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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1341367291' post='5966780']
The picture for the knight that's helping Elzira isn't working. Don't know if it matters to you but I thought I'd let you know.
It matters. He's a very cool looking man. xD

Can you click this?

[b]Also, Posted.[/b]

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[quote name='.:Blu:.' timestamp='1341369927' post='5966804']
Try Kaka's link Hotaru, I'll replace the link as well just in case

[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1341370029' post='5966806']
Wah! Thank you! And he is very cool looking. ^^
It's funny because i just reposted the same link Blu used only without the [url] thing. xD

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Hehe well it might have helped that I used a different browser. Thought he link didn't work on firefox it worked on google chrome so...yeah...

Also I kind of got word happy with my post. I was trying to give her that princess-y feel, but yeah.....Hope it's good.

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Alexander is probably the most nervous person you'll ever meet. He's really nervous about being able to live up to Cael's expectations, since he doesn't want to let one of the few people who actually cares about him down.

You see more of his nervous side around Ikeno and Cael, and more of his reserved side around basically everyone else.

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[quote name='Cherry_Blossom' timestamp='1341376054' post='5966870']
wow, my cpmputer is verry odd. I thought the post never went through. >.<
That happened with my previous post in the OOC. We should kill our browsers and our browsers' families together.

Anyway, I wander if I'm going to get a chance to get in a second or third post tonight.

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[quote name='.:Blu:.' timestamp='1341376916' post='5966883']
If Cherry posts, I'll get working on my post and it shouldn't take too long. So a 2nd post is possible. That is if you and Cherry don't murder you guys' browsers first >.>
It's cool. I can run with Safari or Firefox so I have a backup.

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Google Chrome is working swimmingly for me, personally. I dunno what you guys are using...Hopefully not IE or Safari.

Also, I hope I can post again tonight...Alexander needs to get a better foothold in the world of Odiad.

...I also just realized that now is the time I said I'd probably get my app in...6 hours after I actually turned it in.

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