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prob my best deck (dino rabbit)

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so this is my dino rabbit that sides into macro rabbit
ive won alot of matches with it and its preety consistent (does have problem hitting rabbit G1 but always wins G2&3 cause of side)
any questions or tips would b greatly apreciated

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[quote name='iHop' timestamp='1341340287' post='5966462']
Personally I'd run Cardcar over Maxx C as it helps set up your Rabbit plays next turn, and Maxx C is a bit dead this format against too many Decks to be mained.
belive it or not it has won me games
and didnt wind up top WQC cause of maxx C not being ran
and cardcar D is just bad always

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[quote name='shadowassassin303' timestamp='1341341446' post='5966480']
belive it or not it has won me games
and didnt wind up top WQC cause of maxx C not being ran
[b]and cardcar D is just bad always[/b]


Cardcar D is better than Maxx C right now.

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[quote name='.Leo' timestamp='1341341802' post='5966483']

Cardcar D is better than Maxx C right now.
not really maxx C is either a 141 or pluses
cardcarD leaves u open and u have no feild advantage plus it wastes ure normal summon is a deck that utilizes its normal summon VERY well

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[quote name='shadowassassin303' timestamp='1341342056' post='5966489']
not really maxx C is either a 141 or pluses
cardcarD leaves u open and u have no feild advantage plus it wastes ure normal summon is a deck that utilizes its normal summon VERY well

Thats why you run 8 trap cards.

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[quote name='.Leo' timestamp='1341342119' post='5966490']
Thats why you run 8 trap cards.
but ide rather use them when ure opponent makes a big push 4 game not opening turn....
its card control and this deck does fine if it cant hit rabbit imediatly

[quote name='Circus Freak' timestamp='1341342281' post='5966492']
Main Macro Cosmos imo. Side Maxx "C" and Mirror Force. Macro will mess up more decks than Maxx + Mirror will, and if you need them just side into them.

i c where ure going with that but its one just not how i play and im not a fan of mained macro

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[quote name='Circus Freak' timestamp='1341342281' post='5966492']
Main Macro Cosmos imo. Side Maxx "C" and Mirror Force. Macro will mess up more decks than Maxx + Mirror will, and if you need them just side into them.

If maining Macro, keep in Mirror and take out Avarice.

Anyway, you can easily provide yourself with adequate protection with your backrows after you Cardcar, and then you have Gorz.

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[quote name='Circus Freak' timestamp='1341672628' post='5969440']
but it plays grenosaurus suzugamori
ill admit greno is bridge as S***
but meh its not like i use them its all just laggia levi and dolka.... FTW
and did i c safe zone? HELLZ NO that card is terribad and i hate it end of story

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[quote name='MK-ultra' timestamp='1341731709' post='5970391']
ill admit greno is bridge as S***
but meh its not like i use them its all just laggia levi and dolka.... FTW
and did i c safe zone? HELLZ NO that card is terribad and i hate it end of story

safe zone is legit one of the best cards you could play in this deck.

there are going to be countless situations where you want to summon Maestroke, Roach, Utopia Ray, Pearl, Brilliant, Temtempo, Acid Golem, etc...

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[quote name='byakksmodeus' timestamp='1341768529' post='5970692']
safe zone is legit one of the best cards you could play in this deck.

there are going to be countless situations where you want to summon Maestroke, Roach, Utopia Ray, Pearl, Brilliant, Temtempo, Acid Golem, etc...
not really when i could just have 2 lagias with negations and a leviairplus ALOT of the cards u named off arent in my extra

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[quote name='MK-ultra' timestamp='1341776799' post='5970787']
not really when i could just have 2 lagias with negations and a leviair
And how often can you 100% depend on this?

The point of Safe Zone is to make it easier to preserve Laggia's effect for when you actually want to use it, as well as keep it alive longer. It allows more freedom in its nature as a Solemn in exchange for its ability to hit directly, which isn't that much of a loss for that freedom.

[quote name='MK-ultra' timestamp='1341776799' post='5970787']
plus ALOT of the cards u named off arent in my extra
That's because your extra deck is terrible, and that was his roundabout way of telling you what you should be running. Use your noggin, it gets you places.

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[quote name='Yuzuru Otonashi' timestamp='1341777454' post='5970790']
And how often can you 100% depend on this?

The point of Safe Zone is to make it easier to preserve Laggia's effect for when you actually want to use it, as well as keep it alive longer. It allows more freedom in its nature as a Solemn in exchange for its ability to hit directly, which isn't that much of a loss for that freedom.

That's because your extra deck is terrible, and that was his roundabout way of telling you what you should be running. Use your noggin, it gets you places.
safe zone is just one card i will never like and its downside effects are just to bad
and on the extra its worked for me kinda "if it aint broke dont fix it" if u get my drift

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[quote name='MK-ultra' timestamp='1341781344' post='5970844']
and on the extra its worked for me kinda "if it aint broke dont fix it" if u get my drift

So why did you post it here in the first place if you're not even willing to test any of the tips people have suggested you?

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[quote name='MK-ultra' timestamp='1341781344' post='5970844']
safe zone is just one card i will never like and its downside effects are just to bad
and on the extra its worked for me kinda "if it aint broke dont fix it" if u get my drift
Then you're never going to get better because you're too close minded to listen to help =/

The downsides are neglible and your extra is the level of a brand new player going "OH THE DECK USES THESE CARDS. MAX. NOW RANDOM CRAP"

Pretty much what Zanda said.

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