 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie-Type monster from your Deck. During your second draw phase after the activation of this card; Special Summon the target from your banished pile. This card is banished after it has been activated.

[b]Zombie Stampede[/b]
[b]Normal Trap Card[/b]
Activate if you control 3 or more Zombie-Type monsters. All Zombie-Type monsters you currently control gain 800 ATK until the End Phase.

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Yes yes it is. I'm just finishing up (MY) judging. If my assistant judge does not comply with her side of the story then I'll have to go with my results as the end results. Give me just a few and I'll have MY results up.

[spoiler=Contest Results! – Kenji Inuma]

[spoiler=Kvn523 – Sea Serpents]
[spoiler=Card Design/Cosmetics – 13/20]
Card creations is completely just, pretty decent and overall good. Meta Deadalus…is just freaking awesome with the pic O_o
[spoiler=Card Design/Usefulness – 11/20]
Spear Head Daedalus – Level 4 ,1900 ATK, WATER, +1 effect when destroys a monster by battle. The card design is far too abusive as a constant hand searcher. It can be paired up with several cards way too easily, such as Summoner Monk, and its overall high ATK for a Level 4 monster makes it easy to ram over several monsters as is, giving you free +s. Highly abusable…decently broken. 2/4

Levia Dragon – Meta Daedalus – Level 6, 2600 ATK, WATER, Stratos effect with a name clause. This card overall breaks Neo-Daedalus. It’s an easy Summon clause effect and sets everything to be whipped. This card alone leads to unfair Neo-Daedalus plays. It is completely broken since it gives too many benefits for literally no effort, especially given any means of revival (Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted, etc). 0/4

Glacial Palace – Continuous Spell, name clause effect, +1 when it leaves the field by a “specific” monster type. This is actually pretty decent. It gives “Codarus” a +1/-1 effect (you/opponent respectively) and gives Sea-Serpents a decent backbone for searching. I even think it can be teched in decently with those new “Atlantean” monsters along with Codarus for search/clear plays and being played only once per turn makes the card abusable but not broken. 4/5

Leviathan’s Rage – Regular Trap, similar but more powerful than “Icarus Attack”. This card is…broken. Banish 1 for 3 destructions is a +1 in itself. You may only activate 1 at a time, but it is bad card design since it promotes a free +1 from only 2 resources. 1/4

Creation of the Serpents - -3 for a +2. This is actually not bad. It takes resources, can catch an opponent by surprise and sets up for hand advantage at the cost of some field control. Tricky card to use, but can be lethal if used right. 4/4

For all the cards, there were several OCG errors. Penalty of -3 points to this section.
[spoiler=Deck Structure2/20]
*facepalm*…I’m asking myself if you have seen structure decks…mainly because there are too many copies of “key” cards which are supposed to take some effort to obtain. (sigh). We don’t want to let everyone have a deck “instantly”, because if that happens then suddenly everyone has a good cheap deck already built for them. 2/20
[spoiler=Descriptive Text - 16/20]
Descriptive text is standard. Makes the player want to actually “play” the deck and then shows them a few of the key combos. Also displays where additional help may be obtained. 16/20
[spoiler=Overall Deck Balance & Realism – 4/20]
Some of the cards are broken, some of them are really good. But even so, there are still too many “key” copies of the main cards that makes the deck an instant “win” factor with just buying 1 starter deck. 4/20

[b]Composite Score: 50/100[/b]


[spoiler=Loyalist – Randiant Beasts Structure Deck]
[spoiler=Card Design/Cosmetics – 13/20]
Good Cards, some images seem to be off, but other than that they seem decent. 13/20
[spoiler=Card Design/Usefulness 14/20]
Alarius – The Radiant Beast – Level 8, LIGHT, Beast with a fairly difficult summoning condition and a really extreme prevention effect O_o. The card is quite insane as it mills 8 cards to prevent its destruction, but making it an optional effect does minimize its risk. It’s a difficult card to use, but it has potential. 4/4

