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I may be doing this wrong [Spellbook]

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I'm trying out the new Prophecy monsters. So far they test pretty well. Priestess is amazing and Strength is too. I tech 2 Gagaga Magicians to make it easier to Xyz Summon with any of my monsters. I'm iffy on the dualities but sometimes I just need the draw power. I may go with Upstarts instead but I'm not sure. Lance is there for protection and Damage Step fun. The side deck is fairly basic. Just typical hate. Like the title says, I'm probably doing this wrong. Any thoughts?

[u]Monsters (19)[/u]
3x Chariot of Prophecy
3x Strength of Prophecy
3x High Priestess of Prophecy
3x Temperance of Prophecy
3x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
2x Gagaga Magician
2x Effect Veiler

[u]Spells (21)[/u]
3x Spellbook of Power
3x Spellbook of Secrets
3x Spellbook of Wisdom
3x Spellbook of Alma
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Pot of Duality
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn

[u]Extra Deck (15)[/u]
2x Hierophant of Prophecy
2x Number 11: Big Eye
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Emperess of Prophecy
1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1x Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
1x Maestroke, the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 50: Black Corn
1x Magi Magi Magician Girl

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-3 Chario's: they aren't needed they require the depletion of resources to swarm and that is a no no
-2 Strength: 1 is good enough after that its just cloggy
-1 High Priestess: Make room for another boss spellcaster she is great but there are others

-3 Alma: I use Alma but I'm not trying to be serious with my build at all lol, you don't need a card in deck that has to rely on High Priestess going off especially with prio gone.
-2 Duality: We don't need it there is enough spell searching and hand increasing that its not necessary
-1 Wisdom: potential dead draw (well maybe)
-2 Lance: Why is this main deck what exactly are you weakening that junon can't kill by herself. Side Deck

+ 2/3 Magical Exemplars (the reason should be pretty obvious)
+ 1/2 Night End Sorcerers Idk I think one is fine its hard on DN because they have the second set already out lol
+ 1 Sorcerice de fleur: Behold your non-junon boss spellcaster 2900 base and snatches from your opponents graveyard oh yeah

+ 2 Spellbooks of Life: Never turn away revival magic that also increase levels
+ 2 Wonder Wand: And there is your draw card
+ 2 Magical Dimension: And bam! boss monsters with added destruction

+0/2 Gagaga shields (now you don't have to do this is just my favorite spellcaster troll card because once High Priestess hits the field people start getting a little antsy lol)

Yeah the abundance of searching that deck can do with power and secrets duality is not needed in my opinion and exemplar just..well she's exemplar lol

Also I am slightly confused I was under the impression you were only using the prophecy/spellbooks that were coming in Return of the Duelist but you have Alma and Empress which don't come until later and if that is the case you would have passed up on A LOT of good support. I mean how could you miss La Maison the Spellbook Tower? So is this only for the ROTD set or just the archetype in general.

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I thought so my suggestions remain the same then lol

Extra Deck:

-1 Heirophant
-1 Big Eye
-1 Empress (well till she comes out that is)
-1 Maestroke
-1 Utopia

+1 Photon Strike Bouncer
+1 Number 61 Volcansaurs (I live in China so I'm rusty on TCG lol if this isn't out yet then Adreus..ugh)
+1 Levair
+1 Arcanite Magician
+1 [drawing a mad blank here] So I'll just say Crystal Alien for now (its in my deck but my deck isn't competitive lol

Also Magi Magi is out...*runs to amend another thread* lol

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