Illusion Beast – Level 6, LIGHT Beast with an easy summoning condition. This card’s design can be abused, but not to a broken factor. It can lead to easy Rank 6s, can tutor as Synchro Material, and can easily be summoned for some “recycle”. 2 of these will actually recycle themselves in an infinite loop, but they generate that loop extremely slow and just prolong the match so that you will always have some form of field presence. Its burn effect is not bad as it can get some cards into the Graveyard, but risks good “top decks”. Nice card with good conditions and decent stats. 4/4

Cataclysm Beast – Level 4, EARTH, Beast with a mill/revival. Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with “mill/revival”, but add to the fact that this card is 1900 ATK and can easily be Xyz Summoned. It can abuse “Outstanding Dog Marron” so that it always becomes Xyz Fodder and escape its banishment and constantly stays a decent threat at almost all times. Paired up with 2 of these and Chain Dog, and you can even go for those less sought out Xyz Monsters such as Evilswarm Ouroboros, #16, Shark Drake, Vylon Disigma, etc, with ease and hardly no backfire. 2/4

Charge of the Beasts – Quickplay Spell. Pay 200 points for 300 point boosts too all, with the exception of attacking directly. This is actually nice and unexpected O-o. It can lead to OTKs but only IF your opponent has enough monsters to deal that much damage. If not, it’s just a surprise card, but an effective one. And the cost keeps you vigilant in use since you won’t be able to use this card quite frequently. 3/4

Corrupt Burial – EVERYONE YELL GRAPHAS!!!! Nah. A trap that discards a card and pays half your life for foolish x 3 is actually pretty decent since it is an extremely risky card. Of course…you can always discard a fiend and send 3 “Infernity” monsters to the Grave. Okay all aside. The card has major risks, but major benefits as well. If one can pull it off correctly, they can change the tide of the game though it’s not a given. It’s a hardy card to use and can backfire at any given time. 3/4

On all cards, there were minimal OCG errors…penalty of -2 points.
[spoiler=Deck Structure – 18/20]
This deck structure actually is pretty decent. It has several of the key cards at 1 promoting more buying of the deck. In fact…there isn’t much to say on this since its overall really good. 18/20
[spoiler=Descriptive Text - 10/20]
Minimal descriptive text, forgot to show some game play and combos on how to use the deck, but did provide info on where to get other cards. 10/20
[spoiler=Balance & Realism – 17/20]
The deck is strong to start off, but incomplete which is good. It gives starting duelists a base from which they can extend their gaming skills and actually requires some thinking instead of those “auto-pilot” decks like Chaos Dragons, etc. The cards are overall decent and “must get” cards which would promote buying the starter deck more. Very nice. 17/20

Composite Score – 72/100

[spoiler=King Nothing – Evil Souls Structure Deck]
[spoiler=Card Design/Cosmetics 20/20]
I do believe you stormed in Card Design O-o. Perfect Score in this section.
[spoiler=Card Design/Usefulness – 16/20]
Iugolo Vice – Level 3, DARK Dragon with a delayed summon effect. Very nice card, interesting to see in play, though it sets up for several powerful Level 6 monsters fairly easy, such as Lightpulsar Dragon, makes Prime Material and even General Raiho of the Ice Barrier more playable as defenses that even making their ATK 0 does not even seem like a downfall. 2/4

Iugolo Sonic Dragon- Level 6, DARK, Dragon with a self-replenishing effect. Combos really well with Iugolo Vice and is a viable target with Lightpulsar should there be no REDMD or other Level 5 DARK Dragons. Can easily become Chaos and Rank 6 fodder, but is decently slow by itself, so it will take some preparation for plays. 3/4

Necro Vacume – DARK Monster reborn. Can set off Chaos Dragon plays should Monster Reborn fail, can set off Infernity plays or continue them to be more precise. It’s a very heavy card since banishing from your Graveyard doesn’t really count as a -2 anymore with all the banish plays. It’s also very potent with Macro Decks making them slightly more OPed and gives them options outside Macro and D. Fissure respectively. It’s a really tricky card to judge tbh…3/4

Shared Curse – Simply said it’s a high level Xyz access card, a well-designed card. 4/4

Anumus The Soul Feeding Dragon – I WANT THIS CARD!! D: The requirements are decently difficult but the rewards can be quite something. It’s a very decent beater, and can take care of problem “effect monsters” with ease. 4/4

OCG is well done. No penalty.
[spoiler=Deck Structure – 15/20]
O_O This Starter Deck would run out the shelfs in no time…BLS Super Rare, Tour Guides, Veilers, AK, Foolish, Heavy, Dark Hole, BoM, SJ, Fiendish Chain, Leviair, Bounzer…wow…Konami is gonna lose a ton of money should they do this even if the deck is valued at $30 USD minimum. But that’s besides the point. The Deck is set nicely. It has a few doubles, but it still promotes the deck to be bought several times since it has some of the key cards at 1. 15/20
[spoiler=Descriptive Text – 16/20]
Nice intro, brief and enticing, immediate recognition of other packs and then a brief set of combos that get the deck started. Nice, neat, simple and informative. Very nice, though just a little more input would’ve helped, mainly in which cards to get instead of just naming “Honest” and then guests. 16/20
[spoiler=Balance & Realism - 14/20]
The structure deck as a whole seems to run on “auto-pilot” with all the chaos in it, and it’s probably going to lead into “the next Chaos Dragons”, which makes the deck highly abusable as a whole. 14/20

Composite Score – 81/100]

[spoiler=Regianos – Structure Deck Mind and Soul]

The rules WERE the rules. :/ I really hate doing this but you are disqualified for failure to present properly.


[spoiler=.Leo – Rise of the Dead Structure Deck]
[spoiler=Card Design/Cosmetics – 14/20]
Since you had written cards, I had to design the scale a little differently. All 4 cards are neatly organized and seem to have MOST OCG in its place (few errors were spotted). Still…a bit of color to recognize them easier would’ve been nice. 15/20

-1 point penalty for OCG errors.
[spoiler=Card Design/Usefulness - 16/20]
Elder of the Tomb – Level 8 DARK Zombie with a forced revival effect and easy Summoning conditions. Very nice, probably will be run at 2 MAX since it is a tricky card to use, but can also be paired up with other cards such as Trade-In or Allure of Darkness so that it doesn’t become a waste card. Nice design. 5/5

Skull Maniac – Level 4 DARK Zombie with a +1 when Summoned by a Zombie monster effect. This is actually a nice card as it makes Zombie Master a +1 instead of a +0 with the condition of having this card in the Graveyard which shouldn’t be much of a problem in the first place. It makes Zombie Master a +1 Xyz, and is not that much of a daunting effect. And it’s also a very self-reliable monster with its stats. Very nice. 5/5

Timeline – Intresting. Makes Plaguespreder and Mezuki more useful but “delayed” so that the opponent can set up for their return, and banishes itself so that it is not “reused” so easily. Interesting card design. 4/5

Zombie Stampede – This card’s design is somewhat bad. It rewards you for having a fairly decent field advantage and can be unpredictable as well as lead to OTKs easily, mainly because its Lance x 3->5 as an ATK gain without the unaffected by Spell/Trap clause. Even if it’s type specific…its really bad design. 2/5
[spoiler=Deck Structure – 20/20]
The deck is very nicely set up. You introduce basic Lightsworns, several key cards such as Mezuki and PSZ but still influence the buying of the Deck more, especially to get at least a second copy of “Skull Maniac” and Solar Recharge. I see you also brought some oldies too like Ryu Kokki and Pyramid Turtle which are a nice touch to a “structure” deck. Great presentation with the “SDRD-EN###”. and from the looks of it the ONLY S.D. here that doesn’t have an “Extra Deck”, and promotes obtaining said-type monsters for better gameplay. Very nice, very professional. Perfect Score for Deck structure. 20/20
[spoiler=Descriptive Text – 4/20]
Oh oh…oh oh…I see only “descriptive text” which entices to play the deck, but…there’s still so much more to do! No simple combos or information on where to obtain additional support was given! That really hurts your score here. 4/20
[spoiler=Balance & Realism – 18/20]
A deck like this actually is incredibly realistic, and it’s balanced. It’s not a complete 1 sided game and forces the player to think with their resources. Not only that, but even just getting 3 of these structure decks and mashing them together still doesn’t make a deck that’s just unbeatable, but rather increases Zombie’s presence once more in the game. 18/20

Composite Score: 72/100

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